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function ldap_sso_user_logout in LDAP Single Sign On 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 ldap_sso.module \ldap_sso_user_logout()
  2. 8 ldap_sso.module \ldap_sso_user_logout()
  3. 7.2 ldap_sso.module \ldap_sso_user_logout()

Implements hook_user_logout().

The user just logged out.


./ldap_sso.module, line 32
This module injects itself into Drupal's Authentication stack.


function ldap_sso_user_logout($account) {
  $auth_conf = ldap_authentication_get_valid_conf();
  if ($auth_conf->seamlessLogin == 1) {
    $cookie_string = 'do not auto login';
    setcookie("seamless_login", $cookie_string, time() + (int) $auth_conf->cookieExpire, base_path(), "");
    $_SESSION['seamless_login'] = $cookie_string;