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function ldapgroups_user_test_output in LDAP integration 6

Generate the test results for the user and ldap settings.


Object $account:

int $sid:

String $dn:

1 call to ldapgroups_user_test_output()
ldapgroups_user_test_submit in ./
Submit handler for testing user against the ldapgroups settings.


./, line 476
Module admin page callbacks.


function ldapgroups_user_test_output($account, $sid, $dn) {
  global $_ldapgroups_ldap;
  module_load_include('inc', 'ldapgroups', 'ldapgroups');

  // Setup the global $_ldapgroups_ldap object.
  if (!_ldapgroups_ldap_init($sid)) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Could not initialize the LDAP connection object!'), 'error');
    return FALSE;

  // Use the lookup dn/password or announymous if not set.
  // Note: This may fail if LDAP security limits access to needed info.
  $bind_dn = $_ldapgroups_ldap
  $pass = $_ldapgroups_ldap
  if (!$_ldapgroups_ldap
    ->connect($bind_dn, $pass)) {
    $bind_name = empty($bind_dn) ? t("anonymous") : $bind_dn;
    drupal_set_message(t('Could not bind to the LDAP server as @name!', array(
      '@name' => $bind_name,
    )), 'error');
    return FALSE;
  $ldap_info = ldapauth_user_lookup_by_dn($_ldapgroups_ldap, $dn, LDAPAUTH_SYNC_CONTEXT_AUTHENTICATE_DRUPAL_USER);
  if (empty($ldap_info)) {
    drupal_set_message(t("Could not find specified DN"));
    return FALSE;
  $name_attr = $_ldapgroups_ldap
  $ldap_name = isset($ldap_info[$name_attr][0]) ? $ldap_info[$name_attr][0] : $ldap_info[drupal_strtolower($name_attr)][0];
  if (!$account) {
    $account = ldapauth_drupal_user_lookup($_ldapgroups_ldap, $ldap_name, $dn, $error);
  $output = '<p>';
  $output .= "<b>" . t('Drupal User Info') . "</b><br/>";
  if ($account) {
    $output .= t("Drupal user name") . ":  {$account->name}<br/>";
    $output .= t("LDAP Authentified") . ": " . ($account->ldap_authentified ? "Yes" : "No") . "<br/>";
  else {
    $output .= t("No matching Drupal User found.") . "<br/>";
  $output .= "<br/><b>" . t("LDAP User Info") . "</b><br/>";
  $output .= t("LDAP server") . ": {$_ldapgroups_ldap->getOption('name')}<br/>";
  $output .= t("LDAP user name") . ": {$ldap_name}<br/>";
  $output .= t("LDAP dn") . ": {$dn}<br/>";

  // First, we figure out the appropriate groups.
  $groups = ldapgroups_groups_load($_ldapgroups_ldap, $dn, $ldap_name);
  $output .= "<br/><b>" . t("User's LDAP Groups") . "</b><br/>";
  if ($groups) {
    foreach ($groups as $group) {
      $output .= "{$group}<br/>";
  else {
    if ($groups === FALSE) {
      $output .= t("An error occured getting group information!") . "<br/>";
    else {
      $output .= t("No groups found") . "<br/>";
  $output .= "<br/><b>" . t("Server Access") . "</b><br/>";
  $groups_allowed = _ldapgroups_ldap_info($sid, 'ldapgroups_groups');
  if (empty($groups_allowed)) {

    // Nothing to do here.
    $output .= t("No access rules defined.") . "<br/>";
  $denied = FALSE;
  ldapgroups_ldap_user_deny_alter($denied, $_ldapgroups_ldap, $ldap_name, $dn, $account);
  $access = !$denied ? t("Allowed") : t("Denied");
  $output .= t("Server access") . ": {$access}<br/>";
  $output .= "<br/><b>" . t("User's Drupal Roles") . "</b><br/>";
  $role_mapping = _ldapgroups_ldap_info($sid, 'ldapgroups_mappings_filter');
  switch ($role_mapping) {
      $role_mapping_mode = t("Automatic mode");
      $role_mapping_mode = t("Mapping defined in server settings");
      $role_mapping_mode = t("Role mapping disabled");
  $output .= t("Role Mapping Mode") . ": {$role_mapping_mode}<br/>";

  // Is Role mapping disabled?
  if ($role_mapping != LDAPGROUPS_ROLE_MODE_DISABLED) {

    // Apply site-specific rules.
    $filtered_groups = _ldapgroups_filter($sid, $groups);

    // At this point, the roles are in the full DN format or role names.
    $roles = array();
    if (!empty($filtered_groups)) {
      foreach ($filtered_groups as $group) {
        $role = _ldapgroups_mapping($sid, $group);
        $roles[] = $role;
    $roles = array_unique($roles);
    drupal_alter("ldap_user_roles", $roles, $account, $dn, $groups, $filtered_groups);
    if (!empty($roles)) {
      foreach ($roles as $role) {
        $output .= "{$role}<br/>";
    else {
      $output .= t("No roles found") . "<br/>";
  $output .= "</p>";
  return $output;