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function theme_lightbox2_emimage in Lightbox2 6

Generate the HTML output to open embedded cck images in a lightbox.


$field: The CCK field the action is being performed on.

$item: An array, keyed by column, of the data stored for this item in this field.

$formatter: The formatter to use for the field.

$node: The node object.

$args: Args may override internal processes: caption, rel_grouping.

Return value

Themed embedded media field image and link.


./, line 382
Lightbox2 formatter hooks and callbacks.


function theme_lightbox2_emimage($field, $item, $formatter, $node, $args = array()) {
  $lightbox_type = $field['lightbox_type'];
  if ($item['value'] && $item['provider']) {
    $rel = 'lightbox';
    if ($lightbox_type == 'lightshow2') {
      $rel = 'lightshow';
    elseif ($lightbox_type == 'lightframe2') {
      $rel = 'lightframe';
    if ($rel == 'lightframe' && arg(0) == 'node' && arg(1) == $node->nid) {
      $rel = 'lightbox';
    $orig_rel = $rel;
    $code = $item['value'];
    $width = $field['widget']['thumbnail_width'] == '' ? variable_get('emimage_default_full_width', EMIMAGE_DEFAULT_FULL_WIDTH) : $field['widget']['thumbnail_width'];
    $height = $field['widget']['thumbnail_height'] == '' ? variable_get('emimage_default_full_height', EMIMAGE_DEFAULT_FULL_HEIGHT) : $field['widget']['thumbnail_height'];
    $link = $field['widget']['thumbnail_link'] ? $field['widget']['thumbnail_link'] : variable_get('emimage_default_thumbnail_link', EMIMAGE_DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_LINK);
    if ($link == EMIMAGE_LINK_CONTENT) {
      $link = 'node/' . $node->nid;
    elseif ($link == EMIMAGE_LINK_PROVIDER) {
      $link = module_invoke('emfield', 'include_invoke', 'emimage', $item['provider'], 'embedded_link', $code, $item['data']);
    else {
      $link = NULL;
    $attributes = array();
    $attributes['id'] = 'lightbox2-node-link-text';
    if ($width) {
      $attributes['width'] = $width;
    if ($height) {
      $attributes['height'] = $height;
    $target = variable_get('lightbox2_node_link_target', FALSE);
    if (!empty($target)) {
      $attributes['target'] = $target;

    // Set up the title.
    $title = module_invoke('emfield', 'include_invoke', 'emimage', $item['provider'], 'image_title', $code, $item['data']);

    // Set up the caption.
    $node_link = '';
    $node_link_text = variable_get('lightbox2_node_link_text', 'View Image Details');
    if (!empty($node_link_text) && !empty($link)) {
      $node_link = '<br /><br />' . l($node_link_text, $link, array(
        'attributes' => $attributes,

    // @TODO original download link possible with emfield?
    $caption = $title . $node_link;
    if (isset($args['caption'])) {
      $caption = $args['caption'];

      // Override caption.

    // Set up url and image.
    $url = module_invoke('emfield', 'include_invoke', 'emimage', $item['provider'], 'image_url', $code, $width, $height, "emimage", $field, $item, $node);
    $image = theme('image', $url, $title, $title, $attributes, FALSE);

    // Set up full rel attribute.
    $image_grouping = variable_get('lightbox2_emimage_group_node_id', 1);
    if ($image_grouping == 1) {
      $full_rel = $rel . '[' . $field['field_name'] . '][' . $caption . ']';
    elseif ($image_grouping == 2 && !empty($node->nid)) {
      $full_rel = $rel . '[' . $node->nid . '][' . $caption . ']';
    elseif ($image_grouping == 3 && !empty($node->nid)) {
      $full_rel = $rel . '[' . $field['field_name'] . '_' . $node->nid . '][' . $caption . ']';
    elseif (isset($args['rel_grouping'])) {
      $full_rel = $rel . '[' . $args['rel_grouping'] . '][' . $caption . ']';
    else {
      $rel = $full_rel . '[][' . $caption . ']';
    if ($orig_rel != 'lightframe') {
      $link_attributes = array(
        'rel' => $full_rel,
      $full_width = $field['widget']['full_width'] == '' ? variable_get('emimage_default_full_width', EMIMAGE_DEFAULT_FULL_WIDTH) : $field['widget']['full_width'];
      $full_height = $field['widget']['full_height'] == '' ? variable_get('emimage_default_full_height', EMIMAGE_DEFAULT_FULL_HEIGHT) : $field['widget']['full_height'];
      $full_image_url = module_invoke('emfield', 'include_invoke', 'emimage', $item['provider'], 'image_url', $code, $full_width, $full_height, "emimage", $field, $item, $node);
      $output = l($image, $full_image_url, array(
        'attributes' => $link_attributes,
        'html' => TRUE,
    else {
      $frame_width = variable_get('lightbox2_default_frame_width', 600);
      $frame_height = variable_get('lightbox2_default_frame_height', 400);
      $frame_size = 'width:' . $frame_width . 'px; height:' . $frame_height . 'px;';
      $full_rel = preg_replace('/\\]\\[/', "|{$frame_size}][", $full_rel);
      $link_attributes = array(
        'rel' => $full_rel,
      $output = l($image, $link . '/lightbox2', array(
        'attributes' => $link_attributes,
        'html' => TRUE,
  return $output;