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function ldaphelp_main in LDAP integration 6

1 string reference to 'ldaphelp_main'
ldaphelp_menu in ldaphelp/ldaphelp.module
Implementation of hook_menu().


ldaphelp/ldaphelp.module, line 315
The ldaphelp module is a module to help admins debug ldap_integration modules.


function ldaphelp_main() {
  $text = '<h3>' . t('LDAP Help Module') . '</h3><p>' . t('This module is meant to assist Drupal admins in configuring, debugging, sharing, and submitting
  support and bug request related to LDAP integration modules.') . '<strong><em> ' . t('LDAP Help Module should be disabled unless you are debugging or configuring ldap problems.') . '</em></strong> ' . t('It adds no functionality to the LDAP modules.') . '</p>';
  $path = drupal_get_path("module", "ldapauth");
  $text .= <<<EOT

  <h3>LDAP Integration Module Resources</h3>
  <li>The <a href="/{<span class="php-variable">$path</span>}/README.txt">readme file</a> covers basics of module.</li>
  <li><a href="">LDAP Integration Contributed Module Documentation</a>
  overviews ldapauth, ldapgroups, and ldapdata modules and their installation and configuration.
  Sometimes out of date.  Be sure that documentation matches the version you are using.  This
  is a great opportunity for new users to contribute to the module:  when  you first use the
  documentation take notes on what needs to be clarified.
  <li>Search <a href="">issue que</a>  For best results,
  select version and category before searching.</li>
  <li><a href="">View all issues</a></li>

   <h3>General Drupal Support Help</h3>

  <li><a href="">How to report a problem in Drupal</a></li>
  <li><a href="">How to report bugs in Drupal</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Drupal Troubleshooting FAQ</a></li>

  <h3>General LDAP Resources</h3>
  <li><a href="">PHP LDAP</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Apache Directory Studio</a> LDAP Browser and Directory Client.</li>
  <li><a href="">Novell Edirectory</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Apple Open Directory</a></li>
  <li><a href="">Microsoft Active Directory LDAP</a></li>

  return $text;