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function lingotek_node_view in Lingotek Translation 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.7 lingotek.module \lingotek_node_view()
  2. 7.2 lingotek.module \lingotek_node_view()
  3. 7.3 lingotek.module \lingotek_node_view()
  4. 7.4 lingotek.module \lingotek_node_view()
  5. 7.5 lingotek.module \lingotek_node_view()
  6. 7.6 lingotek.module \lingotek_node_view()
1 call to lingotek_node_view()
lingotek_nodeapi in ./lingotek.module


./lingotek.module, line 169


function lingotek_node_view($node, $view_mode) {
  global $_lingotek_client, $_lingotek_locale;

  //Make sure we are looking at targets relative to the source language.
  $source = $node;
  if ($node->tnid) {
    $source = node_load(array(
      'nid' => $node->tnid,

  //If the source Node has been deleted, prevent further community translation:
  if ($source) {
    if (!lingotek_lingonode($source->nid, 'document_id')) {
      if ($_lingotek_client
        ->canLogIn()) {

        //Update the node's information with what Lingotek has on it's translation progress.
        $translations = lingotek_node_get_translations($node->tnid);
        foreach ($translations as $target) {
          lingotek_download_document($node, $target);
  if ($node->tnid && $node->tnid != $node->nid && $view_mode == 'full') {
    if (lingotek_do_cache() && ($cache = cache_get('lingotek_' + $node->nid + '_link')) && !empty($cache->data) && time() < $cache->expire) {
      $link = $cache->data;
    else {
      $doc_id = lingotek_lingonode($node->tnid, 'document_id');
      $output = $_lingotek_client
        ->request('listTranslationTargets', array(
        'documentId' => $doc_id,
      if ($output->results == "success") {
        foreach ($output->translationTargets as $target) {
          if ($target->language == $_lingotek_locale[$node->language]) {
            $this_target = $target;
        $which_phase = 0;

        //Must be returned in order:
        foreach ($this_target->phases as $phase) {
          if ($phase->percentComplete < 100) {
            $phase_id = $phase->id;

        //Should we download at this point automatically at 100%?:

        //TODO: This is delayed until a second refresh. Once to download, once to display changes...
        if ($which_phase == count($this_target->phases)) {
          if (!lingotek_lingonode($node->nid, "downloaded")) {
            $source_node = node_load(array(
              'nid' => $node->tnid,
            lingotek_download_document($source_node, $node, TRUE);
            lingotek_lingonode($node->nid, "downloaded", TRUE);
        else {

          //We only want to give this message until they reach 100%:
          $message .= t('The translation of %title is still being worked on.', array(
            '%title' => $node->title,
          )) . " ";
          $message .= lingotek_workbench_phase_link($doc_id, $phase_id, t("Help make it better.")) . "&nbsp;";
          if (user_access('view content progress tab')) {
            $message .= '<span style="font-size: 80%">[' . l(t('progress'), 'node/' . $node->nid . '/lingotek_pm', array(
              'html' => true,
            )) . ']</span>';
      $link = array(
        'which_phase' => $which_phase,
        'message' => $message,
      cache_set('lingotek_' + $node->nid + '_link', $link, 'cache', time() + 900);
    if (user_access('translate content') && $link['which_phase'] == 0 || user_access('review translations') && $link['which_phase'] != 0) {