class LeafletDefaultFormatter in Leaflet 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 2.1.x src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/LeafletDefaultFormatter.php \Drupal\leaflet\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\LeafletDefaultFormatter
- 2.0.x src/Plugin/Field/FieldFormatter/LeafletDefaultFormatter.php \Drupal\leaflet\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\LeafletDefaultFormatter
Plugin implementation of the 'leaflet_default' formatter.
Plugin annotation
id = "leaflet_formatter_default",
label = @Translation("Leaflet Map"),
field_types = {
- class \Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginBase implements DerivativeInspectionInterface, PluginInspectionInterface
- class \Drupal\Core\Plugin\PluginBase uses DependencySerializationTrait, MessengerTrait, StringTranslationTrait
- class \Drupal\Core\Field\PluginSettingsBase implements DependentPluginInterface, PluginSettingsInterface
- class \Drupal\Core\Field\FormatterBase implements FormatterInterface, ContainerFactoryPluginInterface
- class \Drupal\leaflet\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatter\LeafletDefaultFormatter implements ContainerFactoryPluginInterface uses LeafletSettingsElementsTrait
- class \Drupal\Core\Field\FormatterBase implements FormatterInterface, ContainerFactoryPluginInterface
- class \Drupal\Core\Field\PluginSettingsBase implements DependentPluginInterface, PluginSettingsInterface
- class \Drupal\Core\Plugin\PluginBase uses DependencySerializationTrait, MessengerTrait, StringTranslationTrait
Expanded class hierarchy of LeafletDefaultFormatter
- src/
Plugin/ Field/ FieldFormatter/ LeafletDefaultFormatter.php, line 34
Drupal\leaflet\Plugin\Field\FieldFormatterView source
class LeafletDefaultFormatter extends FormatterBase implements ContainerFactoryPluginInterface {
use LeafletSettingsElementsTrait;
* The Default Settings.
* @var array
protected $defaultSettings;
* Leaflet service.
* @var \Drupal\Leaflet\LeafletService
protected $leafletService;
* The EntityField Manager service.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFieldManagerInterface
protected $entityFieldManager;
* The token service.
* @var \Drupal\core\Utility\Token
protected $token;
* The renderer service.
* @var \Drupal\core\Render\Renderer
protected $renderer;
* The module handler to invoke the alter hook.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface
protected $moduleHandler;
* The Link generator Service.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Utility\LinkGeneratorInterface
protected $link;
* LeafletDefaultFormatter constructor.
* @param string $plugin_id
* The plugin_id for the formatter.
* @param mixed $plugin_definition
* The plugin implementation definition.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition
* The definition of the field to which the formatter is associated.
* @param array $settings
* The formatter settings.
* @param string $label
* The formatter label display setting.
* @param string $view_mode
* The view mode.
* @param array $third_party_settings
* Any third party settings settings.
* @param \Drupal\Leaflet\LeafletService $leaflet_service
* The Leaflet service.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFieldManagerInterface $entity_field_manager
* The Entity Field Manager.
* @param \Drupal\core\Utility\Token $token
* The token service.
* @param \Drupal\core\Render\Renderer $renderer
* The renderer service.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler
* The module handler.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Utility\LinkGeneratorInterface $link_generator
* The Link Generator service.
public function __construct($plugin_id, $plugin_definition, FieldDefinitionInterface $field_definition, array $settings, $label, $view_mode, array $third_party_settings, LeafletService $leaflet_service, EntityFieldManagerInterface $entity_field_manager, Token $token, Renderer $renderer, ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler, LinkGeneratorInterface $link_generator) {
parent::__construct($plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $field_definition, $settings, $label, $view_mode, $third_party_settings);
$this->defaultSettings = self::getDefaultSettings();
$this->leafletService = $leaflet_service;
$this->entityFieldManager = $entity_field_manager;
$this->token = $token;
$this->renderer = $renderer;
$this->moduleHandler = $module_handler;
$this->link = $link_generator;
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition) {
return new static($plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $configuration['field_definition'], $configuration['settings'], $configuration['label'], $configuration['view_mode'], $configuration['third_party_settings'], $container
->get('leaflet.service'), $container
->get('entity_field.manager'), $container
->get('token'), $container
->get('renderer'), $container
->get('module_handler'), $container
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function defaultSettings() {
return self::getDefaultSettings() + parent::defaultSettings();
* {@inheritdoc}
public function settingsForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$settings = $this
$form['#tree'] = TRUE;
// Get the Cardinality set for the Formatter Field.
$field_cardinality = $this->fieldDefinition
$elements = parent::settingsForm($form, $form_state);
$field_name = $this->fieldDefinition
if ($this->moduleHandler
->moduleExists('token')) {
$elements['replacement_patterns'] = [
'#type' => 'details',
'#title' => 'Replacement patterns',
'#description' => $this
->t('The following replacement tokens are available for the "Popup Content and the Icon Options":'),
$elements['replacement_patterns']['token_help'] = [
'#theme' => 'token_tree_link',
'#token_types' => [
else {
$elements['replacement_patterns']['#description'] = $this
->t('The @token_link is needed to browse and use @entity_type entity token replacements.', [
'@token_link' => $this->link
->generate(t('Token module'), Url::fromUri('', [
'absolute' => TRUE,
'attributes' => [
'target' => 'blank',
'@entity_type' => $this->fieldDefinition
if ($field_cardinality !== 1) {
$elements['multiple_map'] = [
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => $this
->t('Multiple Maps'),
'#description' => $this
->t('Check this option if you want to render a single Map for every single Geo Point.'),
'#default_value' => $settings['multiple_map'],
'#return_value' => 1,
else {
$elements['multiple_map'] = [
'#type' => 'hidden',
'#value' => 0,
$elements['popup'] = [
'#title' => $this
->t('Popup Infowindow'),
'#description' => $this
->t('Show a Popup Infowindow on Marker click, with custom content.'),
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#default_value' => $settings['popup'],
$elements['popup_content'] = [
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => $this
->t('Popup content'),
'#description' => $this
->t('Define the custom content for the Pop Infowindow. If empty the Content Title will be output.<br>See "REPLACEMENT PATTERNS" above for available replacements.'),
'#default_value' => $settings['popup_content'],
'#states' => [
'visible' => [
'input[name="fields[' . $field_name . '][settings_edit_form][settings][popup]"]' => [
'checked' => TRUE,
// Generate the Leaflet Map General Settings.
->generateMapGeneralSettings($elements, $settings);
// Generate the Leaflet Map Reset Control.
->setResetMapControl($elements, $settings);
// Generate the Leaflet Map Position Form Element.
$map_position_options = $settings['map_position'];
$elements['map_position'] = $this
// Generate Icon form element.
$icon_options = $settings['icon'];
$elements['icon'] = $this
->generateIconFormElement($icon_options, $form);
// Set Map Marker Cluster Element.
->setMapMarkerclusterElement($elements, $settings);
// Set Map Geometries Options Element.
->setMapPathOptionsElement($elements, $settings);
// Set Map Geocoder Control Element, if the Geocoder Module exists,
// otherwise output a tip on Geocoder Module Integration.
->setGeocoderMapControl($elements, $settings);
return $elements;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function settingsSummary() {
$summary = [];
$summary[] = $this
->t('Leaflet Map: @map', [
'@map' => $this
$summary[] = $this
->t('Map height: @height @height_unit', [
'@height' => $this
'@height_unit' => $this
$summary[] = $this
->t('Popup Infowindow: @popup', [
'@popup' => $this
->getSetting('popup') ? $this
->t('Yes') : $this
if ($this
->getSetting('popup') && $this
->getSetting('popup_content')) {
$summary[] = $this
->t('Popup content: @popup_content', [
'@popup_content' => $this
return $summary;
* {@inheritdoc}
* This function is called from parent::view().
public function viewElements(FieldItemListInterface $items, $langcode) {
/* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity */
$entity = $items
// Take the entity translation, if existing.
/* @var \Drupal\Core\TypedData\TranslatableInterface $entity */
if ($entity
->hasTranslation($langcode)) {
$entity = $entity
$entity_type = $entity
$bundle = $entity
$entity_id = $entity
/* @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface $field */
$field = $items
// Sets/consider possibly existing previous Zoom settings.
$settings = $this
// Performs some preprocess on the leaflet map settings.
// Always render the map, even if we do not have any data.
$map = leaflet_map_get_info($settings['leaflet_map']);
// Add a specific map id.
$map['id'] = Html::getUniqueId("leaflet_map_{$entity_type}_{$bundle}_{$entity_id}_{$field->getName()}");
// Get and set the Geofield cardinality.
$map['geofield_cardinality'] = $this->fieldDefinition
// Set Map additional map Settings.
->setAdditionalMapOptions($map, $settings);
// Get token context.
$token_context = [
'field' => $items,
->getTargetEntityTypeId() => $items
$results = [];
$features = [];
foreach ($items as $delta => $item) {
$points = $this->leafletService
$feature = $points[0];
$feature['entity_id'] = $entity_id;
// Eventually set the popup content.
if ($settings['popup']) {
// Construct the renderable array for popup title / text. As we later
// convert that to plain text, losing attachments and cacheability, save
// them to $results.
$build = [];
if ($this
->getSetting('popup_content')) {
$bubbleable_metadata = new BubbleableMetadata();
$popup_content = $this->token
->getSetting('popup_content'), $token_context, [
'clear' => TRUE,
], $bubbleable_metadata);
$build[] = [
'#markup' => $popup_content,
// We need a string for using it inside the popup. Save attachments and
// cacheability to $results.
$render_context = new RenderContext();
$rendered = $this->renderer
->executeInRenderContext($render_context, function () use (&$build) {
return $this->renderer
->render($build, TRUE);
$feature['popup'] = !empty($rendered) ? $rendered : $entity
if (!$render_context
->isEmpty()) {
// Add/merge eventual map icon definition from hook_leaflet_map_info.
if (!empty($map['icon'])) {
$settings['icon'] = $settings['icon'] ?: [];
// Remove empty icon options so thxat they might be replaced by the
// ones set by the hook_leaflet_map_info.
foreach ($settings['icon'] as $k => $icon_option) {
if (empty($icon_option) || is_array($icon_option) && $this->leafletService
->multipleEmpty($icon_option)) {
$settings['icon'] = array_replace($map['icon'], $settings['icon']);
$icon_type = isset($settings['icon']['iconType']) ? $settings['icon']['iconType'] : 'marker';
// Eventually set the custom Marker icon (DivIcon, Icon Url or
// Circle Marker).
if ($feature['type'] === 'point' && isset($settings['icon'])) {
$feature['icon'] = $settings['icon'];
switch ($icon_type) {
case 'html':
$feature['icon']['html'] = $this->token
->replace($settings['icon']['html'], $token_context);
$feature['icon']['html_class'] = isset($settings['icon']['html_class']) ? $settings['icon']['html_class'] : '';
case 'circle_marker':
$feature['icon']['options'] = $this->token
->replace($settings['icon']['circle_marker_options'], $token_context);
if (!empty($settings['icon']['iconUrl'])) {
$feature['icon']['iconUrl'] = !empty($settings['icon']['iconUrl']) > 0 ? $this->token
->replace($settings['icon']['iconUrl'], $token_context) : '';
if (!empty($settings['icon']['shadowUrl'])) {
$feature['icon']['shadowUrl'] = !empty($settings['icon']['shadowUrl']) > 0 ? $this->token
->replace($settings['icon']['shadowUrl'], $token_context) : '';
// Associate dynamic path properties (token based) to the feature,
// in case of not point.
if ($feature['type'] !== 'point') {
$feature['path'] = str_replace([
], "", $this->token
->replace($settings['path'], $token_context));
$features[] = $feature;
$js_settings = [
'map' => $map,
'features' => $features,
// Allow other modules to add/alter the map js settings.
->alter('leaflet_default_map_formatter', $js_settings, $items);
$map_height = !empty($settings['height']) ? $settings['height'] . $settings['height_unit'] : '';
if (!empty($settings['multiple_map'])) {
foreach ($js_settings['features'] as $k => $feature) {
$map = $js_settings['map'];
$map['id'] = $map['id'] . "-{$k}";
$results[] = $this->leafletService
->leafletRenderMap($map, [
], $map_height);
elseif (!empty($js_settings['features']) || empty($settings['hide_empty_map'])) {
$results[] = $this->leafletService
->leafletRenderMap($js_settings['map'], $js_settings['features'], $map_height);
return $results;
* Sets possibly existing previous settings for the Zoom Form Element.
private function setExistingZoomSettings() {
$settings = $this
if (isset($settings['zoom'])) {
$settings['map_position']['zoom'] = (int) $settings['zoom'];
$settings['map_position']['minZoom'] = (int) $settings['minZoom'];
$settings['map_position']['maxZoom'] = (int) $settings['maxZoom'];
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
DependencySerializationTrait:: |
protected | property | An array of entity type IDs keyed by the property name of their storages. | |
DependencySerializationTrait:: |
protected | property | An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization. | |
DependencySerializationTrait:: |
public | function | 1 | |
DependencySerializationTrait:: |
public | function | 2 | |
FormatterBase:: |
protected | property | The field definition. | |
FormatterBase:: |
protected | property | The label display setting. | |
FormatterBase:: |
protected | property |
The formatter settings. Overrides PluginSettingsBase:: |
FormatterBase:: |
protected | property | The view mode. | |
FormatterBase:: |
protected | function | Returns the value of a field setting. | |
FormatterBase:: |
protected | function | Returns the array of field settings. | |
FormatterBase:: |
public static | function |
Returns if the formatter can be used for the provided field. Overrides FormatterInterface:: |
14 |
FormatterBase:: |
public | function |
Allows formatters to load information for field values being displayed. Overrides FormatterInterface:: |
2 |
FormatterBase:: |
public | function |
Builds a renderable array for a fully themed field. Overrides FormatterInterface:: |
1 |
LeafletDefaultFormatter:: |
protected | property | The Default Settings. | |
LeafletDefaultFormatter:: |
protected | property | The EntityField Manager service. | |
LeafletDefaultFormatter:: |
protected | property | Leaflet service. | |
LeafletDefaultFormatter:: |
protected | property | The Link generator Service. | |
LeafletDefaultFormatter:: |
protected | property | The module handler to invoke the alter hook. | |
LeafletDefaultFormatter:: |
protected | property | The renderer service. | |
LeafletDefaultFormatter:: |
protected | property | The token service. | |
LeafletDefaultFormatter:: |
public static | function |
Creates an instance of the plugin. Overrides FormatterBase:: |
LeafletDefaultFormatter:: |
public static | function |
Defines the default settings for this plugin. Overrides PluginSettingsBase:: |
LeafletDefaultFormatter:: |
private | function | Sets possibly existing previous settings for the Zoom Form Element. | |
LeafletDefaultFormatter:: |
public | function |
Returns a form to configure settings for the formatter. Overrides FormatterBase:: |
LeafletDefaultFormatter:: |
public | function |
Returns a short summary for the current formatter settings. Overrides FormatterBase:: |
LeafletDefaultFormatter:: |
public | function |
This function is called from parent::view(). Overrides FormatterInterface:: |
LeafletDefaultFormatter:: |
public | function |
LeafletDefaultFormatter constructor. Overrides FormatterBase:: |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | property | Leaflet Controls Positions Options. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | property | Leaflet Circle Radius Marker Field Types Options. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Generate the Leaflet Icon Form Element. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Generate the Leaflet Map General Settings. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Generate the Leaflet Map Position Form Element. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
public static | function | Get the Default Settings. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
public static | function | Form element json format validation handler. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
public static | function | Form element validation handler for the Map Max Zoom level. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Set Map additional map Settings. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Set Map Geocoder Control Element. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Set Map MarkerCluster Element. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Set Map Geometries Options Element. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Set Map MarkerCluster Element. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
public static | function | Validates the Geocoder Providers element. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
public static | function | Form element validation handler for a Map Zoom level. | |
MessengerTrait:: |
protected | property | The messenger. | 29 |
MessengerTrait:: |
public | function | Gets the messenger. | 29 |
MessengerTrait:: |
public | function | Sets the messenger. | |
PluginBase:: |
protected | property | Configuration information passed into the plugin. | 1 |
PluginBase:: |
protected | property | The plugin implementation definition. | 1 |
PluginBase:: |
protected | property | The plugin_id. | |
PluginBase:: |
constant | A string which is used to separate base plugin IDs from the derivative ID. | ||
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the base_plugin_id of the plugin instance. Overrides DerivativeInspectionInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the derivative_id of the plugin instance. Overrides DerivativeInspectionInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the definition of the plugin implementation. Overrides PluginInspectionInterface:: |
3 |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the plugin_id of the plugin instance. Overrides PluginInspectionInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
public | function | Determines if the plugin is configurable. | |
PluginSettingsBase:: |
protected | property | Whether default settings have been merged into the current $settings. | |
PluginSettingsBase:: |
protected | property | The plugin settings injected by third party modules. | |
PluginSettingsBase:: |
public | function |
Calculates dependencies for the configured plugin. Overrides DependentPluginInterface:: |
6 |
PluginSettingsBase:: |
public | function |
Returns the value of a setting, or its default value if absent. Overrides PluginSettingsInterface:: |
PluginSettingsBase:: |
public | function |
Returns the array of settings, including defaults for missing settings. Overrides PluginSettingsInterface:: |
PluginSettingsBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the list of third parties that store information. Overrides ThirdPartySettingsInterface:: |
PluginSettingsBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the value of a third-party setting. Overrides ThirdPartySettingsInterface:: |
PluginSettingsBase:: |
public | function |
Gets all third-party settings of a given module. Overrides ThirdPartySettingsInterface:: |
PluginSettingsBase:: |
protected | function | Merges default settings values into $settings. | |
PluginSettingsBase:: |
public | function |
Informs the plugin that some configuration it depends on will be deleted. Overrides PluginSettingsInterface:: |
3 |
PluginSettingsBase:: |
public | function |
Sets the value of a setting for the plugin. Overrides PluginSettingsInterface:: |
PluginSettingsBase:: |
public | function |
Sets the settings for the plugin. Overrides PluginSettingsInterface:: |
PluginSettingsBase:: |
public | function |
Sets the value of a third-party setting. Overrides ThirdPartySettingsInterface:: |
PluginSettingsBase:: |
public | function |
Unsets a third-party setting. Overrides ThirdPartySettingsInterface:: |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | property | The string translation service. | 1 |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Formats a string containing a count of items. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the string translation service. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
public | function | Sets the string translation service to use. | 2 |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Translates a string to the current language or to a given language. |