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function hook_libraries_info in Libraries API 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 libraries.api.php \hook_libraries_info()
  2. 7.3 libraries.api.php \hook_libraries_info()

Return information about external libraries.

Return value

An associative array whose keys are internal names of libraries and whose values are describing each library. Each key is the directory name below the 'libraries' directory, in which the library may be found. Each value is an associative array containing:

  • name: The official, human-readable name of the library.
  • vendor url: The URL of the homepage of the library.
  • download url: The URL of a web page on which the library can be obtained.
  • download file url: (optional) The URL where the latest version of the library can be downloaded. In case such a static URL exists the library can be downloaded automatically via Drush. Run 'drush help libraries-download' in the command-line for more information.
  • path: (optional) A relative path from the directory of the library to the actual library. Only required if the extracted download package contains the actual library files in a sub-directory.
  • library path: (optional) The absolute path to the library directory. This should not be declared normally, as it is automatically detected, to allow for multiple possible library locations. A valid use-case is an external library, in which case the full URL to the library should be specified here.
  • version: (optional) The version of the library. This should not be declared normally, as it is automatically detected (see 'version callback' below) to allow for version changes of libraries without code changes of implementing modules and to support different versions of a library simultaneously (though only one version can be installed per site). A valid use-case is an external library whose version cannot be determined programmatically. Either 'version' or 'version callback' (or 'version arguments' in case libraries_get_version() is being used as a version callback) must be declared.
  • version callback: (optional) The name of a function that detects and returns the full version string of the library. The first argument is always $library, an array containing all library information as described here. There are two ways to declare the version callback's additional arguments, either as a single $options parameter or as multiple parameters, which correspond to the two ways to specify the argument values (see 'version arguments'). Defaults to libraries_get_version(). Unless 'version' is declared or libraries_get_version() is being used as a version callback, 'version callback' must be declared. In the latter case, however, 'version arguments' must be declared in the specified way. For libraries that provide a package.json file, use 'libraries_get_package_json_version' as the version callback.
  • version arguments: (optional) A list of arguments to pass to the version callback. Version arguments can be declared either as an associative array whose keys are the argument names or as an indexed array without specifying keys. If declared as an associative array, the arguments get passed to the version callback as a single $options parameter whose keys are the argument names (i.e. $options is identical to the specified array). If declared as an indexed array, the array values get passed to the version callback as separate arguments in the order they were declared. The default version callback libraries_get_version() expects a single, associative array with named keys:

    • file: The filename to parse for the version, relative to the path speficied as the 'library path' property (see above). For example: 'docs/changelog.txt'.
    • pattern: A string containing a regular expression (PCRE) to match the library version. For example: '@version\s+([0-9a-zA-Z\.-]+)@'. Note that the returned version is not the match of the entire pattern (i.e. '@version 1.2.3' in the above example) but the match of the first sub-pattern (i.e. '1.2.3' in the above example).
    • lines: (optional) The maximum number of lines to search the pattern in. Defaults to 20.
    • cols: (optional) The maximum number of characters per line to take into account. Defaults to 200. In case of minified or compressed files, this prevents reading the entire file into memory.

    Defaults to an empty array. 'version arguments' must be specified unless 'version' is declared or the specified 'version callback' does not require any arguments. The latter might be the case with a library-specific version callback, for example.

  • files: An associative array of library files to load. Supported keys are:
    • js: A list of JavaScript files to load, using the same syntax as Drupal core's hook_library().
    • css: A list of CSS files to load, using the same syntax as Drupal core's hook_library().
    • php: A list of PHP files to load.
  • dependencies: An array of libraries this library depends on. Similar to declaring module dependencies, the dependency declaration may contain information on the supported version. Examples of supported declarations:

    $libraries['dependencies'] = array(
      // Load the 'example' library, regardless of the version available:
      // Only load the 'example' library, if version 1.2 is available:
      'example (1.2)',
      // Only load a version later than 1.3-beta2 of the 'example' library:
      'example (>1.3-beta2)'
      // Only load a version equal to or later than 1.3-beta3:
      'example (>=1.3-beta3)',
      // Only load a version earlier than 1.5:
      'example (<1.5)',
      // Only load a version equal to or earlier than 1.4:
      'example (<=1.4)',
      // Combinations of the above are allowed as well:
      'example (>=1.3-beta2, <1.5)',
  • variants: (optional) An associative array of available library variants. For example, the top-level 'files' property may refer to a default variant that is compressed. If the library also ships with a minified and uncompressed/source variant, those can be defined here. Each key should describe the variant type, e.g. 'minified' or 'source'. Each value is an associative array of top-level properties that are entirely overridden by the variant, most often just 'files'. Additionally, each variant can contain following properties:

    • variant callback: (optional) The name of a function that detects the variant and returns TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether the variant is available or not. The first argument is always $library, an array containing all library information as described here. The second argument is always a string containing the variant name. There are two ways to declare the variant callback's additional arguments, either as a single $options parameter or as multiple parameters, which correspond to the two ways to specify the argument values (see 'variant arguments'). If omitted, the variant is expected to always be available.
    • variant arguments: A list of arguments to pass to the variant callback. Variant arguments can be declared either as an associative array whose keys are the argument names or as an indexed array without specifying keys. If declared as an associative array, the arguments get passed to the variant callback as a single $options parameter whose keys are the argument names (i.e. $options is identical to the specified array). If declared as an indexed array, the array values get passed to the variant callback as separate arguments in the order they were declared.

    Variants can be version-specific (see 'versions').

  • versions: (optional) An associative array of supported library versions. Naturally, libraries evolve over time and so do their APIs. In case a library changes between versions, different 'files' may need to be loaded, different 'variants' may become available, or Drupal modules need to load different integration files adapted to the new version. Each key is a version *string* (PHP does not support floats as keys). Each value is an associative array of top-level properties that are entirely overridden by the version.
  • integration files: (optional) An associative array whose keys are module names and whose values are sets of files to load for the module, using the same notion as the top-level 'files' property. Each specified file should contain the path to the file relative to the module it belongs to.
  • callbacks: An associative array whose keys are callback groups and whose values are arrays of callbacks to apply to the library in that group. Each callback receives the following arguments:

    • $library: An array of library information belonging to the top-level library, a specific version, a specific variant or a specific variant of a specific version. Because library information such as the 'files' property (see above) can be declared in all these different locations of the library array, but a callback may have to act on all these different parts of the library, it is called recursively for each library with a certain part of the libraries array passed as $library each time.
    • $version: If the $library array belongs to a certain version (see above), a string containing the version. This argument may be empty, so NULL should be specified as the default value.
    • $variant: If the $library array belongs to a certain variant (see above), a string containing the variant name. This argument may be empty, so NULL should be specified as the default value.

    Valid callback groups are:

    • info: Callbacks registered in this group are applied after the library information has been retrieved via hook_libraries_info() or info files. At this point the following additional information is available:

      • $library['info type']: How the library information was obtained. Can be 'info file', 'module', or 'theme', depending on whether the library information was obtained from an info file, an enabled module or an enabled theme, respectively.

      Additionally, one of the following three keys is available, depending on the value of $library['info type'].

      • $library['info file']: In case the library information was obtained from an info file, the URI of the info file.
      • $library['module']: In case the library was obtained from an enabled module, the name of the providing module.
      • $library['theme']: In case the library was obtained from an enabled theme, the name of the providing theme.
    • pre-detect: Callbacks registered in this group are applied after the library path has been determined and before the version callback is invoked. At this point the following additional information is available:

      • $library['library path']: The path on the file system to the library.
    • post-detect: Callbacks registered in this group are applied after the library has been successfully detected. At this point the library contains the version-specific information, if specified, and following additional information is available:

      • $library['installed']: A boolean indicating whether the library is installed or not.
      • $library['version']: If it could be detected, a string containing the version of the library.
      • $library['variants'][$variant]['installed']: For each specified variant, a boolean indicating whether the variant is installed or not.

      Note that in this group the 'versions' property is no longer available.

    • pre-dependencies-load: Callbacks registered in this group are applied directly before the library's dependencies are loaded. At this point the library contains variant-specific information, if specified. Note that in this group the 'variants' property is no longer available.
    • pre-load: Callbacks registered in this group are applied directly after the library's dependencies are loaded and before the library itself is loaded.
    • post-load: Callbacks registered in this group are applied directly after this library is loaded. At this point, the library contains a 'loaded' key, which contains the number of files that were loaded.

Additional top-level properties can be registered as needed.

See also


2 functions implement hook_libraries_info()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

libraries_test_module_libraries_info in tests/modules/libraries_test_module/libraries_test_module.module
Implements hook_libraries_info().
libraries_test_theme_libraries_info in tests/themes/libraries_test_theme/template.php
Implements hook_libraries_info().
1 invocation of hook_libraries_info()
libraries_info in ./libraries.module
Returns information about registered libraries.


./libraries.api.php, line 209
Documents API functions for Libraries module.


function hook_libraries_info() {

  // The following is a full explanation of all properties. See below for more
  // concrete example implementations.
  // This array key lets Libraries API search for 'sites/all/libraries/example'
  // directory, which should contain the entire, original extracted library.
  $libraries['example'] = array(
    // Only used in administrative UI of Libraries API.
    'name' => 'Example library',
    'vendor url' => '',
    'download url' => '',
    // It is important that this URL does not include the actual version to
    // download. Not all libraries provide such a static URL.
    'download file url' => '',
    // Optional: If, after extraction, the actual library files are contained in
    // 'sites/all/libraries/example/lib', specify the relative path here.
    'path' => 'lib',
    // Optional: Define a custom version detection callback, if required.
    'version callback' => 'mymodule_get_version',
    // Specify arguments for the version callback. By default,
    // libraries_get_version() takes a named argument array:
    'version arguments' => array(
      'file' => 'docs/CHANGELOG.txt',
      'pattern' => '@version\\s+([0-9a-zA-Z\\.-]+)@',
      'lines' => 5,
      'cols' => 20,
    // Default list of files of the library to load. Important: Only specify
    // third-party files belonging to the library here, not integration files of
    // your module.
    'files' => array(
      // 'js' and 'css' follow the syntax of hook_library(), but file paths are
      // relative to the library path.
      'js' => array(
      'css' => array(
      // For PHP libraries, specify include files here, still relative to the
      // library path.
      'php' => array(
    // Optional: Specify alternative variants of the library, if available.
    'variants' => array(
      // All properties defined for 'minified' override top-level properties.
      'minified' => array(
        'files' => array(
          'js' => array(
          'css' => array(
        'variant callback' => 'mymodule_check_variant',
        'variant arguments' => array(
          'variant' => 'minified',
    // Optional, but usually required: Override top-level properties for later
    // versions of the library. The properties of the minimum version that is
    // matched override the top-level properties. Note:
    // - When registering 'versions', it usually does not make sense to register
    //   'files', 'variants', and 'integration files' on the top-level, as most
    //   of those likely need to be different per version and there are no
    //   defaults.
    // - The array keys have to be strings, as PHP does not support floats for
    //   array keys.
    'versions' => array(
      '2' => array(
        'files' => array(
          'js' => array(
          'css' => array(
      '3.0' => array(
        'files' => array(
          'js' => array(
          'css' => array(
      '3.2' => array(
        'files' => array(
          'js' => array(
          'css' => array(
    // Optional: Register files to auto-load for your module. All files must be
    // keyed by module, and follow the syntax of the 'files' property.
    'integration files' => array(
      'mymodule' => array(
        'js' => array(
    // Optionally register callbacks to apply to the library during different
    // stages of its lifetime ('callback groups').
    'callbacks' => array(
      // Used to alter the info associated with the library.
      'info' => array(
      // Called before detecting the given library.
      'pre-detect' => array(
      // Called after detecting the library.
      'post-detect' => array(
      // Called before the library's dependencies are loaded.
      'pre-dependencies-load' => array(
      // Called before the library is loaded.
      'pre-load' => array(
      // Called after the library is loaded.
      'post-load' => array(

  // A very simple library. No changing APIs (hence, no versions), no variants.
  // Expected to be extracted into 'sites/all/libraries/simple'.
  $libraries['simple'] = array(
    'name' => 'Simple library',
    'vendor url' => '',
    'download url' => '',
    // The download file URL can also point to a single file (instead of an
    // archive).
    'download file url' => '',
    'version arguments' => array(
      'file' => 'readme.txt',
      // Best practice: Document the actual version strings for later reference.
      // 1.x: Version 1.0
      'pattern' => '/Version (\\d+)/',
      'lines' => 5,
    'files' => array(
      'js' => array(

  // A library that (naturally) evolves over time with API changes.
  $libraries['tinymce'] = array(
    'name' => 'TinyMCE',
    'vendor url' => '',
    'download url' => '',
    'path' => 'jscripts/tiny_mce',
    // The regular expression catches two parts (the major and the minor
    // version), which libraries_get_version() doesn't allow.
    'version callback' => 'tinymce_get_version',
    'version arguments' => array(
      // It can be easier to parse the first characters of a minified file
      // instead of doing a multi-line pattern matching in a source file. See
      // 'lines' and 'cols' below.
      'file' => 'jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js',
      // Best practice: Document the actual version strings for later reference.
      // 2.x: this.majorVersion="2";this.minorVersion="1.3"
      // 3.x: majorVersion:'3',minorVersion:'2.0.1'
      'pattern' => '@majorVersion[=:]["\'](\\d).+?minorVersion[=:]["\']([\\d\\.]+)@',
      'lines' => 1,
      'cols' => 100,
    'versions' => array(
      '2.1' => array(
        'files' => array(
          'js' => array(
        'variants' => array(
          'source' => array(
            'files' => array(
              'js' => array(
        'integration files' => array(
          'wysiwyg' => array(
            'js' => array(
            'css' => array(
      // Definition used if 3.1 or above is detected.
      '3.1' => array(
        // Does not support JS aggregation.
        'files' => array(
          'js' => array(
            'tiny_mce.js' => array(
              'preprocess' => FALSE,
        'variants' => array(
          // New variant leveraging jQuery. Not stable yet; therefore not the
          // default variant.
          'jquery' => array(
            'files' => array(
              'js' => array(
                'tiny_mce_jquery.js' => array(
                  'preprocess' => FALSE,
          'source' => array(
            'files' => array(
              'js' => array(
                'tiny_mce_src.js' => array(
                  'preprocess' => FALSE,
        'integration files' => array(
          'wysiwyg' => array(
            'js' => array(
            'css' => array(
  return $libraries;