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Classes, traits, and interfaces in LDAP Single Sign On 8.4

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
LdapSsoAdminForm class Drupal\ldap_sso\Form src/Form/LdapSsoAdminForm.php Provides the configuration form SSO under LDAP configuration. 1
LdapSsoBootSubscriber class Drupal\ldap_sso src/LdapSsoBootSubscriber.php Provides the automated single sign-on provider. 2
LdapSsoBrowserTest class Drupal\Tests\ldap_sso\Functional tests/src/Functional/LdapSsoBrowserTest.php Test redirection behaviour with SSO enabled.
LoginController class Drupal\ldap_sso\Controller src/Controller/LoginController.php Login controller.
RedirectResponseWithCookie class Drupal\ldap_sso src/RedirectResponseWithCookie.php Taken from AlterPHP\Component\HttpFoundation. 1
ServerVariableLookup class Drupal\ldap_sso src/ServerVariableLookup.php Helper function to make dummy data available in functional tests. 2
ServerVariableLookup class Drupal\ldap_sso_dummy_ldap tests/modules/ldap_sso_dummy_ldap/src/ServerVariableLookup.php Helper function to make dummy data available in functional tests. 2
ServerVariableLookupInterface interface Drupal\ldap_sso src/ServerVariableLookupInterface.php Helper function to make dummy data available in functional tests. 2 2

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