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function libraries_library_info_build in Libraries API 8.3

Implements hook_library_info_build().

Register external asset libraries with Drupal core's library APIs.


./libraries.module, line 21
External library handling for Drupal modules.


function libraries_library_info_build() {

  /** @var \Drupal\libraries\ExternalLibrary\LibraryManagerInterface $library_manager */
  $library_manager = \Drupal::service('libraries.manager');
  $attachable_libraries = [];
  $libraries_with_errors = [];
  foreach ($library_manager
    ->getRequiredLibraryIds() as $external_library_id) {
    try {
      $external_library = $library_manager
      $library_type = $external_library
      if ($library_type instanceof AttachableAssetLibraryRegistrationInterface) {
        $attachable_libraries += $library_type
          ->getAttachableAssetLibraries($external_library, $library_manager);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {

      // Library-specific exceptions should not be allowed to kill the rest of
      // the build process, but should be logged.
      if ($e instanceof LibraryIdAccessorInterface || $e instanceof LibraryAccessorInterface) {
        $libraries_with_errors[] = $external_library_id;
        watchdog_exception('libraries', $e);
      else {

        // Re-throw exceptions that are not library-specific.
        throw $e;

  // If we had library specific errors also log an informative message to
  // tell admins that detection will not be run again without a cache clear.
  if ($libraries_with_errors) {
      ->error('The following external libraries could not successfully be registered with Drupal core: @libs. See earlier log entries for more details. Once these issues are addressed please be sure to clear your Drupal library cache to ensure external library detection is run again.', [
      '@libs' => implode(',', $libraries_with_errors),
  return $attachable_libraries;