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LingotekAccount.php in Lingotek Translation 7.2

Defines LingotekAccount.


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 * @file
 * Defines LingotekAccount.

 * A class representing a Lingotek Account
 * The Account class works off a locally cached copy of the account information, so it doesnt have to query the billing server very often.
class LingotekAccount {
  const LINGOTEK_ACCOUNT_ENTERPRISE = 'enterprise';

   * Holds the static instance of the singleton object.
   * @var LingotekAccount
  private static $instance;
  private $status;
  private $plan;
  private $enterprise;

   * Constructor.
   * Sets default values
  public function __construct() {

    // Set the Defaults
    $this->status = self::LINGOTEK_ACCOUNT_STATUS_UNKNOWN;
    $this->plan = self::LINGOTEK_ACCOUNT_PLAN_UNKNOWN;
    $this->enterprise = FALSE;

    // Load the Current Account Status from Cached local Drupal information.
    $current_status = variable_get('lingotek_account_status', NULL);
    $current_plan = variable_get('lingotek_account_plan', NULL);
    $current_enterprise = variable_get('lingotek_account_enterprise', NULL);

    // Stored as 0/1
    if (isset($current_status) && isset($current_plan) && isset($current_enterprise)) {
    else {

      // If the Account data isn't cached locally pull it down.

  // END:  __construct()

   * Gets the singleton instance of the Account class.
   * @return LingotekAccount
   *   An instantiated LingotekAccount object.
  public static function instance() {
    if (!isset(self::$instance)) {
      $class_name = __CLASS__;
      self::$instance = new $class_name();
    return self::$instance;
  public function setStatus($value = 'inactive') {
    $this->status = $value;
  public function getStatus() {
    return $this->status;
  public function getStatusText() {
    return $this->status == 'active' ? '<span style="color: green;">Active</span>' : '<span style="color: red;">Inactive</span>';
  public function getManagedTargets($as_detailed_objects = FALSE, $return_lingotek_codes = TRUE) {

    // fills in any missing lingotek_locale values to the languages table
    $targets_drupal = language_list();
    $default_language = language_default();
    $targets = array();
    foreach ($targets_drupal as $key => $target) {
      $is_source = $default_language->language == $target->language;
      $is_lingotek_managed = $this
        ->isEnterprise() === TRUE || $target->lingotek_enabled;

      //in_array($target->language, $lingotek_managed_targets);
      if ($is_source) {

        // skip, since the source language is not a target
      else {
        if (!$is_lingotek_managed) {

          // skip, since lingotek is not managing the language
      $target->active = $target->lingotek_enabled;
      $targets[$key] = $target;
    return $as_detailed_objects ? $targets : array_map(function ($obj) {
      return $obj->lingotek_locale;
    }, $targets);
  public function getManagedTargetsAsJSON() {
    return drupal_json_encode(array_values($this
      ->getManagedTargets(FALSE, TRUE)));
  public function setPlan($value) {
    $this->plan = $value;
  public function getPlan() {
    return $this->plan;
  public function getPlanText() {
    $plan_pieces = explode('_', $this->plan);
    $details = ucwords(end($plan_pieces));

    // e.g., Enterprise, Monthly, Yearly
    return $details;
  public function isEnterprise() {
    return $this
  public function getEnterpriseStatus() {
    return $this->enterprise;
  public function setEnterpriseStatus($value) {
    $this->enterprise = (bool) $value;
  public function getEnterpriseStatusText() {
    return $this->enterprise === TRUE ? '<span style="color: green;">Yes</span>' : '<span>No</span>';

   * Get Account Status
   * NOTE:  You shouldnt need to call this directly.  Its called in the constructor.
   * Request:  https://LINGOTEK_BILLING_SERVER/billing/account.json?community=B2MMD3X5&external_id=community_admin&oauth_key=28c279fa-28dc-452e-93af-68d194a2c366&oauth_secret=0e999486-3b4d-47e4-ba9a-d0f3f0bbda73
   * Response:  {"state":"active","plan":{"trial_ends_at":0,"state":"active","activated_at":1355267936,"type":"cosmopolitan_monthly","languages_allowed":2,"language_cost_per_period_in_cents":14900}}
   * Will return FALSE or a json decoded object.
  function getAccountStatus() {
    $result = FALSE;
    $fields = array(
      'community' => variable_get('lingotek_community_identifier', ''),
      'external_id' => variable_get('lingotek_login_id', ''),
      'oauth_key' => variable_get('lingotek_oauth_consumer_id', ''),
      'oauth_secret' => variable_get('lingotek_oauth_consumer_secret', ''),
    if (!empty($fields['community']) && !empty($fields['external_id']) && !empty($fields['oauth_key']) && !empty($fields['oauth_secret'])) {
      $ch = curl_init(LINGOTEK_BILLING_SERVER . '?' . http_build_query($fields));
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
      curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);

      //curl_setopt( $ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, TRUE );
      $response = curl_exec($ch);
      $info = curl_getinfo($ch);

      //debug( $response );

      //debug( $info );
      $json = json_decode($response);
      if (isset($json) && $info['http_code'] == 200) {

        // Did we get valid json data back?  If not, $json is NULL.

        //debug ( $json );
        $result = TRUE;

        // Not Found - {"state":"not_found"} - Account isn't setup yet.  The state after autoprovisioning a community, but before setting up your billing account.
        if ($json->state == self::LINGOTEK_ACCOUNT_STATUS_NOT_FOUND) {
        elseif ($json->state == self::LINGOTEK_ACCOUNT_STATUS_ACTIVE) {
          variable_set('lingotek_account_status', self::LINGOTEK_ACCOUNT_STATUS_ACTIVE);
          if (is_object($json->plan)) {
            variable_set('lingotek_account_plan', $json->plan->type);
            if ($json->plan->type == self::LINGOTEK_ACCOUNT_ENTERPRISE) {
              variable_set('lingotek_account_enterprise', 1);

              // Store as 0/1
            else {

              //$this->setEnterpriseStatus( FALSE );
              variable_set('lingotek_account_enterprise', 0);

              // Store as 0/1

          // END:  Plan

        // END  Active

      // END:  Got 200 Response

    // END:  has credentials
    return $result;



Namesort descending Description
LingotekAccount A class representing a Lingotek Account