class LingotekAccount in Lingotek Translation 7.4
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 7.7 lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekAccount.php \LingotekAccount
- 7.2 lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekAccount.php \LingotekAccount
- 7.3 lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekAccount.php \LingotekAccount
- 7.5 lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekAccount.php \LingotekAccount
- 7.6 lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekAccount.php \LingotekAccount
A class representing a Lingotek Account
The Account class works off a locally cached copy of the account information, so it doesnt have to query the billing server very often.
- class \LingotekAccount
Expanded class hierarchy of LingotekAccount
- lib/
Drupal/ lingotek/ LingotekAccount.php, line 13 - Defines LingotekAccount.
View source
class LingotekAccount {
const NOT_FOUND = 'not_found';
const ACTIVE = 'active';
const UNKNOWN = 'unknown';
const NONE = 'none';
const ENTERPRISE = 'enterprise';
* Holds the static instance of the singleton object.
* @var LingotekAccount
private static $instance;
private $status;
private $plan;
private $planType;
* Constructor.
* Sets default values
public function __construct() {
$this->status = self::UNKNOWN;
$this->planType = self::UNKNOWN;
// Load the Current Account Status from Cached local Drupal information.
//$current_status = variable_get('lingotek_account_status', NULL);
//$current_plan_type = variable_get('lingotek_account_plan_type', NULL);
// assume an standard active account avoid call to billing
$current_status = variable_get('lingotek_account_status', self::ACTIVE);
$current_plan_type = variable_get('lingotek_account_plan_type', 'standard');
if (isset($current_status) && isset($current_plan_type)) {
else {
// If the Account data isn't cached locally pull it down.
* Gets the singleton instance of the Account class.
* @return LingotekAccount
* An instantiated LingotekAccount object.
public static function instance() {
if (!isset(self::$instance)) {
$class_name = __CLASS__;
self::$instance = new $class_name();
return self::$instance;
public function setStatus($value = 'inactive') {
$this->status = $value;
public function getStatus() {
return $this->status;
public function getStatusText() {
return $this->status == 'active' ? '<span style="color: green;">' . t('Active') . '</span>' : '<span style="color: red;">' . t('Inactive') . '</span>';
public function setPlan($plan) {
$this->plan = $plan;
if (is_object($plan) && isset($plan->type)) {
public function getPlan() {
return $this->plan;
public function setPlanType($type = 'unknown') {
variable_set('lingotek_account_plan_type', $type);
$standard_types = array(
// if in this list, then set to 'standard'
$type = in_array($type, $standard_types) ? 'standard' : $type;
$this->planType = $type;
public function getPlanType() {
return $this->planType;
public function isPlanType($type) {
// isPlanType type values: 'enterprise', 'standard'
$account_type = $this
return strcasecmp($type, $account_type) == 0;
public function getPlanTypeText() {
$plan_pieces = explode('_', $this
$details = ucwords(end($plan_pieces));
// e.g., Enterprise, Monthly, Yearly
return $details;
public function isEnterprise() {
return $this
public function getEnterpriseStatusText() {
return $this
->isPlanType(self::ENTERPRISE) ? '<span style="color: green;">Yes</span>' : '<span>No</span>';
* Get Account Status
* NOTE: You shouldnt need to call this directly. Its called in the constructor.
* Request: https://LINGOTEK_BILLING_SERVER/billing/account.json?community=B2MMD3X5&external_id=community_admin&oauth_key=28c279fa-28dc-452e-93af-68d194a2c366&oauth_secret=0e999486-3b4d-47e4-ba9a-d0f3f0bbda73
* Response: {"state":"active","plan":{"trial_ends_at":0,"state":"active","activated_at":1355267936,"type":"cosmopolitan_monthly","languages_allowed":2,"language_cost_per_period_in_cents":14900}}
* Will return FALSE or a json decoded object.
function getAccountStatus() {
$result = FALSE;
$parameters = array(
'community' => variable_get('lingotek_community_identifier', ''),
'external_id' => variable_get('lingotek_login_id', ''),
'oauth_key' => variable_get('lingotek_oauth_consumer_id', ''),
'oauth_secret' => variable_get('lingotek_oauth_consumer_secret', ''),
if (!empty($parameters['community']) && !empty($parameters['external_id']) && !empty($parameters['oauth_key']) && !empty($parameters['oauth_secret'])) {
$timer_name = 'GET -' . microtime(TRUE);
$ch = curl_init($api_url . '?' . http_build_query($parameters));
//curl_setopt( $ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, TRUE );
$response = curl_exec($ch);
$info = curl_getinfo($ch);
$response_json = json_decode($response);
//debug( $response ); //debug( $info );
$timer_results = timer_stop($timer_name);
$message_params = array(
'@url' => $api_url,
'@method' => 'GET account (billing API)',
'!params' => $parameters,
//'!request' => $request,
'!response' => $response_json,
'@response_time' => number_format($timer_results['time']) . ' ms',
if (isset($response_json) && $info['http_code'] == 200) {
// Did we get valid json data back? If not, $json is NULL.
//debug ( $json );
<strong>API URL:</strong> @url
<br /><strong>Response Time:</strong> @response_time<br /><strong>Request Params</strong>: !params<br /><strong>Response:</strong> !response', $message_params);
$response_data = $response;
$result = TRUE;
// Not Found - {"state":"not_found"} - Account isn't setup yet. The state after autoprovisioning a community, but before setting up your billing account.
if ($response_json->state == self::NOT_FOUND) {
elseif ($response_json->state == self::ACTIVE) {
variable_set('lingotek_account_status', self::ACTIVE);
if (is_object($response_json->plan)) {
// END: Plan
// END Active
else {
LingotekLog::error('<h1>@method (Failed)</h1>
<strong>API URL:</strong> @url
<br /><strong>Response Time:</strong> @response_time<br /><strong>Request Params</strong>: !params<br /><strong>Response:</strong> !response<br/><strong>Full Request:</strong> !request', $message_params, 'api');
// END: has credentials
return $result;