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function leaflet_geojson_map_pane_add_layer in Leaflet GeoJSON 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 plugins/content_types/ \leaflet_geojson_map_pane_add_layer()

Helper function to add another views_geojson layer to the map data.

1 string reference to 'leaflet_geojson_map_pane_add_layer'
LeafletGeojson::blockForm in src/Plugin/Block/LeafletGeojson.php


./leaflet_geojson.module, line 123
API Extension for using Leaflet with GeoJSON.


function leaflet_geojson_map_pane_add_layer($form, &$form_state) {

  // Increment the count and force a rebuild.
    ->set('layer_count', $form_state
    ->get('layer_count') + 1);