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LingotekAccount.php in Lingotek Translation 7.5

Defines LingotekAccount.


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 * @file
 * Defines LingotekAccount.

 * A class representing a Lingotek Account
 * The Account class works off a locally cached copy of the account information, so it doesnt have to query the billing server very often.
class LingotekAccount {
  const NOT_FOUND = 'not_found';
  const ACTIVE = 'active';
  const UNKNOWN = 'unknown';
  const NONE = 'none';
  const ADVANCED = 'advanced';

   * Holds the static instance of the singleton object.
   * @var LingotekAccount
  private static $instance;
  private $status;
  private $plan;
  private $planType;

   * Constructor.
   * Sets default values
  public function __construct() {
    $this->status = self::UNKNOWN;
    $this->planType = self::UNKNOWN;

    // assume an standard active account
    $current_status = variable_get('lingotek_account_status', self::ACTIVE);
    $current_plan_type = variable_get('lingotek_account_plan_type', 'standard');
    if (isset($current_status) && isset($current_plan_type)) {

   * Gets the singleton instance of the Account class.
   * @return LingotekAccount
   *   An instantiated LingotekAccount object.
  public static function instance() {
    if (!isset(self::$instance)) {
      $class_name = __CLASS__;
      self::$instance = new $class_name();
    return self::$instance;
  public function setStatus($value = 'inactive') {
    $this->status = $value;
  public function getStatus() {
    return $this->status;
  public function getStatusText() {
    return $this->status == 'active' ? '<span style="color: green;">' . t('Active') . '</span>' : '<span style="color: red;">' . t('Inactive') . '</span>';
  public function setPlan($plan) {
    $this->plan = $plan;
    if (is_object($plan) && isset($plan->type)) {
  public function getPlan() {
    return $this->plan;
  public function setPlanType($type = 'unknown') {
    variable_set('lingotek_account_plan_type', $type);
    $standard_types = array(

    // if in this list, then set to 'standard'
    $type = in_array($type, $standard_types) ? 'standard' : $type;
    $this->planType = $type;
  public function getPlanType() {
    return $this->planType;
  public function isPlanType($type) {

    // isPlanType type values: 'advanced', 'standard'
    $account_type = $this
    return strcasecmp($type, $account_type) == 0;
  public function getPlanTypeText() {
    $plan_pieces = explode('_', $this
    $details = ucwords(end($plan_pieces));

    // e.g., Enterprise, Monthly, Yearly
    return $details;
  public function showAdvanced() {
    return $this



Namesort descending Description
LingotekAccount A class representing a Lingotek Account