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class MediaBrowserContext in Lightning Media 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 tests/contexts/ \Acquia\LightningExtension\Context\MediaBrowserContext
  2. 8.3 tests/contexts/ \Acquia\LightningExtension\Context\MediaBrowserContext

Contains step definitions for interacting with Lightning's media browser.

@internal This class is part of Lightning's internal testing code. It is not an API and should not be extended. This class will be marked final, and all protected members will be made private, in Lightning Media 3.x.


  • class \Acquia\LightningExtension\Context\MediaBrowserContext extends \Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalSubContextBase uses \Acquia\LightningExtension\Context\AwaitTrait

Expanded class hierarchy of MediaBrowserContext


tests/contexts/, line 17


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class MediaBrowserContext extends DrupalSubContextBase {
  use AwaitTrait;

   * Indicates if the current scenario uses JavaScript.
   * @var bool
  private $isJS;

   * Performs pre-scenario tasks.
   * @BeforeScenario
  public function setUp(ScenarioScope $scope) {

    /** @var MinkContext $mink_context */
    $mink_context = $this
    $path = $mink_context
    if (empty($path)) {
        ->setMinkParameter('files_path', __DIR__ . '/../files');

    // Check if the feature or scenario has the 'javascript' tag.
    $tags = array_merge($scope
      ->getTags(), $scope
    $this->isJS = in_array('javascript', $tags, TRUE);

   * Opens the media browser, obviously.
   * @param string $button
   *   (optional) The embed button ID.
   * @When I open the media browser
  public function open($button = 'media_browser') {
    $this->isJS ? $this
      ->openJS($button) : $this

   * Opens the media browser when JavaScript is enabled.
   * @param string $button
   *   (optional) The embed button ID.
  private function openJS($button = 'media_browser') {
      ->execute('editdrupalentity', NULL, [
      'id' => $button,
    $frame = $this
      ->awaitElement("iframe[name='entity_browser_iframe_{$button}']", 30)

   * Opens the media browser without JavaScript.
   * @param string $browser_id
   *   (optional) The entity browser ID.
  private function openNoJS($browser_id = 'media_browser') {
    $uuid = $this
      ->elementExists('named', [
      'Select entities',

   * Selects an item from the media browser.
   * @param int $n
   *   The one-based index of the item to select.
   * @When I select item :n in the media browser
  public function selectN($n) {
      ->select($n, 'media_browser');

   * Completes the media browser selection.
   * @When I complete the media browser selection
  public function completeSelection() {
    $assert = $this
    $session = $this
    $frame = $session
      ->evaluateScript('') ?: $session
    $button = $assert
      ->elementExists('named', [

    // Switch out of the iFrame, because it will be destroyed as soon as we
    // press the button.
    $js = <<<END
document.evaluate('{<span class="php-variable">$button</span>}', window.{<span class="php-variable">$frame</span>}.document, null).iterateNext().click();
      ->elementExists('named', [

   * Enters an embed code in the media browser.
   * @param string $code
   *   The embed code.
   * @When I enter embed code :code
  public function embed($code) {

    // Activate the 'Create embed' tab. We cannot use the link text because it
    // may change between versions of Lightning (as in commit 48fa57e), but the
    // UUID won't.
      ->elementExists('css', 'nav.eb-tabs ul li a[data-button-id="edit-tab-selector-8b142f33-59d1-47b1-9e3a-4ae85d8376fa"]')
      ->fillField('input', $code);

    // The change event, which triggers AJAX, is fired automatically after 600
    // milliseconds.

   * Uploads a file in the media browser.
   * @param string $file
   *   The path to the file, relative to the test files directory.
   * @When I upload :file
  public function upload($file) {
    $this->isJS ? $this
      ->uploadJS($file) : $this

   * Uploads a file in the media browser using JavaScript.
   * @param string $file
   *   The path to the file, relative to the test files directory.
  private function uploadJS($file) {
      ->elementExists('named', [
      ->attachFileToField('File', $file);

   * Uploads a file in the media browser without using JavaScript.
   * @param string $file
   *   The path to the file, relative to the test files directory.
  private function uploadNoJS($file) {
    $assert = $this

    // Switch to the "Upload" tab of the media browser, which should be the
    // first button named "Upload" on the page.
      ->elementExists('named', [
      ->attachFileToField('File', $file);
    $wrapper = $assert
      ->elementExists('css', '.js-form-managed-file');
      ->elementExists('named', [
    ], $wrapper)

   * @param $title
   * @param $file
   * @When I create media named :title by uploading :file
  public function createFromUpload($title, $file) {

    /** @var MinkContext $mink_context */
    $mink_context = $this

    // If the file is an image, assert that cropping is available.
    $extension = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
    $extension = strtolower($extension);
    if (in_array($extension, [
    ])) {

      /** @var \Acquia\LightningExtension\Context\ImageBrowserContext $context */
      $context = $this
    $assert = $this
      ->elementExists('named', [

   * Creates a media item in the media browser using an embed code.
   * @param string $title
   *   The label of the created media item.
   * @param string $embed_code
   *   The embed code from which to create the media item.
   * @When I create media named :title using the embed code :embed_code
  public function createFromEmbedCode($title, $embed_code) {

    /** @var MinkContext $mink_context */
    $mink_context = $this
    $assert = $this
      ->elementExists('named', [
      'Create embed',
      ->elementExists('named', [
      ->elementExists('named', [



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
MediaBrowserContext::$isJS private property Indicates if the current scenario uses JavaScript.
MediaBrowserContext::completeSelection public function Completes the media browser selection.
MediaBrowserContext::createFromEmbedCode public function Creates a media item in the media browser using an embed code.
MediaBrowserContext::createFromUpload public function @When I create media named :title by uploading :file
MediaBrowserContext::embed public function Enters an embed code in the media browser.
MediaBrowserContext::open public function Opens the media browser, obviously.
MediaBrowserContext::openJS private function Opens the media browser when JavaScript is enabled.
MediaBrowserContext::openNoJS private function Opens the media browser without JavaScript.
MediaBrowserContext::selectN public function Selects an item from the media browser.
MediaBrowserContext::setUp public function Performs pre-scenario tasks.
MediaBrowserContext::upload public function Uploads a file in the media browser.
MediaBrowserContext::uploadJS private function Uploads a file in the media browser using JavaScript.
MediaBrowserContext::uploadNoJS private function Uploads a file in the media browser without using JavaScript.