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function lightning_media_preprocess_image_style in Lightning Media 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 lightning_media.module \lightning_media_preprocess_image_style()
  2. 8 lightning_media.module \lightning_media_preprocess_image_style()
  3. 8.3 lightning_media.module \lightning_media_preprocess_image_style()

Implements template_preprocess_image_style().


array $variables: Template variables.


./lightning_media.module, line 325
Core media asset support for Lightning.


function lightning_media_preprocess_image_style(array &$variables) {
  $extension = pathinfo($variables['uri'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
  $extension = Unicode::strtolower($extension);

  // If this is an SVG and we don't know its dimensions, try to calculate them
  // through the image style's effect chain.
  if ($extension == 'svg' && (empty($variables['image']['#width']) || empty($variables['image']['#height']))) {
    $image_style = ImageStyle::load($variables['style_name']);

    // Loop through the effect chain, collecting configured dimensions for all
    // resizing effects.
    $dimensions = [];
    foreach ($image_style
      ->getEffects() as $effect) {
      if ($effect instanceof ResizeImageEffect) {
        $configuration = $effect
        array_push($dimensions, [
          'width' => $configuration['data']['width'],
          'height' => $configuration['data']['height'],

    // If we didn't collect any dimensions, there's nothing else to be done.
    if (empty($dimensions)) {

    // Sort the configured dimensions in ascending order by an arbitrary axis,
    // which can be 'width' or 'height'.
    $axis = @$variables['sort_axis'] ?: 'width';
    usort($dimensions, function (array $a, array $b) use ($axis) {
      return $b[$axis] - $a[$axis];

    // Start with the widest set of configured dimensions.
    $dimensions = end($dimensions);

    // Allow the image style to transform the dimensions as needed.
      ->transformDimensions($dimensions, $variables['uri']);
    if ($dimensions['width']) {
      $variables['image']['#width'] = $dimensions['width'];
    if ($dimensions['height']) {
      $variables['image']['#height'] = $dimensions['height'];

    // If at least one dimension is known, display the image.
    $variables['image']['#access'] = $dimensions['width'] || $dimensions['height'];