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class ElementContext in Lightning Core 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.5 tests/contexts/ \Acquia\LightningExtension\Context\ElementContext
  2. 8 tests/contexts/ \Acquia\LightningExtension\Context\ElementContext
  3. 8.3 tests/contexts/ \Acquia\LightningExtension\Context\ElementContext
  4. 8.4 tests/contexts/ \Acquia\LightningExtension\Context\ElementContext

Contains miscellaneous step definitions for working with HTML elements.

@internal This class is part of Lightning's internal testing code. It is not an API and should not be extended. This class will be marked final, and all protected members will be made private, in Lightning Core 3.x.


  • class \Acquia\LightningExtension\Context\ElementContext extends \Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\DrupalSubContextBase

Expanded class hierarchy of ElementContext


tests/contexts/, line 20


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class ElementContext extends DrupalSubContextBase {

   * Asserts that an element is empty.
   * @param string $selector
   *   The element's CSS selector.
   * @throws ExpectationException
   *   If the element contains any HTML (leading and trailing white space is
   *   trimmed out).
   * @Then the :selector element(s) should be empty
  public function assertEmptyElement($selector) {
    $content = $this
      ->elementExists('css', $selector)
    if (trim($content)) {
      throw new ExpectationException("Expected element '{$selector}' to be empty, but it is not.", $this

   * Clears a field.
   * @param string $field
   *   The field to clear.
   * @param ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element that contains the field.
   * @When I clear :field
  public function clearField($field, ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
      ->fieldExists($field, $container)

   * Asserts that a form field is present.
   * Oddly, MinkContext does not appear to provide a step definition for this.
   * @param string $field
   *   The field locator.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement
   *   The form field element.
   * @Then I should see a(n) :field field
  public function assertField($field) {
    return $this

   * Asserts that a field element exists and is disabled.
   * @param string $field
   *   The field locator.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement
   *   The disabled form field element.
   * @Then I should see a disabled :field field
   * @Then the :field field should be disabled
  public function assertDisabledField($field) {
    return $this
      ->elementAttributeExists('named', [
    ], 'disabled');

   * Asserts that a form field is not present.
   * Oddly, MinkContext does not appear to provide a step definition for this.
   * @param string $field
   *   The field locator.
   * @Then I should not see a(n) :field field
  public function assertNoField($field) {

   * Asserts that a select list has a particular option.
   * @param string $select
   *   The select list to check.
   * @param string $option
   *   The option to look for.
   * @Then the :select field should have a(n) :option option
  public function assertOption($select, $option) {
      ->elementExists('named', [
    ], $this

   * Asserts that a select list does not have a particular option.
   * @param string $select
   *   The select list to check.
   * @param string $option
   *   The option to look for.
   * @Then the :select field should not have a(n) :option option
  public function assertNoOption($select, $option) {
      ->elementNotExists('named', [
    ], $this

   * Asserts that a select list has a set of options.
   * @param string $select
   *   The select list to check.
   * @param \Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode $options
   *   The options to look for.
   * @Then the :select field should have options:
  public function assertOptions($select, PyStringNode $options) {
    foreach ($options
      ->getStrings() as $option) {
        ->assertOption($select, $option);

   * Asserts that a select list does not have a set of options.
   * @param string $select
   *   The select list to check.
   * @param \Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode $options
   *   The options to look for.
   * @Then the :select field should not have options:
  public function assertNoOptions($select, PyStringNode $options) {
    foreach ($options
      ->getStrings() as $option) {
        ->assertNoOption($select, $option);

   * Switches to a frame.
   * @param string $name
   *   The frame name.
   * @When I switch to the :name frame
   * @When I enter the :name frame
  public function enterFrame($name) {

   * Switches out of an frame, into the main window.
   * @When I (switch|return) to the window
   * @When I (exit|leave) the frame
  public function exitFrame() {

   * Asserts that vertical tab set exists.
   * @param ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element containing the vertical tab set.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement
   *   The vertical tab set.
   * @Then I should see a set of vertical tabs
  public function assertVerticalTabs(ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
    return $this
      ->elementExists('css', 'ul.vertical-tabs__menu', $container);

   * Asserts that a specific vertical tab exists.
   * @param string $tab
   *   The text of the tab.
   * @param ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element containing the vertical tab set.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement
   *   The vertical tab.
   * @Then I should see a :tab vertical tab
   * @Then I should see the :tab vertical tab
  public function assertVerticalTab($tab, ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
    return $this
      ->elementExists('named', [
    ], $this

   * Asserts that a specific vertical tab does not exist.
   * @param string $tab
   *   The text of the tab.
   * @param ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element containing the vertical tab set.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement
   *   The vertical tab.
   * @Then I should not see a :tab vertical tab
   * @Then I should not see the :tab vertical tab
  public function assertNoVerticalTab($tab, ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
      ->elementNotExists('named', [
    ], $this

   * Asserts that a specific set of vertical tabs exists.
   * @param \Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode $tabs
   *   The text of the tabs, one per line.
   * @param ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element containing the vertical tab set.
   * @Then I should see (the )vertical tabs:
  public function assertVerticalTabMultiple(PyStringNode $tabs, ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
    foreach ($tabs
      ->getStrings() as $tab) {
        ->assertVerticalTab($tab, $container);

   * Asserts that a set of specific vertical tabs exists.
   * @param \Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode $tabs
   *   The text of the tabs, one per line.
   * @param ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element containing the vertical tab set.
   * @Then I should not see (the )vertical tabs:
  public function assertNotVerticalTabMultiple(PyStringNode $tabs, ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
    foreach ($tabs
      ->getStrings() as $tab) {
        ->assertNoVerticalTab($tab, $container);

   * Asserts the existence of a <details> element by its summary text.
   * @param string $summary
   *   The exact summary text.
   * @param ElementInterface $container
   *   The element in which to search for the <details> element.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement|bool
   *   The <details> element, or FALSE if it was not found.
  protected function findDetails($summary, ElementInterface $container) {

    /** @var \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement $element */
    foreach ($container
      ->findAll('css', 'details > summary') as $element) {
      if ($element
        ->getText() == $summary) {
        return $element
    return FALSE;

   * Asserts the existence of a <details> element by its summary text.
   * @param string $summary
   *   The exact summary text.
   * @param ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element in which to search for the <details> element.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement
   *   The <details> element.
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ElementNotFoundException if the element is
   * not found in the container.
   * @Then I should see a(n) :summary details element
  public function assertDetails($summary, ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
    $session = $this
    $element = $this
      ->findDetails($summary, $container ?: $session
    if ($element) {
      return $element;
    else {
      throw new ElementNotFoundException($session
        ->getDriver(), 'details', 'summary', $summary);

   * Asserts the existence of an open <details> element by its summary text.
   * @param string $summary
   *   The exact summary text.
   * @param ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element in which to search for the <details> element.
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException if the <details> element
   * is closed.
   * @Then I should see an open :summary details element
  public function assertOpenDetails($summary, ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
    $open = $this
      ->assertDetails($summary, $container)
    if (!$open) {
      throw new ExpectationException("Expected '{$summary}' details to be open, but it is closed.", $this

   * Asserts the existence of a closed <details> element by its summary text.
   * @param string $summary
   *   The exact summary text.
   * @param ElementInterface $container
   *   (optional) The element in which to search for the <details> element.
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException if the <details> element
   * is open.
   * @Then I should see a closed :summary details element
  public function assertClosedDetails($summary, ElementInterface $container = NULL) {
    try {
        ->assertOpenDetails($summary, $container);
    } catch (ExpectationException $e) {
    throw new ExpectationException("Expected '{$summary}' details to be closed, but it is open.", $this

   * Clicks an arbitrary element, found by CSS selector.
   * @param string $selector
   *   The CSS selector.
   * @When I click the :selector element
  public function click($selector) {
    $element = $this
      ->elementExists('css', $selector);
    try {
    } catch (UnsupportedDriverActionException $e) {

      // Don't worry about it.

   * Scrolls an element into the viewport.
   * @param string $selector
   *   The element's CSS selector.
   * @When I scroll to the :selector element
  public function scrollTo($selector) {
      ->executeScript('document.querySelector("' . addslashes($selector) . '").scrollIntoView()');

   * Asserts that a minimum number of elements match a CSS selector.
   * @param string $selector
   *   The selector.
   * @param int $n
   *   The number of elements expected to match the selector.
   * @throws ExpectationException if the number of elements that match the
   * selector is less than expected.
   * @Then at least :n element(s) should match :selector
  public function matchAtLeast($selector, $n) {
    $session = $this
    $count = count($session
      ->findAll('css', $selector));
    if ($count < $n) {
      throw new ExpectationException("Expected '{$selector}' to match at least {$n} elements, but it matched {$count}.", $session

   * Asserts that a number of elements match a CSS selector.
   * @param string $selector
   *   The selector.
   * @param int $n
   *   The number of elements expected to match the selector.
   * @Then exactly :n element(s) should match :selector
  public function matchExactly($selector, $n) {
      ->elementsCount('css', $selector, $n);

   * Asserts that a block with a specific plugin ID is present.
   * @param string $plugin_id
   *   The block plugin ID.
   * @return ElementInterface
   *   The block element.
   * @Then I should see a :plugin_id block
  public function assertBlockExists($plugin_id) {
    return $this
      ->elementExists('css', "[data-block-plugin-id='{$plugin_id}']");

   * Asserts that a block with a specific plugin ID is not present.
   * @param string $plugin_id
   *   The block plugin ID.
   * @Then I should not see a :plugin_id block
  public function assertBlockNotExists($plugin_id) {
      ->elementNotExists('css', "[data-block-plugin-id='{$plugin_id}']");

   * Asserts that an element has contextual links.
   * @param \Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface $element
   *   The element which is expected to contain contextual links.
   * @return ElementInterface
   *   The list of contextual links.
  protected function assertContextualLinks(ElementInterface $element) {
    return $this
      ->elementExists('css', 'ul.contextual-links', $element);

   * Asserts that an element has a specific contextual link.
   * @param \Behat\Mink\Element\ElementInterface $element
   *   The element which is expectd to contain the contextual link.
   * @param (string) $link_class
   *   The CSS class of the contextual link.
   * @return ElementInterface
   *   The contextual link.
  protected function assertContextualLink(ElementInterface $element, $link_class) {
    return $this
      ->elementExists('css', "li.{$link_class}", $this

   * Asserts that a block has contextual link(s).
   * @param string $plugin_id
   *   The block plugin ID.
   * @param string $link_class
   *   (optional) The CSS class of a specific contextual link.
   * @see ::assertContextualLinks()
   * @see ::assertContextualLink()
   * @see ::assertBlockExists()
   * @Then the :plugin_id block should have contextual links
   * @Then the :plugin_id block should have a :link_class contextual link
   * @Then I should see a :plugin_id block with contextual links
   * @Then I should see a :plugin_id block with a :link_class contextual link
  public function assertBlockHasContextual($plugin_id, $link_class = NULL) {
    $element = $this
    return $link_class ? $this
      ->assertContextualLink($element, $link_class) : $this



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ElementContext::assertBlockExists public function Asserts that a block with a specific plugin ID is present.
ElementContext::assertBlockHasContextual public function Asserts that a block has contextual link(s).
ElementContext::assertBlockNotExists public function Asserts that a block with a specific plugin ID is not present.
ElementContext::assertClosedDetails public function Asserts the existence of a closed <details> element by its summary text.
ElementContext::assertContextualLink protected function Asserts that an element has a specific contextual link.
ElementContext::assertContextualLinks protected function Asserts that an element has contextual links.
ElementContext::assertDetails public function Asserts the existence of a <details> element by its summary text.
ElementContext::assertDisabledField public function Asserts that a field element exists and is disabled.
ElementContext::assertEmptyElement public function Asserts that an element is empty.
ElementContext::assertField public function Asserts that a form field is present.
ElementContext::assertNoField public function Asserts that a form field is not present.
ElementContext::assertNoOption public function Asserts that a select list does not have a particular option.
ElementContext::assertNoOptions public function Asserts that a select list does not have a set of options.
ElementContext::assertNotVerticalTabMultiple public function Asserts that a set of specific vertical tabs exists.
ElementContext::assertNoVerticalTab public function Asserts that a specific vertical tab does not exist.
ElementContext::assertOpenDetails public function Asserts the existence of an open <details> element by its summary text.
ElementContext::assertOption public function Asserts that a select list has a particular option.
ElementContext::assertOptions public function Asserts that a select list has a set of options.
ElementContext::assertVerticalTab public function Asserts that a specific vertical tab exists.
ElementContext::assertVerticalTabMultiple public function Asserts that a specific set of vertical tabs exists.
ElementContext::assertVerticalTabs public function Asserts that vertical tab set exists.
ElementContext::clearField public function Clears a field.
ElementContext::click public function Clicks an arbitrary element, found by CSS selector.
ElementContext::enterFrame public function Switches to a frame.
ElementContext::exitFrame public function Switches out of an frame, into the main window.
ElementContext::findDetails protected function Asserts the existence of a <details> element by its summary text.
ElementContext::matchAtLeast public function Asserts that a minimum number of elements match a CSS selector.
ElementContext::matchExactly public function Asserts that a number of elements match a CSS selector.
ElementContext::scrollTo public function Scrolls an element into the viewport.