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class OAuthStorePostgreSQL in Lingotek Translation 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.7 lib/oauth-php/library/store/OAuthStorePostgreSQL.php \OAuthStorePostgreSQL
  2. 7.3 lib/oauth-php/library/store/OAuthStorePostgreSQL.php \OAuthStorePostgreSQL
  3. 7.4 lib/oauth-php/library/store/OAuthStorePostgreSQL.php \OAuthStorePostgreSQL
  4. 7.5 lib/oauth-php/library/store/OAuthStorePostgreSQL.php \OAuthStorePostgreSQL
  5. 7.6 lib/oauth-php/library/store/OAuthStorePostgreSQL.php \OAuthStorePostgreSQL


Expanded class hierarchy of OAuthStorePostgreSQL


lib/oauth-php/library/store/OAuthStorePostgreSQL.php, line 39

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class OAuthStorePostgreSQL extends OAuthStoreAbstract {

   * Maximum delta a timestamp may be off from a previous timestamp.
   * Allows multiple consumers with some clock skew to work with the same token.
   * Unit is seconds, default max skew is 10 minutes.
  protected $max_timestamp_skew = 600;

   * Default ttl for request tokens
  protected $max_request_token_ttl = 3600;

   * Number of affected rowsby the last queries
  private $_lastAffectedRows = 0;
  public function install() {
    throw new OAuthException2('Not yet implemented, see postgresql/pgsql.sql');

   * Construct the OAuthStorePostgrSQL.
   * In the options you have to supply either:
   * - server, username, password and database (for a pg_connect)
   * - connectionString (for a pg_connect)
   * - conn (for the connection to be used)
   * @param array options
  function __construct($options = array()) {
    if (isset($options['conn'])) {
      $this->conn = $options['conn'];
    else {
      if (isset($options['server'])) {
        $host = $options['server'];
        $user = $options['username'];
        $dbname = $options['database'];
        $connectionString = sprintf('host=%s dbname=%s user=%s', $host, $dbname, $user);
        if (isset($options['password'])) {
          $connectionString .= ' password=' . $options['password'];
        $this->conn = pg_connect($connectionString);
      elseif (isset($options['connectionString'])) {
        $this->conn = pg_connect($options['connectionString']);
      else {

        // Try the default  pg connect
        $this->conn = pg_connect();
      if ($this->conn === false) {
        throw new OAuthException2('Could not connect to PostgresSQL database');

   * Find stored credentials for the consumer key and token. Used by an OAuth server
   * when verifying an OAuth request.
   * @param string consumer_key
   * @param string token
   * @param string token_type        false, 'request' or 'access'
   * @exception OAuthException2 when no secrets where found
   * @return array    assoc (consumer_secret, token_secret, osr_id, ost_id, user_id)
  public function getSecretsForVerify($consumer_key, $token, $token_type = 'access') {
    if ($token_type === false) {
      $rs = $this
                        SELECT    osr_id,
                                osr_consumer_key        as consumer_key,
                                osr_consumer_secret        as consumer_secret
                        FROM oauth_server_registry
                        WHERE osr_consumer_key    = \'%s\'
                          AND osr_enabled        = \'1\'
                        ', $consumer_key);
      if ($rs) {
        $rs['token'] = false;
        $rs['token_secret'] = false;
        $rs['user_id'] = false;
        $rs['ost_id'] = false;
    else {
      $rs = $this
                        SELECT    osr_id,
                                ost_usa_id_ref            as user_id,
                                osr_consumer_key        as consumer_key,
                                osr_consumer_secret        as consumer_secret,
                                ost_token                as token,
                                ost_token_secret        as token_secret
                        FROM oauth_server_registry
                                JOIN oauth_server_token
                                ON ost_osr_id_ref = osr_id
                        WHERE ost_token_type    = \'%s\'
                          AND osr_consumer_key    = \'%s\'
                          AND ost_token            = \'%s\'
                           AND osr_enabled        = \'1\'
                          AND ost_token_ttl     >= NOW()
                        ', $token_type, $consumer_key, $token);
    if (empty($rs)) {
      throw new OAuthException2('The consumer_key "' . $consumer_key . '" token "' . $token . '" combination does not exist or is not enabled.');
    return $rs;

   * Find the server details for signing a request, always looks for an access token.
   * The returned credentials depend on which local user is making the request.
   * The consumer_key must belong to the user or be public (user id is null)
   * For signing we need all of the following:
   * consumer_key            consumer key associated with the server
   * consumer_secret        consumer secret associated with this server
   * token                access token associated with this server
   * token_secret            secret for the access token
   * signature_methods    signing methods supported by the server (array)
   * @todo filter on token type (we should know how and with what to sign this request, and there might be old access tokens)
   * @param string uri    uri of the server
   * @param int user_id    id of the logged on user
   * @param string name    (optional) name of the token (case sensitive)
   * @exception OAuthException2 when no credentials found
   * @return array
  public function getSecretsForSignature($uri, $user_id, $name = '') {

    // Find a consumer key and token for the given uri
    $ps = parse_url($uri);
    $host = isset($ps['host']) ? $ps['host'] : 'localhost';
    $path = isset($ps['path']) ? $ps['path'] : '';
    if (empty($path) || substr($path, -1) != '/') {
      $path .= '/';

    // The owner of the consumer_key is either the user or nobody (public consumer key)
    $secrets = $this
                    SELECT    ocr_consumer_key        as consumer_key,
                            ocr_consumer_secret        as consumer_secret,
                            oct_token                as token,
                            oct_token_secret        as token_secret,
                            ocr_signature_methods    as signature_methods
                    FROM oauth_consumer_registry
                        JOIN oauth_consumer_token ON oct_ocr_id_ref = ocr_id
                    WHERE ocr_server_uri_host = \'%s\'
                      AND ocr_server_uri_path = SUBSTR(\'%s\', 1, LENGTH(ocr_server_uri_path))
                      AND (ocr_usa_id_ref = \'%s\' OR ocr_usa_id_ref IS NULL)
                      AND oct_usa_id_ref      = \'%d\'
                      AND oct_token_type      = \'access\'
                      AND oct_name              = \'%s\'
                      AND oct_token_ttl       >= NOW()
                    ORDER BY ocr_usa_id_ref DESC, ocr_consumer_secret DESC, LENGTH(ocr_server_uri_path) DESC
                    LIMIT 1
                    ', $host, $path, $user_id, $user_id, $name);
    if (empty($secrets)) {
      throw new OAuthException2('No server tokens available for ' . $uri);
    $secrets['signature_methods'] = explode(',', $secrets['signature_methods']);
    return $secrets;

   * Get the token and token secret we obtained from a server.
   * @param string    consumer_key
   * @param string     token
   * @param string    token_type
   * @param int        user_id            the user owning the token
   * @param string    name            optional name for a named token
   * @exception OAuthException2 when no credentials found
   * @return array
  public function getServerTokenSecrets($consumer_key, $token, $token_type, $user_id, $name = '') {
    if ($token_type != 'request' && $token_type != 'access') {
      throw new OAuthException2('Unkown token type "' . $token_type . '", must be either "request" or "access"');

    // Take the most recent token of the given type
    $r = $this
                    SELECT    ocr_consumer_key        as consumer_key,
                            ocr_consumer_secret        as consumer_secret,
                            oct_token                as token,
                            oct_token_secret        as token_secret,
                            oct_name                as token_name,
                            ocr_signature_methods    as signature_methods,
                            ocr_server_uri            as server_uri,
                            ocr_request_token_uri    as request_token_uri,
                            ocr_authorize_uri        as authorize_uri,
                            ocr_access_token_uri    as access_token_uri,
                            CASE WHEN oct_token_ttl >= \'9999-12-31\' THEN NULL ELSE oct_token_ttl - NOW() END as token_ttl
                    FROM oauth_consumer_registry
                            JOIN oauth_consumer_token
                            ON oct_ocr_id_ref = ocr_id
                    WHERE ocr_consumer_key = \'%s\'
                      AND oct_token_type   = \'%s\'
                      AND oct_token        = \'%s\'
                      AND oct_usa_id_ref   = \'%d\'
                      AND oct_token_ttl    >= NOW()
                    ', $consumer_key, $token_type, $token, $user_id);
    if (empty($r)) {
      throw new OAuthException2('Could not find a "' . $token_type . '" token for consumer "' . $consumer_key . '" and user ' . $user_id);
    if (isset($r['signature_methods']) && !empty($r['signature_methods'])) {
      $r['signature_methods'] = explode(',', $r['signature_methods']);
    else {
      $r['signature_methods'] = array();
    return $r;

   * Add a request token we obtained from a server.
   * @todo remove old tokens for this user and this ocr_id
   * @param string consumer_key    key of the server in the consumer registry
   * @param string token_type        one of 'request' or 'access'
   * @param string token
   * @param string token_secret
   * @param int      user_id            the user owning the token
   * @param array  options            extra options, name and token_ttl
   * @exception OAuthException2 when server is not known
   * @exception OAuthException2 when we received a duplicate token
  public function addServerToken($consumer_key, $token_type, $token, $token_secret, $user_id, $options = array()) {
    if ($token_type != 'request' && $token_type != 'access') {
      throw new OAuthException2('Unknown token type "' . $token_type . '", must be either "request" or "access"');

    // Maximum time to live for this token
    if (isset($options['token_ttl']) && is_numeric($options['token_ttl'])) {
      $ttl = 'NOW() + INTERVAL \'' . intval($options['token_ttl']) . ' SECOND\'';
    else {
      if ($token_type == 'request') {
        $ttl = 'NOW() + INTERVAL \'' . $this->max_request_token_ttl . ' SECOND\'';
      else {
        $ttl = "'9999-12-31'";
    if (isset($options['server_uri'])) {
      $ocr_id = $this
                        SELECT ocr_id
                        FROM oauth_consumer_registry
                        WHERE ocr_consumer_key = \'%s\'
                        AND ocr_usa_id_ref = \'%d\'
                        AND ocr_server_uri = \'%s\'
                        ', $consumer_key, $user_id, $options['server_uri']);
    else {
      $ocr_id = $this
                        SELECT ocr_id
                        FROM oauth_consumer_registry
                        WHERE ocr_consumer_key = \'%s\'
                        AND ocr_usa_id_ref = \'%d\'
                        ', $consumer_key, $user_id);
    if (empty($ocr_id)) {
      throw new OAuthException2('No server associated with consumer_key "' . $consumer_key . '"');

    // Named tokens, unique per user/consumer key
    if (isset($options['name']) && $options['name'] != '') {
      $name = $options['name'];
    else {
      $name = '';

    // Delete any old tokens with the same type and name for this user/server combination
                    DELETE FROM oauth_consumer_token
                    WHERE oct_ocr_id_ref = %d
                      AND oct_usa_id_ref = \'%d\'
                      AND oct_token_type::text = LOWER(\'%s\')::text
                      AND oct_name       = \'%s\'
                    ', $ocr_id, $user_id, $token_type, $name);

    // Insert the new token
            INSERT INTO
               VALUES (%d,%d,\'%s\',\'%s\',\'%s\',\'%s\',NOW(),' . $ttl . ')', $ocr_id, $user_id, $name, $token, $token_secret, $token_type);
    if (!$this
      ->query_affected_rows()) {
      throw new OAuthException2('Received duplicate token "' . $token . '" for the same consumer_key "' . $consumer_key . '"');

   * Delete a server key.  This removes access to that site.
   * @param string consumer_key
   * @param int user_id    user registering this server
   * @param boolean user_is_admin
  public function deleteServer($consumer_key, $user_id, $user_is_admin = false) {
    if ($user_is_admin) {
                    DELETE FROM oauth_consumer_registry
                    WHERE ocr_consumer_key = \'%s\'
                      AND (ocr_usa_id_ref = \'%d\' OR ocr_usa_id_ref IS NULL)
                    ', $consumer_key, $user_id);
    else {
                    DELETE FROM oauth_consumer_registry
                    WHERE ocr_consumer_key = \'%s\'
                      AND ocr_usa_id_ref   = \'%d\'
                    ', $consumer_key, $user_id);

   * Get a server from the consumer registry using the consumer key
   * @param string consumer_key
   * @param int user_id
   * @param boolean user_is_admin (optional)
   * @exception OAuthException2 when server is not found
   * @return array
  public function getServer($consumer_key, $user_id, $user_is_admin = false) {
    $r = $this
                SELECT    ocr_id                    as id,
                        ocr_usa_id_ref            as user_id,
                        ocr_consumer_key         as consumer_key,
                        ocr_consumer_secret     as consumer_secret,
                        ocr_signature_methods    as signature_methods,
                        ocr_server_uri            as server_uri,
                        ocr_request_token_uri    as request_token_uri,
                        ocr_authorize_uri        as authorize_uri,
                        ocr_access_token_uri    as access_token_uri
                FROM oauth_consumer_registry
                WHERE ocr_consumer_key = \'%s\'
                  AND (ocr_usa_id_ref = \'%d\' OR ocr_usa_id_ref IS NULL)
                ', $consumer_key, $user_id);
    if (empty($r)) {
      throw new OAuthException2('No server with consumer_key "' . $consumer_key . '" has been registered (for this user)');
    if (isset($r['signature_methods']) && !empty($r['signature_methods'])) {
      $r['signature_methods'] = explode(',', $r['signature_methods']);
    else {
      $r['signature_methods'] = array();
    return $r;

   * Find the server details that might be used for a request
   * The consumer_key must belong to the user or be public (user id is null)
   * @param string uri    uri of the server
   * @param int user_id    id of the logged on user
   * @exception OAuthException2 when no credentials found
   * @return array
  public function getServerForUri($uri, $user_id) {

    // Find a consumer key and token for the given uri
    $ps = parse_url($uri);
    $host = isset($ps['host']) ? $ps['host'] : 'localhost';
    $path = isset($ps['path']) ? $ps['path'] : '';
    if (empty($path) || substr($path, -1) != '/') {
      $path .= '/';

    // The owner of the consumer_key is either the user or nobody (public consumer key)
    $server = $this
                    SELECT    ocr_id                    as id,
                            ocr_usa_id_ref            as user_id,
                            ocr_consumer_key        as consumer_key,
                            ocr_consumer_secret        as consumer_secret,
                            ocr_signature_methods    as signature_methods,
                            ocr_server_uri            as server_uri,
                            ocr_request_token_uri    as request_token_uri,
                            ocr_authorize_uri        as authorize_uri,
                            ocr_access_token_uri    as access_token_uri
                    FROM oauth_consumer_registry
                    WHERE ocr_server_uri_host = \'%s\'
                      AND ocr_server_uri_path = SUBSTR(\'%s\', 1, LENGTH(ocr_server_uri_path))
                      AND (ocr_usa_id_ref = \'%s\' OR ocr_usa_id_ref IS NULL)
                    ORDER BY ocr_usa_id_ref DESC, consumer_secret DESC, LENGTH(ocr_server_uri_path) DESC
                    LIMIT 1
                    ', $host, $path, $user_id);
    if (empty($server)) {
      throw new OAuthException2('No server available for ' . $uri);
    $server['signature_methods'] = explode(',', $server['signature_methods']);
    return $server;

   * Get a list of all server token this user has access to.
   * @param int usr_id
   * @return array
  public function listServerTokens($user_id) {
    $ts = $this
                    SELECT    ocr_consumer_key        as consumer_key,
                            ocr_consumer_secret        as consumer_secret,
                            oct_id                    as token_id,
                            oct_token                as token,
                            oct_token_secret        as token_secret,
                            oct_usa_id_ref            as user_id,
                            ocr_signature_methods    as signature_methods,
                            ocr_server_uri            as server_uri,
                            ocr_server_uri_host        as server_uri_host,
                            ocr_server_uri_path        as server_uri_path,
                            ocr_request_token_uri    as request_token_uri,
                            ocr_authorize_uri        as authorize_uri,
                            ocr_access_token_uri    as access_token_uri,
                            oct_timestamp            as timestamp
                    FROM oauth_consumer_registry
                            JOIN oauth_consumer_token
                            ON oct_ocr_id_ref = ocr_id
                    WHERE oct_usa_id_ref = \'%d\'
                      AND oct_token_type = \'access\'
                      AND oct_token_ttl  >= NOW()
                    ORDER BY ocr_server_uri_host, ocr_server_uri_path
                    ', $user_id);
    return $ts;

   * Count how many tokens we have for the given server
   * @param string consumer_key
   * @return int
  public function countServerTokens($consumer_key) {
    $count = $this
                    SELECT COUNT(oct_id)
                    FROM oauth_consumer_token
                            JOIN oauth_consumer_registry
                            ON oct_ocr_id_ref = ocr_id
                    WHERE oct_token_type   = \'access\'
                      AND ocr_consumer_key = \'%s\'
                      AND oct_token_ttl    >= NOW()
                    ', $consumer_key);
    return $count;

   * Get a specific server token for the given user
   * @param string consumer_key
   * @param string token
   * @param int user_id
   * @exception OAuthException2 when no such token found
   * @return array
  public function getServerToken($consumer_key, $token, $user_id) {
    $ts = $this
                    SELECT    ocr_consumer_key        as consumer_key,
                            ocr_consumer_secret        as consumer_secret,
                            oct_token                as token,
                            oct_token_secret        as token_secret,
                            oct_usa_id_ref            as usr_id,
                            ocr_signature_methods    as signature_methods,
                            ocr_server_uri            as server_uri,
                            ocr_server_uri_host        as server_uri_host,
                            ocr_server_uri_path        as server_uri_path,
                            ocr_request_token_uri    as request_token_uri,
                            ocr_authorize_uri        as authorize_uri,
                            ocr_access_token_uri    as access_token_uri,
                            oct_timestamp            as timestamp
                    FROM oauth_consumer_registry
                            JOIN oauth_consumer_token
                            ON oct_ocr_id_ref = ocr_id
                    WHERE ocr_consumer_key = \'%s\'
                      AND oct_usa_id_ref   = \'%d\'
                      AND oct_token_type   = \'access\'
                      AND oct_token        = \'%s\'
                      AND oct_token_ttl    >= NOW()
                    ', $consumer_key, $user_id, $token);
    if (empty($ts)) {
      throw new OAuthException2('No such consumer key (' . $consumer_key . ') and token (' . $token . ') combination for user "' . $user_id . '"');
    return $ts;

   * Delete a token we obtained from a server.
   * @param string consumer_key
   * @param string token
   * @param int user_id
   * @param boolean user_is_admin
  public function deleteServerToken($consumer_key, $token, $user_id, $user_is_admin = false) {
    if ($user_is_admin) {
                DELETE FROM oauth_consumer_token
                    USING oauth_consumer_registry
                    oct_ocr_id_ref = ocr_id
                    AND ocr_consumer_key    = \'%s\'
                    AND oct_token            = \'%s\'
                ', $consumer_key, $token);
    else {
                DELETE FROM oauth_consumer_token
                    USING oauth_consumer_registry
                    oct_ocr_id_ref = ocr_id
                    AND ocr_consumer_key    = \'%s\'
                    AND oct_token            = \'%s\'
                    AND oct_usa_id_ref    = \'%d\'
                ', $consumer_key, $token, $user_id);

   * Set the ttl of a server access token.  This is done when the
   * server receives a valid request with a xoauth_token_ttl parameter in it.
   * @param string consumer_key
   * @param string token
   * @param int token_ttl
  public function setServerTokenTtl($consumer_key, $token, $token_ttl) {
    if ($token_ttl <= 0) {

      // Immediate delete when the token is past its ttl
        ->deleteServerToken($consumer_key, $token, 0, true);
    else {

      // Set maximum time to live for this token
                        UPDATE oauth_consumer_token
                        SET ost_token_ttl = (NOW() + INTERVAL \'%d SECOND\')
                        WHERE ocr_consumer_key    = \'%s\'
                          AND oct_ocr_id_ref    = ocr_id
                          AND oct_token         = \'%s\'
                          ', $token_ttl, $consumer_key, $token);

      // Set maximum time to live for this token
                        UPDATE oauth_consumer_registry
                        SET ost_token_ttl = (NOW() + INTERVAL \'%d SECOND\')
                        WHERE ocr_consumer_key    = \'%s\'
                          AND oct_ocr_id_ref    = ocr_id
                          AND oct_token         = \'%s\'
                        ', $token_ttl, $consumer_key, $token);

   * Get a list of all consumers from the consumer registry.
   * The consumer keys belong to the user or are public (user id is null)
   * @param string q    query term
   * @param int user_id
   * @return array
  public function listServers($q = '', $user_id) {
    $q = trim(str_replace('%', '', $q));
    $args = array();
    if (!empty($q)) {
      $where = ' WHERE (    ocr_consumer_key like \'%%%s%%\'
                               OR ocr_server_uri like \'%%%s%%\'
                               OR ocr_server_uri_host like \'%%%s%%\'
                               OR ocr_server_uri_path like \'%%%s%%\')
                         AND (ocr_usa_id_ref = \'%d\' OR ocr_usa_id_ref IS NULL)
      $args[] = $q;
      $args[] = $q;
      $args[] = $q;
      $args[] = $q;
      $args[] = $user_id;
    else {
      $where = ' WHERE ocr_usa_id_ref = \'%d\' OR ocr_usa_id_ref IS NULL';
      $args[] = $user_id;
    $servers = $this
                    SELECT    ocr_id                    as id,
                            ocr_usa_id_ref            as user_id,
                            ocr_consumer_key         as consumer_key,
                            ocr_consumer_secret     as consumer_secret,
                            ocr_signature_methods    as signature_methods,
                            ocr_server_uri            as server_uri,
                            ocr_server_uri_host        as server_uri_host,
                            ocr_server_uri_path        as server_uri_path,
                            ocr_request_token_uri    as request_token_uri,
                            ocr_authorize_uri        as authorize_uri,
                            ocr_access_token_uri    as access_token_uri
                    FROM oauth_consumer_registry
                    ' . $where . '
                    ORDER BY ocr_server_uri_host, ocr_server_uri_path
                    ', $args);
    return $servers;

   * Register or update a server for our site (we will be the consumer)
   * (This is the registry at the consumers, registering servers ;-) )
   * @param array server
   * @param int user_id    user registering this server
   * @param boolean user_is_admin
   * @exception OAuthException2 when fields are missing or on duplicate consumer_key
   * @return consumer_key
  public function updateServer($server, $user_id, $user_is_admin = false) {
    foreach (array(
    ) as $f) {
      if (empty($server[$f])) {
        throw new OAuthException2('The field "' . $f . '" must be set and non empty');
    if (!empty($server['id'])) {
      $exists = $this
                        SELECT ocr_id
                        FROM oauth_consumer_registry
                        WHERE ocr_consumer_key = \'%s\'
                          AND ocr_id <> %d
                          AND (ocr_usa_id_ref = \'%d\' OR ocr_usa_id_ref IS NULL)
                        ', $server['consumer_key'], $server['id'], $user_id);
    else {
      $exists = $this
                        SELECT ocr_id
                        FROM oauth_consumer_registry
                        WHERE ocr_consumer_key = \'%s\'
                          AND (ocr_usa_id_ref = \'%d\' OR ocr_usa_id_ref IS NULL)
                        ', $server['consumer_key'], $user_id);
    if ($exists) {
      throw new OAuthException2('The server with key "' . $server['consumer_key'] . '" has already been registered');
    $parts = parse_url($server['server_uri']);
    $host = isset($parts['host']) ? $parts['host'] : 'localhost';
    $path = isset($parts['path']) ? $parts['path'] : '/';
    if (isset($server['signature_methods'])) {
      if (is_array($server['signature_methods'])) {
        $server['signature_methods'] = strtoupper(implode(',', $server['signature_methods']));
    else {
      $server['signature_methods'] = '';

    // When the user is an admin, then the user can update the user_id of this record
    if ($user_is_admin && array_key_exists('user_id', $server)) {
      if (is_null($server['user_id'])) {
        $update_user = ', ocr_usa_id_ref = NULL';
      else {
        $update_user = ', ocr_usa_id_ref = \'' . intval($server['user_id']) . '\'';
    else {
      $update_user = '';
    if (!empty($server['id'])) {

      // Check if the current user can update this server definition
      if (!$user_is_admin) {
        $ocr_usa_id_ref = $this
                                    SELECT ocr_usa_id_ref
                                    FROM oauth_consumer_registry
                                    WHERE ocr_id = %d
                                    ', $server['id']);
        if ($ocr_usa_id_ref != $user_id) {
          throw new OAuthException2('The user "' . $user_id . '" is not allowed to update this server');

      // Update the consumer registration
                    UPDATE oauth_consumer_registry
                    SET ocr_consumer_key        = \'%s\',
                        ocr_consumer_secret     = \'%s\',
                        ocr_server_uri            = \'%s\',
                        ocr_server_uri_host     = \'%s\',
                        ocr_server_uri_path     = \'%s\',
                        ocr_timestamp           = NOW(),
                        ocr_request_token_uri    = \'%s\',
                        ocr_authorize_uri        = \'%s\',
                        ocr_access_token_uri    = \'%s\',
                        ocr_signature_methods    = \'%s\'
                        ' . $update_user . '
                    WHERE ocr_id = %d
                    ', $server['consumer_key'], $server['consumer_secret'], $server['server_uri'], strtolower($host), $path, isset($server['request_token_uri']) ? $server['request_token_uri'] : '', isset($server['authorize_uri']) ? $server['authorize_uri'] : '', isset($server['access_token_uri']) ? $server['access_token_uri'] : '', $server['signature_methods'], $server['id']);
    else {
      $update_user_field = '';
      $update_user_value = '';
      if (empty($update_user)) {

        // Per default the user owning the key is the user registering the key
        $update_user_field = ', ocr_usa_id_ref';
        $update_user_value = ', ' . intval($user_id);
                INSERT INTO oauth_consumer_registry (
                    ocr_consumer_key     ,
                    ocr_consumer_secret  ,
                    ocr_server_uri         ,
                    ocr_server_uri_host  ,
                    ocr_server_uri_path  ,
                    ocr_timestamp        ,
                    ocr_authorize_uri     ,
                    ocr_access_token_uri ,
                    ocr_signature_methods' . $update_user_field . '
                VALUES (\'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', NOW(), \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\'' . $update_user_value . ')', $server['consumer_key'], $server['consumer_secret'], $server['server_uri'], strtolower($host), $path, isset($server['request_token_uri']) ? $server['request_token_uri'] : '', isset($server['authorize_uri']) ? $server['authorize_uri'] : '', isset($server['access_token_uri']) ? $server['access_token_uri'] : '', $server['signature_methods']);
      $ocr_id = $this
        ->query_insert_id('oauth_consumer_registry', 'ocr_id');
    return $server['consumer_key'];

   * Insert/update a new consumer with this server (we will be the server)
   * When this is a new consumer, then also generate the consumer key and secret.
   * Never updates the consumer key and secret.
   * When the id is set, then the key and secret must correspond to the entry
   * being updated.
   * (This is the registry at the server, registering consumers ;-) )
   * @param array consumer
   * @param int user_id    user registering this consumer
   * @param boolean user_is_admin
   * @return string consumer key
  public function updateConsumer($consumer, $user_id, $user_is_admin = false) {
    if (!$user_is_admin) {
      foreach (array(
      ) as $f) {
        if (empty($consumer[$f])) {
          throw new OAuthException2('The field "' . $f . '" must be set and non empty');
    if (!empty($consumer['id'])) {
      if (empty($consumer['consumer_key'])) {
        throw new OAuthException2('The field "consumer_key" must be set and non empty');
      if (!$user_is_admin && empty($consumer['consumer_secret'])) {
        throw new OAuthException2('The field "consumer_secret" must be set and non empty');

      // Check if the current user can update this server definition
      if (!$user_is_admin) {
        $osr_usa_id_ref = $this
                                    SELECT osr_usa_id_ref
                                    FROM oauth_server_registry
                                    WHERE osr_id = %d
                                    ', $consumer['id']);
        if ($osr_usa_id_ref != $user_id) {
          throw new OAuthException2('The user "' . $user_id . '" is not allowed to update this consumer');
      else {

        // User is an admin, allow a key owner to be changed or key to be shared
        if (array_key_exists('user_id', $consumer)) {
          if (is_null($consumer['user_id'])) {
                            UPDATE oauth_server_registry
                            SET osr_usa_id_ref = NULL
                            WHERE osr_id = %d
                            ', $consumer['id']);
          else {
                            UPDATE oauth_server_registry
                            SET osr_usa_id_ref = \'%d\'
                            WHERE osr_id = %d
                            ', $consumer['user_id'], $consumer['id']);
                UPDATE oauth_server_registry
                SET osr_requester_name        = \'%s\',
                    osr_requester_email        = \'%s\',
                    osr_callback_uri        = \'%s\',
                    osr_application_uri        = \'%s\',
                    osr_application_title    = \'%s\',
                    osr_application_descr    = \'%s\',
                    osr_application_notes    = \'%s\',
                    osr_application_type    = \'%s\',
                    osr_application_commercial = IF(%d,\'1\',\'0\'),
                    osr_timestamp            = NOW()
                WHERE osr_id              = %d
                  AND osr_consumer_key    = \'%s\'
                  AND osr_consumer_secret = \'%s\'
                ', $consumer['requester_name'], $consumer['requester_email'], isset($consumer['callback_uri']) ? $consumer['callback_uri'] : '', isset($consumer['application_uri']) ? $consumer['application_uri'] : '', isset($consumer['application_title']) ? $consumer['application_title'] : '', isset($consumer['application_descr']) ? $consumer['application_descr'] : '', isset($consumer['application_notes']) ? $consumer['application_notes'] : '', isset($consumer['application_type']) ? $consumer['application_type'] : '', isset($consumer['application_commercial']) ? $consumer['application_commercial'] : 0, $consumer['id'], $consumer['consumer_key'], $consumer['consumer_secret']);
      $consumer_key = $consumer['consumer_key'];
    else {
      $consumer_key = $this
      $consumer_secret = $this

      // When the user is an admin, then the user can be forced to something else that the user
      if ($user_is_admin && array_key_exists('user_id', $consumer)) {
        if (is_null($consumer['user_id'])) {
          $owner_id = 'NULL';
        else {
          $owner_id = intval($consumer['user_id']);
      else {

        // No admin, take the user id as the owner id.
        $owner_id = intval($user_id);
                INSERT INTO oauth_server_registry (
                VALUES (\'1\', \'active\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%d\', NOW(), NOW())
                ', $owner_id, $consumer_key, $consumer_secret, $consumer['requester_name'], $consumer['requester_email'], isset($consumer['callback_uri']) ? $consumer['callback_uri'] : '', isset($consumer['application_uri']) ? $consumer['application_uri'] : '', isset($consumer['application_title']) ? $consumer['application_title'] : '', isset($consumer['application_descr']) ? $consumer['application_descr'] : '', isset($consumer['application_notes']) ? $consumer['application_notes'] : '', isset($consumer['application_type']) ? $consumer['application_type'] : '', isset($consumer['application_commercial']) ? $consumer['application_commercial'] : 0);
    return $consumer_key;

   * Delete a consumer key.  This removes access to our site for all applications using this key.
   * @param string consumer_key
   * @param int user_id    user registering this server
   * @param boolean user_is_admin
  public function deleteConsumer($consumer_key, $user_id, $user_is_admin = false) {
    if ($user_is_admin) {
                    DELETE FROM oauth_server_registry
                    WHERE osr_consumer_key = \'%s\'
                      AND (osr_usa_id_ref = \'%d\' OR osr_usa_id_ref IS NULL)
                    ', $consumer_key, $user_id);
    else {
                    DELETE FROM oauth_server_registry
                    WHERE osr_consumer_key = \'%s\'
                      AND osr_usa_id_ref   = \'%d\'
                    ', $consumer_key, $user_id);

   * Fetch a consumer of this server, by consumer_key.
   * @param string consumer_key
   * @param int user_id
   * @param boolean user_is_admin (optional)
   * @exception OAuthException2 when consumer not found
   * @return array
  public function getConsumer($consumer_key, $user_id, $user_is_admin = false) {
    $consumer = $this
                        SELECT    *
                        FROM oauth_server_registry
                        WHERE osr_consumer_key = \'%s\'
                        ', $consumer_key);
    if (!is_array($consumer)) {
      throw new OAuthException2('No consumer with consumer_key "' . $consumer_key . '"');
    $c = array();
    foreach ($consumer as $key => $value) {
      $c[substr($key, 4)] = $value;
    $c['user_id'] = $c['usa_id_ref'];
    if (!$user_is_admin && !empty($c['user_id']) && $c['user_id'] != $user_id) {
      throw new OAuthException2('No access to the consumer information for consumer_key "' . $consumer_key . '"');
    return $c;

   * Fetch the static consumer key for this provider.  The user for the static consumer
   * key is NULL (no user, shared key).  If the key did not exist then the key is created.
   * @return string
  public function getConsumerStatic() {
    $consumer = $this
                        SELECT osr_consumer_key
                        FROM oauth_server_registry
                        WHERE osr_consumer_key LIKE \'sc-%%\'
                          AND osr_usa_id_ref IS NULL
    if (empty($consumer)) {
      $consumer_key = 'sc-' . $this
                INSERT INTO oauth_server_registry (
                VALUES (\'1\',\'active\', NULL, \'%s\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'\', \'Static shared consumer key\', \'\', \'Static shared consumer key\', \'\', 0, NOW(), NOW())
                ', $consumer_key);

      // Just make sure that if the consumer key is truncated that we get the truncated string
      $consumer = $this
    return $consumer;

   * Add an unautorized request token to our server.
   * @param string consumer_key
   * @param array options        (eg. token_ttl)
   * @return array (token, token_secret)
  public function addConsumerRequestToken($consumer_key, $options = array()) {
    $token = $this
    $secret = $this
    $osr_id = $this
                        SELECT osr_id
                        FROM oauth_server_registry
                        WHERE osr_consumer_key = \'%s\'
                          AND osr_enabled      = \'1\'
                        ', $consumer_key);
    if (!$osr_id) {
      throw new OAuthException2('No server with consumer_key "' . $consumer_key . '" or consumer_key is disabled');
    if (isset($options['token_ttl']) && is_numeric($options['token_ttl'])) {
      $ttl = intval($options['token_ttl']);
    else {
      $ttl = $this->max_request_token_ttl;
    if (!isset($options['oauth_callback'])) {

      // 1.0a Compatibility : store callback url associated with request token
      $options['oauth_callback'] = 'oob';
            INSERT INTO oauth_server_token (
            VALUES (%d, \'1\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'request\', NOW() + INTERVAL \'%d SECOND\', \'%s\')', $osr_id, $token, $secret, $ttl, $options['oauth_callback']);
    return array(
      'token' => $token,
      'token_secret' => $secret,
      'token_ttl' => $ttl,

   * Fetch the consumer request token, by request token.
   * @param string token
   * @return array  token and consumer details
  public function getConsumerRequestToken($token) {
    $rs = $this
                SELECT    ost_token            as token,
                        ost_token_secret    as token_secret,
                        osr_consumer_key    as consumer_key,
                        osr_consumer_secret    as consumer_secret,
                        ost_token_type        as token_type,
                         ost_callback_url    as callback_url,
                         osr_application_title as application_title,
                         osr_application_descr as application_descr,
                         osr_application_uri   as application_uri
                FROM oauth_server_token
                        JOIN oauth_server_registry
                        ON ost_osr_id_ref = osr_id
                WHERE ost_token_type = \'request\'
                  AND ost_token      = \'%s\'
                  AND ost_token_ttl  >= NOW()
                ', $token);
    return $rs;

   * Delete a consumer token.  The token must be a request or authorized token.
   * @param string token
  public function deleteConsumerRequestToken($token) {
                    DELETE FROM oauth_server_token
                    WHERE ost_token      = \'%s\'
                      AND ost_token_type = \'request\'
                    ', $token);

   * Upgrade a request token to be an authorized request token.
   * @param string token
   * @param int     user_id  user authorizing the token
   * @param string referrer_host used to set the referrer host for this token, for user feedback
  public function authorizeConsumerRequestToken($token, $user_id, $referrer_host = '') {

    // 1.0a Compatibility : create a token verifier
    $verifier = substr(md5(rand()), 0, 10);
                    UPDATE oauth_server_token
                    SET ost_authorized    = \'1\',
                        ost_usa_id_ref    = \'%d\',
                        ost_timestamp     = NOW(),
                        ost_referrer_host = \'%s\',
                        ost_verifier      = \'%s\'
                    WHERE ost_token      = \'%s\'
                      AND ost_token_type = \'request\'
                    ', $user_id, $referrer_host, $verifier, $token);
    return $verifier;

   * Count the consumer access tokens for the given consumer.
   * @param string consumer_key
   * @return int
  public function countConsumerAccessTokens($consumer_key) {
    $count = $this
                    SELECT COUNT(ost_id)
                    FROM oauth_server_token
                            JOIN oauth_server_registry
                            ON ost_osr_id_ref = osr_id
                    WHERE ost_token_type   = \'access\'
                      AND osr_consumer_key = \'%s\'
                      AND ost_token_ttl    >= NOW()
                    ', $consumer_key);
    return $count;

   * Exchange an authorized request token for new access token.
   * @param string token
   * @param array options        options for the token, token_ttl
   * @exception OAuthException2 when token could not be exchanged
   * @return array (token, token_secret)
  public function exchangeConsumerRequestForAccessToken($token, $options = array()) {
    $new_token = $this
    $new_secret = $this

    // Maximum time to live for this token
    if (isset($options['token_ttl']) && is_numeric($options['token_ttl'])) {
      $ttl_sql = '(NOW() + INTERVAL \'' . intval($options['token_ttl']) . ' SECOND\')';
    else {
      $ttl_sql = "'9999-12-31'";
    if (isset($options['verifier'])) {
      $verifier = $options['verifier'];

      // 1.0a Compatibility : check token against oauth_verifier
                         UPDATE oauth_server_token
                         SET ost_token            = \'%s\',
                             ost_token_secret    = \'%s\',
                             ost_token_type        = \'access\',
                             ost_timestamp        = NOW(),
                             ost_token_ttl       = ' . $ttl_sql . '
                         WHERE ost_token      = \'%s\'
                           AND ost_token_type = \'request\'
                           AND ost_authorized = \'1\'
                           AND ost_token_ttl  >= NOW()
                           AND ost_verifier = \'%s\'
                         ', $new_token, $new_secret, $token, $verifier);
    else {

      // 1.0
                         UPDATE oauth_server_token
                         SET ost_token            = \'%s\',
                             ost_token_secret    = \'%s\',
                             ost_token_type        = \'access\',
                             ost_timestamp        = NOW(),
                             ost_token_ttl       = ' . $ttl_sql . '
                         WHERE ost_token      = \'%s\'
                           AND ost_token_type = \'request\'
                           AND ost_authorized = \'1\'
                           AND ost_token_ttl  >= NOW()
                         ', $new_token, $new_secret, $token);
    if ($this
      ->query_affected_rows() != 1) {
      throw new OAuthException2('Can\'t exchange request token "' . $token . '" for access token. No such token or not authorized');
    $ret = array(
      'token' => $new_token,
      'token_secret' => $new_secret,
    $ttl = $this
                    SELECT    (CASE WHEN ost_token_ttl >= \'9999-12-31\' THEN NULL ELSE ost_token_ttl - NOW() END) as token_ttl
                    FROM oauth_server_token
                    WHERE ost_token = \'%s\'', $new_token);
    if (is_numeric($ttl)) {
      $ret['token_ttl'] = intval($ttl);
    return $ret;

   * Fetch the consumer access token, by access token.
   * @param string token
   * @param int user_id
   * @exception OAuthException2 when token is not found
   * @return array  token and consumer details
  public function getConsumerAccessToken($token, $user_id) {
    $rs = $this
                SELECT    ost_token                as token,
                        ost_token_secret        as token_secret,
                        ost_referrer_host        as token_referrer_host,
                        osr_consumer_key        as consumer_key,
                        osr_consumer_secret        as consumer_secret,
                        osr_application_uri        as application_uri,
                        osr_application_title    as application_title,
                        osr_application_descr    as application_descr,
                        osr_callback_uri        as callback_uri
                FROM oauth_server_token
                        JOIN oauth_server_registry
                        ON ost_osr_id_ref = osr_id
                WHERE ost_token_type = \'access\'
                  AND ost_token      = \'%s\'
                  AND ost_usa_id_ref = \'%d\'
                  AND ost_token_ttl  >= NOW()
                ', $token, $user_id);
    if (empty($rs)) {
      throw new OAuthException2('No server_token "' . $token . '" for user "' . $user_id . '"');
    return $rs;

   * Delete a consumer access token.
   * @param string token
   * @param int user_id
   * @param boolean user_is_admin
  public function deleteConsumerAccessToken($token, $user_id, $user_is_admin = false) {
    if ($user_is_admin) {
                        DELETE FROM oauth_server_token
                        WHERE ost_token      = \'%s\'
                          AND ost_token_type = \'access\'
                        ', $token);
    else {
                        DELETE FROM oauth_server_token
                        WHERE ost_token      = \'%s\'
                          AND ost_token_type = \'access\'
                          AND ost_usa_id_ref = \'%d\'
                        ', $token, $user_id);

   * Set the ttl of a consumer access token.  This is done when the
   * server receives a valid request with a xoauth_token_ttl parameter in it.
   * @param string token
   * @param int ttl
  public function setConsumerAccessTokenTtl($token, $token_ttl) {
    if ($token_ttl <= 0) {

      // Immediate delete when the token is past its ttl
        ->deleteConsumerAccessToken($token, 0, true);
    else {

      // Set maximum time to live for this token
                        UPDATE oauth_server_token
                        SET ost_token_ttl = (NOW() + INTERVAL \'%d SECOND\')
                        WHERE ost_token      = \'%s\'
                          AND ost_token_type = \'access\'
                        ', $token_ttl, $token);

   * Fetch a list of all consumer keys, secrets etc.
   * Returns the public (user_id is null) and the keys owned by the user
   * @param int user_id
   * @return array
  public function listConsumers($user_id) {
    $rs = $this
                SELECT    osr_id                    as id,
                        osr_usa_id_ref            as user_id,
                        osr_consumer_key         as consumer_key,
                        osr_consumer_secret        as consumer_secret,
                        osr_enabled                as enabled,
                        osr_status                 as status,
                        osr_issue_date            as issue_date,
                        osr_application_uri        as application_uri,
                        osr_application_title    as application_title,
                        osr_application_descr    as application_descr,
                        osr_requester_name        as requester_name,
                        osr_requester_email        as requester_email,
                        osr_callback_uri        as callback_uri
                FROM oauth_server_registry
                WHERE (osr_usa_id_ref = \'%d\' OR osr_usa_id_ref IS NULL)
                ORDER BY osr_application_title
                ', $user_id);
    return $rs;

   * List of all registered applications. Data returned has not sensitive
   * information and therefore is suitable for public displaying.
   * @param int $begin
   * @param int $total
   * @return array
  public function listConsumerApplications($begin = 0, $total = 25) {
    $rs = $this
                SELECT    osr_id                    as id,
                        osr_enabled                as enabled,
                        osr_status                 as status,
                        osr_issue_date            as issue_date,
                        osr_application_uri        as application_uri,
                        osr_application_title    as application_title,
                        osr_application_descr    as application_descr
                FROM oauth_server_registry
                ORDER BY osr_application_title

    // TODO: pagination
    return $rs;

   * Fetch a list of all consumer tokens accessing the account of the given user.
   * @param int user_id
   * @return array
  public function listConsumerTokens($user_id) {
    $rs = $this
                SELECT    osr_consumer_key         as consumer_key,
                        osr_consumer_secret        as consumer_secret,
                        osr_enabled                as enabled,
                        osr_status                 as status,
                        osr_application_uri        as application_uri,
                        osr_application_title    as application_title,
                        osr_application_descr    as application_descr,
                        ost_timestamp            as timestamp,
                        ost_token                as token,
                        ost_token_secret        as token_secret,
                        ost_referrer_host        as token_referrer_host,
                        osr_callback_uri        as callback_uri
                FROM oauth_server_registry
                    JOIN oauth_server_token
                    ON ost_osr_id_ref = osr_id
                WHERE ost_usa_id_ref = \'%d\'
                  AND ost_token_type = \'access\'
                  AND ost_token_ttl  >= NOW()
                ORDER BY osr_application_title
                ', $user_id);
    return $rs;

   * Check an nonce/timestamp combination.  Clears any nonce combinations
   * that are older than the one received.
   * @param string    consumer_key
   * @param string     token
   * @param int        timestamp
   * @param string     nonce
   * @exception OAuthException2    thrown when the timestamp is not in sequence or nonce is not unique
  public function checkServerNonce($consumer_key, $token, $timestamp, $nonce) {
    $r = $this
                            SELECT MAX(osn_timestamp), MAX(osn_timestamp) > %d + %d
                            FROM oauth_server_nonce
                            WHERE osn_consumer_key = \'%s\'
                              AND osn_token        = \'%s\'
                            ', $timestamp, $this->max_timestamp_skew, $consumer_key, $token);
    if (!empty($r) && $r[1] === 't') {
      throw new OAuthException2('Timestamp is out of sequence. Request rejected. Got ' . $timestamp . ' last max is ' . $r[0] . ' allowed skew is ' . $this->max_timestamp_skew);

    // Insert the new combination
            INSERT INTO oauth_server_nonce (
            VALUES (\'%s\', \'%s\', %d, \'%s\')', $consumer_key, $token, $timestamp, $nonce);
    if ($this
      ->query_affected_rows() == 0) {
      throw new OAuthException2('Duplicate timestamp/nonce combination, possible replay attack.  Request rejected.');

    // Clean up all timestamps older than the one we just received
                DELETE FROM oauth_server_nonce
                WHERE osn_consumer_key    = \'%s\'
                  AND osn_token            = \'%s\'
                  AND osn_timestamp     < %d - %d
                ', $consumer_key, $token, $timestamp, $this->max_timestamp_skew);

   * Add an entry to the log table
   * @param array keys (osr_consumer_key, ost_token, ocr_consumer_key, oct_token)
   * @param string received
   * @param string sent
   * @param string base_string
   * @param string notes
   * @param int (optional) user_id
  public function addLog($keys, $received, $sent, $base_string, $notes, $user_id = null) {
    $args = array();
    $ps = array();
    foreach ($keys as $key => $value) {
      $args[] = $value;
      $ps[] = "olg_{$key} = '%s'";
    if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
      $remote_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    else {
      if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_IP'])) {
        $remote_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_IP'];
      else {
        $remote_ip = '';

    // Build the SQL
    $ps['olg_received'] = "'%s'";
    $args[] = $this
    $ps['olg_sent'] = "'%s'";
    $args[] = $this
    $ps['olg_base_string'] = "'%s'";
    $args[] = $base_string;
    $ps['olg_notes'] = "'%s'";
    $args[] = $this
    $ps['olg_usa_id_ref'] = "NULLIF('%d', '0')";
    $args[] = $user_id;
    $ps['olg_remote_ip'] = "NULLIF('%s','')";
    $args[] = $remote_ip;
            INSERT INTO oauth_log (' . implode(',', array_keys($ps)) . ')
            VALUES(' . implode(',', $ps) . ')', $args);

   * Get a page of entries from the log.  Returns the last 100 records
   * matching the options given.
   * @param array options
   * @param int user_id    current user
   * @return array log records
  public function listLog($options, $user_id) {
    $where = array();
    $args = array();
    if (empty($options)) {
      $where[] = 'olg_usa_id_ref = \'%d\'';
      $args[] = $user_id;
    else {
      foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
        if (strlen($value) > 0) {
          switch ($option) {
            case 'osr_consumer_key':
            case 'ocr_consumer_key':
            case 'ost_token':
            case 'oct_token':
              $where[] = 'olg_' . $option . ' = \'%s\'';
              $args[] = $value;
      $where[] = '(olg_usa_id_ref IS NULL OR olg_usa_id_ref = \'%d\')';
      $args[] = $user_id;
    $rs = $this
                    SELECT olg_id,
                            olg_osr_consumer_key     AS osr_consumer_key,
                            olg_ost_token            AS ost_token,
                            olg_ocr_consumer_key    AS ocr_consumer_key,
                            olg_oct_token            AS oct_token,
                            olg_usa_id_ref            AS user_id,
                            olg_received            AS received,
                            olg_sent                AS sent,
                            olg_base_string            AS base_string,
                            olg_notes                AS notes,
                            olg_timestamp            AS timestamp,
                            olg_remote_ip           AS remote_ip
                    FROM oauth_log
                    WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) . '
                    ORDER BY olg_id DESC
                    LIMIT 0,100', $args);
    return $rs;

  /* ** Some simple helper functions for querying the pgsql db ** */

   * Perform a query, ignore the results
   * @param string sql
   * @param vararg arguments (for sprintf)
  protected function query($sql) {
    $sql = $this
    if (!($res = pg_query($this->conn, $sql))) {
    $this->_lastAffectedRows = pg_affected_rows($res);
    if (is_resource($res)) {

   * Perform a query, return all rows
   * @param string sql
   * @param vararg arguments (for sprintf)
   * @return array
  protected function query_all_assoc($sql) {
    $sql = $this
    if (!($res = pg_query($this->conn, $sql))) {
    $rs = array();
    while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($res)) {
      $rs[] = $row;
    return $rs;

   * Perform a query, return the first row
   * @param string sql
   * @param vararg arguments (for sprintf)
   * @return array
  protected function query_row_assoc($sql) {
    $sql = $this
    if (!($res = pg_query($this->conn, $sql))) {
    if ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($res)) {
      $rs = $row;
    else {
      $rs = false;
    return $rs;

   * Perform a query, return the first row
   * @param string sql
   * @param vararg arguments (for sprintf)
   * @return array
  protected function query_row($sql) {
    $sql = $this
    if (!($res = pg_query($this->conn, $sql))) {
    if ($row = pg_fetch_array($res)) {
      $rs = $row;
    else {
      $rs = false;
    return $rs;

   * Perform a query, return the first column of the first row
   * @param string sql
   * @param vararg arguments (for sprintf)
   * @return mixed
  protected function query_one($sql) {
    $sql = $this
    if (!($res = pg_query($this->conn, $sql))) {
    $val = pg_fetch_row($res);
    if ($val && isset($val[0])) {
      $val = $val[0];
    return $val;

   * Return the number of rows affected in the last query
  protected function query_affected_rows() {
    return $this->_lastAffectedRows;

   * Return the id of the last inserted row
   * @return int
  protected function query_insert_id($tableName, $primaryKey = null) {
    $sequenceName = $tableName;
    if ($primaryKey) {
      $sequenceName .= "_{$primaryKey}";
    $sequenceName .= '_seq';
    $sql = "\n            SELECT\n                CURRVAL('%s')\n                ";
    $args = array(
    $sql = $this
    if (!($res = pg_query($this->conn, $sql))) {
      return 0;
    $val = pg_fetch_row($res, 0);
    if ($val && isset($val[0])) {
      $val = $val[0];
    return $val;
  protected function sql_printf($args) {
    $sql = array_shift($args);
    if (count($args) == 1 && is_array($args[0])) {
      $args = $args[0];
    $args = array_map(array(
    ), $args);
    return vsprintf($sql, $args);
  protected function sql_escape_string($s) {
    if (is_string($s)) {
      return pg_escape_string($this->conn, $s);
    else {
      if (is_null($s)) {
        return NULL;
      else {
        if (is_bool($s)) {
          return intval($s);
        else {
          if (is_int($s) || is_float($s)) {
            return $s;
          else {
            return pg_escape_string($this->conn, strval($s));
  protected function sql_errcheck($sql) {
    $msg = "SQL Error in OAuthStorePostgreSQL: " . pg_last_error($this->conn) . "\n\n" . $sql;
    throw new OAuthException2($msg);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
OAuthStoreAbstract::generateKey public function * Generate a unique key * *
OAuthStoreAbstract::isUTF8 protected function * Check to see if a string is valid utf8 * *
OAuthStoreAbstract::makeUTF8 protected function * Make a string utf8, replacing all non-utf8 chars with a '.' * *
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::$max_request_token_ttl protected property Default ttl for request tokens
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::$max_timestamp_skew protected property Maximum delta a timestamp may be off from a previous timestamp. Allows multiple consumers with some clock skew to work with the same token. Unit is seconds, default max skew is 10 minutes.
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::$_lastAffectedRows private property Number of affected rowsby the last queries
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::addConsumerRequestToken public function Add an unautorized request token to our server. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::addConsumerRequestToken
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::addLog public function Add an entry to the log table Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::addLog
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::addServerToken public function Add a request token we obtained from a server. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::addServerToken
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::authorizeConsumerRequestToken public function Upgrade a request token to be an authorized request token. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::authorizeConsumerRequestToken
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::checkServerNonce public function Check an nonce/timestamp combination. Clears any nonce combinations that are older than the one received. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::checkServerNonce
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::countConsumerAccessTokens public function Count the consumer access tokens for the given consumer. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::countConsumerAccessTokens
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::countServerTokens public function Count how many tokens we have for the given server Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::countServerTokens
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::deleteConsumer public function Delete a consumer key. This removes access to our site for all applications using this key. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::deleteConsumer
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::deleteConsumerAccessToken public function Delete a consumer access token. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::deleteConsumerAccessToken
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::deleteConsumerRequestToken public function Delete a consumer token. The token must be a request or authorized token. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::deleteConsumerRequestToken
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::deleteServer public function Delete a server key. This removes access to that site. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::deleteServer
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::deleteServerToken public function Delete a token we obtained from a server. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::deleteServerToken
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::exchangeConsumerRequestForAccessToken public function Exchange an authorized request token for new access token. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::exchangeConsumerRequestForAccessToken
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::getConsumer public function Fetch a consumer of this server, by consumer_key. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::getConsumer
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::getConsumerAccessToken public function Fetch the consumer access token, by access token. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::getConsumerAccessToken
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::getConsumerRequestToken public function Fetch the consumer request token, by request token. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::getConsumerRequestToken
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::getConsumerStatic public function Fetch the static consumer key for this provider. The user for the static consumer key is NULL (no user, shared key). If the key did not exist then the key is created. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::getConsumerStatic
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::getSecretsForSignature public function Find the server details for signing a request, always looks for an access token. The returned credentials depend on which local user is making the request. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::getSecretsForSignature
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::getSecretsForVerify public function Find stored credentials for the consumer key and token. Used by an OAuth server when verifying an OAuth request. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::getSecretsForVerify
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::getServer public function Get a server from the consumer registry using the consumer key Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::getServer
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::getServerForUri public function Find the server details that might be used for a request Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::getServerForUri
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::getServerToken public function Get a specific server token for the given user Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::getServerToken
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::getServerTokenSecrets public function Get the token and token secret we obtained from a server. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::getServerTokenSecrets
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::install public function Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::install
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::listConsumerApplications public function List of all registered applications. Data returned has not sensitive information and therefore is suitable for public displaying. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::listConsumerApplications
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::listConsumers public function Fetch a list of all consumer keys, secrets etc. Returns the public (user_id is null) and the keys owned by the user Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::listConsumers
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::listConsumerTokens public function Fetch a list of all consumer tokens accessing the account of the given user. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::listConsumerTokens
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::listLog public function Get a page of entries from the log. Returns the last 100 records matching the options given. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::listLog
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::listServers public function Get a list of all consumers from the consumer registry. The consumer keys belong to the user or are public (user id is null) Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::listServers
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::listServerTokens public function Get a list of all server token this user has access to. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::listServerTokens
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::query protected function Perform a query, ignore the results
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::query_affected_rows protected function Return the number of rows affected in the last query
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::query_all_assoc protected function Perform a query, return all rows
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::query_insert_id protected function Return the id of the last inserted row
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::query_one protected function Perform a query, return the first column of the first row
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::query_row protected function Perform a query, return the first row
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::query_row_assoc protected function Perform a query, return the first row
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::setConsumerAccessTokenTtl public function Set the ttl of a consumer access token. This is done when the server receives a valid request with a xoauth_token_ttl parameter in it. Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::setConsumerAccessTokenTtl
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::setServerTokenTtl public function Set the ttl of a server access token. This is done when the server receives a valid request with a xoauth_token_ttl parameter in it.
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::sql_errcheck protected function
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::sql_escape_string protected function
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::sql_printf protected function
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::updateConsumer public function Insert/update a new consumer with this server (we will be the server) When this is a new consumer, then also generate the consumer key and secret. Never updates the consumer key and secret. When the id is set, then the key and secret must correspond… Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::updateConsumer
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::updateServer public function Register or update a server for our site (we will be the consumer) Overrides OAuthStoreAbstract::updateServer
OAuthStorePostgreSQL::__construct function Construct the OAuthStorePostgrSQL. In the options you have to supply either: