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22 calls to ldapauth_server_load() in LDAP integration 6

hook_ldap_drupal_user_name_alter in ./ldapauth.api.php
Called after LDAP user has been authenticated but before the drupal user mapping/creation done.
ldapauth_admin_form in ./
Implements the LDAP server edit page.
ldapauth_admin_form_validate_field in ./
Validation for machine name field.
ldapauth_admin_import_form_validate in ./
Validate a server settings import.
ldapauth_drupal_user_lookup in includes/
Map an LDAP user to a Drupal user account if one exists.
ldapauth_extract_puid in includes/
Extracts the puid value from an ldap search result with binary handling
ldapauth_ldap_attributes_needed_alter in ./ldapauth.module
Implements hook_ldap_attributes_needed_alter
ldapauth_puid_filter in includes/
Create a "binary safe" LDAP search filter for finding objects from puid.
ldapauth_server_delete in includes/
Delete server settings
ldapauth_user in ./ldapauth.module
Implements hook_user().
ldapauth_user_pass in ./ldapauth.module
ldaphelp_users_list in ldaphelp/ldaphelp.module
Generate a list of all Drupal users marked as ldap_authentified.
ldap_servers_features_export_render in ./
Implementation of hook_features_export_render. [component hook]
ldap_servers_features_rebuild in ./
Implementation of hook_features_rebuild(). [component_hook]
_ldapauth_init in ./ldapauth.module
Initiates the LDAPInterfase class.
_ldapauth_ldap_info in ./ldapauth.module
Retrieve the saved ldapauth PhP code filters.
_ldapdata_edition in ./ldapdata.module
Retrieve LDAP write credentials.
_ldapdata_init in ./ldapdata.module
Initiates the LDAPInterfase class.
_ldapdata_ldap_info in ./ldapdata.module
Retrieve the saved ldapdata saved setting.
_ldapgroups_ldap_info in ./
Retrieve the saved ldapgroups saved setting.
_ldapgroups_ldap_init in ./
Initiates the LDAPInterfase class.
_ldapsync_init in ./ldapsync.module
Initiates the LDAPInterfase class.