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17 calls to LingotekLog::trace() in Lingotek Translation 7.4

LingotekApi::request in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekApi.php
Calls a Lingotek API method.
lingotek_add_missing_locales in ./
Fills in any missing lingotek_locale values to the languages table
lingotek_batch_identify_content in ./
Batch Create: Lingotek Identify Content - create informative lingonode data (in lingotek table) for pre-existing content
lingotek_cleanup_utility in ./
Clean-up utility
lingotek_cron in ./lingotek.module
Implements hook_cron().
lingotek_download_document in ./
lingotek_download_translations_form in ./
Download Translations Form.
lingotek_field_language_data_cleanup_batch_create in ./
Field Language Data Cleanup Utility
lingotek_get_document_targets in ./
Get the target language objects for a Lingotek document associated with a node.
lingotek_notifications in ./
Registers the site translation notfication callback.
lingotek_refresh_api_cache in ./
lingotek_refresh_api_cache utility
lingotek_set_defaults in ./
Sets the global defaults for the Lingotek Translation module
lingotek_sync_download_chunk_target in ./
lingotek_sync_download_node_target in ./
Download Batch Worker Function: Download Translated Node Content
lingotek_sync_upload_config_chunk in ./
Upload Batch Worker Function: Upload Config Chunk for Translation
lingotek_sync_upload_node in ./
Upload Batch Worker Function: Upload Node for Translation
lingotek_upload_document in ./lingotek.module