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8 calls to Lingotek::convertLingotek2Drupal() in Lingotek Translation 7.2

Lingotek::testConvertFunctions in lib/Drupal/lingotek/Lingotek.php
LingotekComment::updateLocalContent in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekComment.php
Updates the local content with data from a Lingotek Document.
lingotek_add_target_language in ./
Adds the target language as being enabled.
lingotek_bulk_mt_download_batch_create in ./
Batch Create - Download: Create a Bulk Machine Translate DOWNLOAD Batch.
lingotek_download_document in ./
lingotek_get_target_status in ./
Get the status of the target given by locale
lingotek_mark_phases_complete in ./
Form constructor for the lingotek_mark_phases_complete form.
lingotek_notifications in ./
Registers the site translation notfication callback. This URL will be called when a document translation is complete, and can be downloaded.