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function xrds_parse in Lingotek Translation 7.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.7 lib/oauth-php/library/discovery/xrds_parse.php \xrds_parse()
  2. 7.2 lib/oauth-php/library/discovery/xrds_parse.php \xrds_parse()
  3. 7.3 lib/oauth-php/library/discovery/xrds_parse.php \xrds_parse()
  4. 7.4 lib/oauth-php/library/discovery/xrds_parse.php \xrds_parse()
  5. 7.6 lib/oauth-php/library/discovery/xrds_parse.php \xrds_parse()

Parse the xrds file in the argument. The xrds description must have been fetched via curl or something else.

TODO: more robust checking, support for more service documents TODO: support for URIs to definition instead of local xml:id

@exception Exception when the file is in an unknown format


string data contents of xrds file:

Return value


1 call to xrds_parse()
OAuthDiscovery::discover in lib/oauth-php/library/OAuthDiscovery.php
* Return a description how we can do a consumer allocation. Prefers static allocation if * possible. If static allocation is possible * * See also: * *


lib/oauth-php/library/discovery/xrds_parse.php, line 56


function xrds_parse($data) {
  $oauth = array();
  $doc = @DOMDocument::loadXML($data);
  if ($doc === false) {
    throw new Exception('Error in XML, can\'t load XRDS document');
  $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc);
    ->registerNamespace('xrds', 'xri://$xrds');
    ->registerNamespace('xrd', 'xri://$XRD*($v*2.0)');
    ->registerNamespace('simple', '');

  // Yahoo! uses this namespace, with lowercase xrd in it
    ->registerNamespace('xrd2', 'xri://$xrd*($v*2.0)');
  $uris = xrds_oauth_service_uris($xpath);
  foreach ($uris as $uri) {

    // TODO: support uris referring to service documents outside this one
    if ($uri[0] == '#') {
      $id = substr($uri, 1);
      $oauth = xrds_xrd_oauth($xpath, $id);
      if (is_array($oauth) && !empty($oauth)) {
        return $oauth;
  return false;