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25 calls to lingotek_entity_load_single() in Lingotek Translation 7.7

lingotek_add_language_specific_targets in ./
Adds a languages specific target to the TMS
lingotek_cleanup_message_types in ./
Set all message types with empty or undefined languages to be the site's default language
lingotek_cleanup_notify_entity_translation in ./
Report all Lingotek translations to the Entity Translation module
lingotek_entity_download in ./lingotek.module
lingotek_entity_download_triggered in ./lingotek.module
lingotek_entity_upload in ./lingotek.module
lingotek_field_language_data_cleanup_update_entity in ./
Ensures correct language-specific field data for the specified item.
lingotek_form_node_form_alter in ./lingotek.module
Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter().
lingotek_get_fc_parent in ./lingotek.module
lingotek_get_languages in ./
lingotek_get_node_settings_form in ./lingotek.module
Display the Lingotek node-settings form
lingotek_get_node_settings_form_submit in ./lingotek.module
lingotek_get_paragraph_parent_info in ./
Get a paragraph's parent entity info
lingotek_get_paragraph_snippet in ./
lingotek_get_source_node in ./
lingotek_get_sync_download_batch_elements in ./
Sync - Download Batch Elements: Creates the batch elements for nodes/documents that need to be downloaded.
lingotek_get_trans_obj in ./
lingotek_is_node_translation in ./
Return the translation source node ID, if it exists, FALSE otherwise
lingotek_node_delete in ./lingotek.module
Implements hook_node_delete().
lingotek_process_field_collection_xml in ./
lingotek_render_source_current_icon_link in ./
lingotek_render_title in ./
lingotek_rules_entity_upload in ./
lingotek_source_language_cleanup_batch_worker in ./
Batch API worker for changing the entity's language setting.
lingotek_xml_fields in ./