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8 calls to lingotek_get_profiles() in Lingotek Translation 7.4

lingotek_admin_node_translation_settings_form in ./
Content translation form
lingotek_admin_profiles_form in ./
lingotek_admin_profile_manage in ./
lingotek_get_node_settings_form in ./lingotek.module
lingotek_grid_build_filters in ./
Builds the form elements for the filters.
lingotek_grid_get_rows in ./
Dynamic query processing function for the grid Since the header defines which columns are shown, this query gets all possible values and refines the header using the columns selected in the UI The filters are also processed here
lingotek_load_profile_defaults in ./
Gets the default profile info, mapped by entity type
lingotek_node_load in ./lingotek.module
Implements hook_node_load().