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function libraries_cache_clear in Libraries API 7.2

Clears the cached library information.

2 calls to libraries_cache_clear()
libraries_admin_overview in ./
Form generation callback for the libraries overview table.
libraries_drush_invalidate_cache in ./
Clears the library cache.
1 string reference to 'libraries_cache_clear'
libraries_admin_menu_cache_info in ./libraries.module
Implements hook_admin_menu_cache_info().


./libraries.module, line 42
External library handling for Drupal modules.


function libraries_cache_clear() {
  foreach (libraries_flush_caches() as $bin) {

    // Using the wildcard argument leads to DrupalDatabaseCache::clear()
    // truncating the libraries cache table which is more performant that
    // deleting the rows.
    cache_clear_all('*', $bin, TRUE);