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function lightbox2_form_alter in Lightbox2 5.2

Implementation of hook_form_alter().

Update the page action and input size.


$form_id: We're only interested where the $form_id is "user_login". used.

&$form: General reference used in drupal, defining the structure & the fields of a form.

Return value

Return the structure of the form.


./lightbox2.module, line 2387
Enables the use of lightbox2 which places images above your current page, not within. This frees you from the constraints of the layout, particularly column widths.


function lightbox2_form_alter($form_id, &$form) {
  if ($form_id == 'user_login_block' && arg(0) == 'user' && arg(1) == 'login' && arg(2) == 'lightbox2') {
    $form['#action'] = url('user/login/lightbox2', 'destination=' . $_GET['destination']);