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LengthIndicatorTest.php in Length Indicator 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\length_indicator\FunctionalJavascript;

use Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity\EntityFormDisplay;
use Drupal\entity_test\Entity\EntityTest;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldConfig;
use Drupal\field\Entity\FieldStorageConfig;
use Drupal\FunctionalJavascriptTests\WebDriverTestBase;

 * Tests the UI for entity displays.
 * @group length_indicator
class LengthIndicatorTest extends WebDriverTestBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {

    // Create a field of each supported type.
      ->createField('string', 'string_textfield');
      ->createField('string_long', 'string_textarea');
      'access administration pages',
      'view test entity',
      'administer entity_test content',
      'administer entity_test fields',
      'administer entity_test display',
      'administer entity_test form display',
      'view the administration theme',

   * Creates a field on the entity_test entity type.
   * @param string $field_type
   *   The field type.
   * @param string $widget_type
   *   The widget type.
  protected function createField($field_type, $widget_type) {

    // Use the field type as a name to make things simple.
    $field_name = $field_type;
    $field_storage = FieldStorageConfig::create([
      'field_name' => $field_name,
      'entity_type' => 'entity_test',
      'type' => $field_type,
      'field_storage' => $field_storage,
      'bundle' => 'entity_test',
      'label' => $this
        ->randomMachineName() . '_label',
      ->setComponent($field_name, [
      'type' => $widget_type,
      'settings' => [
        'placeholder' => 'A placeholder on ' . $widget_type,

   * Tests the length indicator.
  public function testLengthIndicator() {

    // Create a test entity.
    $entity = EntityTest::create([
      'name' => 'The name for this entity',
      'string' => [
          'value' => 'A value in a string field',
      'string_long' => [
          'value' => 'A value in a string_long field',
    $form_display = EntityFormDisplay::load('entity_test.entity_test.default');

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Field\WidgetInterface $string */
    $values = $form_display
    $values['third_party_settings']['length_indicator'] = [
      'indicator' => TRUE,
      'indicator_opt' => [
        'optimin' => 15,
        'optimax' => 30,
        'tolerance' => 6,
      ->setComponent('string', $values);
    $values = $form_display
    $values['third_party_settings']['length_indicator'] = [
      'indicator' => TRUE,
      'indicator_opt' => [
        'optimin' => 100,
        'optimax' => 300,
        'tolerance' => 40,
      ->setComponent('string_long', $values);

    // Test the string field.
      ->assertActiveElement('string', 'good');
      ->assertActiveElement('string', 'bad', '');
      ->assertActiveElement('string', 'bad', $this
      ->assertActiveElement('string', 'ok', $this
      ->assertActiveElement('string', 'ok', $this
      ->assertActiveElement('string', 'good', $this
      ->assertActiveElement('string', 'good', $this
      ->assertActiveElement('string', 'ok', $this
      ->assertActiveElement('string', 'ok', $this
      ->assertActiveElement('string', 'bad', $this

    // Test the string_long field.
      ->assertActiveElement('string_long', 'bad');
      ->assertActiveElement('string', 'bad', '');
      ->assertActiveElement('string_long', 'bad', $this
      ->assertActiveElement('string_long', 'ok', $this
      ->assertActiveElement('string_long', 'ok', $this
      ->assertActiveElement('string_long', 'good', $this
      ->assertActiveElement('string_long', 'good', $this
      ->assertActiveElement('string_long', 'ok', $this
      ->assertActiveElement('string_long', 'ok', $this
      ->assertActiveElement('string_long', 'bad', $this

   * Tests the field length indicator for a specific field.
   * @param string $field_name
   *   The field to test.
   * @param string $class_modifier
   *   The class modifier that you expect the active indicator to have.
   * @param string $value
   *   (optional) Set the field to this value before testing the indicator.
  protected function assertActiveElement($field_name, $class_modifier, $value = NULL) {
    if (!is_null($value)) {
        ->fillField($field_name . '[0][value]', $value);
    $active_elements = $this
      ->xpath('//*[@id="edit-' . str_replace('_', '-', $field_name) . '-wrapper"]/div[2]/span[contains(@class, "is-active")]');
      ->assertCount(1, $active_elements);
      ->assertContains("length-indicator__indicator--{$class_modifier}", $active_elements[0]
      ->getAttribute('class'), "{$field_name} field's active indicator has class modifier '{$class_modifier}'");

   * Tests the length indicator widget settings form.
  public function testLengthIndicatorSettings() {
    $html_output = '<hr />Ending URL: ' . $this
    $html_output .= '<hr />' . $this
    $html_output .= $this

    // Have to click the field for #states to work.

    // Default values.
      ->fieldValueEquals('fields[string][settings_edit_form][third_party_settings][length_indicator][indicator_opt][optimin]', '10');
      ->fieldValueEquals('fields[string][settings_edit_form][third_party_settings][length_indicator][indicator_opt][optimax]', '15');
      ->fieldValueEquals('fields[string][settings_edit_form][third_party_settings][length_indicator][indicator_opt][tolerance]', '5');

    // Form error when min is greater than max and tolerance is greater than
    // min.
      ->fillField('fields[string][settings_edit_form][third_party_settings][length_indicator][indicator_opt][optimin]', '20');
      ->fillField('fields[string][settings_edit_form][third_party_settings][length_indicator][indicator_opt][tolerance]', '21');
      ->pageTextContains('Optimum maximum has to be greater than the optimum minimum');
      ->pageTextContains('Tolerance has to be smaller than the optimum minimum');

    // Fill out the form with some non-default values.
      ->fillField('fields[string][settings_edit_form][third_party_settings][length_indicator][indicator_opt][optimin]', '15');
      ->fillField('fields[string][settings_edit_form][third_party_settings][length_indicator][indicator_opt][optimax]', '30');
      ->fillField('fields[string][settings_edit_form][third_party_settings][length_indicator][indicator_opt][tolerance]', '6');

    // This saves the form display which will validate our configuration schema.

    // Check the values.
    $form_display = EntityFormDisplay::load('entity_test.entity_test.default');
    $expected = [
      'indicator' => TRUE,
      'indicator_opt' => [
        'optimin' => 15,
        'optimax' => 30,
        'tolerance' => 6,
      ->assertEquals($expected, $form_display



Namesort descending Description
LengthIndicatorTest Tests the UI for entity displays.