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function hook_lingotek_managed_entity_types_alter in Lingotek Translation 7.6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.7 \hook_lingotek_managed_entity_types_alter()

Alter the support for entity types within the Lingotek module.


array $enabled_types: An associative array containing the entities currently Lingotek-enabled.

bool $include_all: Whether all translatable entity types should be shown, or just the ones that should appear on the bulk-manage grid.

1 invocation of hook_lingotek_managed_entity_types_alter()
lingotek_managed_entity_types in ./
Return a whitelist of entity types supported for translation by the Lingotek module


./, line 65
Describe hooks provided by the Lingotek Translation module.


function hook_lingotek_managed_entity_types_alter(array &$enabled_types, $include_all) {