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31 calls to LingotekLog::error() in Lingotek Translation 7.4

LingotekAccount::getAccountStatus in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekAccount.php
Get Account Status NOTE: You shouldnt need to call this directly. Its called in the constructor. Request: …
LingotekApi::downloadDocument in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekApi.php
Downloads the translated document for the specified document and language.
LingotekApi::request in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekApi.php
Calls a Lingotek API method.
LingotekComment::updateLocalContent in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekComment.php
Updates the local content with data from a Lingotek Document.
LingotekComment::updateLocalContentByTarget in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekComment.php
Updates the local content of $target_code with data from a Lingotek Document
LingotekConfigChunk::contentUpdated in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekConfigChunk.php
Event handler for updates to the config chunk's data.
LingotekConfigChunk::getTargetStatusById in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekConfigChunk.php
Return the status of the target locale for the given chunk_id
LingotekConfigChunk::updateLocalContent in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekConfigChunk.php
Updates the local content with data from a Lingotek Document.
LingotekConfigChunk::updateLocalContentByTarget in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekConfigChunk.php
Updates the local content of $target_code with data from a Lingotek Document
LingotekSession::download in ./
Downloads a document from Lingotek.
LingotekSession::login in ./
LingotekSession::logout in ./
LingotekSession::request in ./
LingotekSync::getChunkCountByStatus in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekSync.php
LingotekSync::getDirtyChunkLids in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekSync.php
LingotekSync::getTargetStatus in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekSync.php
lingotek_add_target_language in ./
Adds the target language as being enabled.
lingotek_advanced_parsing_update_node in ./lingotek.module
Processing callback for the advanced parsing update batch operation.
lingotek_advanced_parsing_upgrade_form in ./
Form constructor for parsing upgrade of a node.
lingotek_advanced_parsing_upgrade_form_submit in ./
Submit handler for the lingotek_advanced_parsing_upgrade_form form.
lingotek_download_document in ./
lingotek_field_language_data_cleanup_update_node in ./
Ensures correct language-specific field data for the specified item.
lingotek_get_and_update_target_progress in ./
Updates the 'target_sync_progress_[lang-code]' field for every target in the lingotek table with the overall progress returned by TMS
lingotek_get_fc_parent in ./lingotek.module
lingotek_get_workbench_url in ./
Get the url to open the Lingotek Workbench.
lingotek_lingonode in ./
lingotek_mark_phases_complete in ./
Form constructor for the lingotek_mark_phases_complete form.
lingotek_notifications in ./
Registers the site translation notfication callback.
lingotek_page_mark_phases_complete in includes/
Page handler for completing the current phases of remote Lingotek documents.
lingotek_set_default_advanced_xml in ./lingotek.module
Installs the default advanced XML configuration that ships with the module.
page_sync_comment_translations in ./
Page handler for manually refreshing the local translations of a Lingotek-assciated comment.