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function lingotek_get_type_field_mapping in Lingotek Translation 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 \lingotek_get_type_field_mapping()
  2. 7.4 \lingotek_get_type_field_mapping()

Returns an array that maps a content_type to one (and just 1) of its translated fields. We can then use that array to track how many nodes have been translated.


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function lingotek_get_type_field_mapping($node_type = NULL) {
  $type_field_mapping = array();

  // Keep as an array, cause you have to loop it for each content type time you do a count.
  $node_types = lingotek_translatable_node_types();

  // These are the node types marked for translation.  I need 1 field from each to count off of.
  $node_fields = lingotek_translatable_node_field_details();

  // These are the fields that are translated.

  //debug( $node_types );

  //debug( $node_fields );

  // Match a translated node_type up with a translated node_field, and grab the db_table where its data is stored so we can query off of it.
  foreach ($node_types as $type) {

    //debug( $type );

    // Look for that type in one of the field bundles.
    foreach ($node_fields as $field) {

      //debug( $field );

      // Is this type, listed in the bundles for this field?  ie:  does this type, use this field?
      if (in_array($type, $field['bundles'])) {

        //debug( 'The Type: ' . $type . ' Uses the field: ' . $field['machine_name'] );
        $type_field_mapping[$type] = $field['db_table'];

        // Get a db table for this field that we can do a language count off of it.

        // Only need one field, bail on this loop.

    // END:  loop fields

  // END:  loop types
  return $type_field_mapping;