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10 calls to lingotek_get_profiles() in Lingotek Translation 7.7

lingotek_admin_profile_manage in ./
lingotek_bulk_grid_parse_table_data in ./
lingotek_entity_info_alter in ./lingotek.module
Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
lingotek_get_enabled_entities_by_type in ./
Get all entities enabled for Lingotek, by entity type
lingotek_get_language_override_form in ./lingotek.module
Display the Lingotek language-override form field
lingotek_get_profiles_by_name in ./lingotek.module
Return all profiles in an associative array, by name
lingotek_get_profile_options in ./lingotek.module
lingotek_grid_build_filters in ./
Builds the form elements for the filters.
lingotek_load_profile_defaults in ./
Gets the default profile info, mapped by entity type
lingotek_set_target_language in ./
Sets the extended target language locale in the languages table and whether or not it is enabled