You are here in LDAP integration 6

The core functions that ldapauth supplies for submodules. Will be included by default by ldapauth.


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 * @file
 * The core functions that ldapauth supplies for submodules.  Will be included
 * by default by ldapauth.


// Server Information CRUD functions

 * Retrieve server setting object by sid or machine_name
 * ( menu load function too)
 * @param Mixed $sid Either the sid number or the machine name
 * @param boolean $reset  Cache is cleared if true.
 * @return The server object or FALSE
function ldapauth_server_load($sid, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $servers = array();
  if ($reset) {
    $servers = array();
  if (isset($servers[$sid])) {
    return $servers[$sid];
  if (is_numeric($sid)) {
    $where = "sid = %d";
  else {
    $where = "machine_name = '%s'";
  $server = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {ldapauth} WHERE " . $where, $sid));
  $servers[$sid] = $server;
  return $server;

 * Retrieve server settings by human name.
 * @param String $name The description name of the server.
 * @return Object or FALSE if not found.
function ldapauth_server_load_by_name($name) {
  $server = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {ldapauth} WHERE name = '%s'", $name));
  if (!$server) {
    return FALSE;
  return $server;

 * Retrieve all servers from database.
 * @param Boolean $reset Clear the static cache if TRUE
 * @return An array of server objects ordered by weight with sid as key.
function ldapauth_server_load_all($reset = FALSE) {
  static $servers = array();
  if ($reset) {
    $servers = array();
  if (empty($servers) || $reset) {
    $results = db_query("SELECT * FROM {ldapauth} ORDER BY weight");
    while ($server = db_fetch_object($results)) {
      $servers[$server->sid] = $server;
  return $servers;

 * Create/Update server settings... updates if $server->sid is set or not.
 * Uses machine_name as the key field for features.
 * @param Mixed $server Server settings to save as object or array
 * @param Boolean $quiet If true, no success message will be displayed to user.
 * @param Boolean $use_sid If true, use sid to update entry rather than machine name.
function ldapauth_server_save(&$server, $quiet = FALSE, $use_sid = FALSE) {
  if (is_array($server)) {
    $server = (object) $server;
    $array = TRUE;
  else {
    $array = FALSE;
  if (isset($server->sid)) {
    $type = "updated";
    if ($use_sid) {
      $update = 'sid';
    else {
      $update = 'machine_name';
  else {
    $type = "added";
    $update = array();
  $params = array(
    '%name' => $server->name,
    '%type' => $type,
  if ($rc = drupal_write_record('ldapauth', $server, $update)) {
    if (!$quiet) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Server settings for %name have been %type.', $params));
    watchdog('ldapauth', 'LDAP Configuration %name has been %type.', $params);
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('Failed to write the server settings for %name .', array(
      '%name' => $server->name,
    )), 'warning');
  if ($array) {
    $server = (array) $server;
  return $rc;

 * Delete server settings
 * @param Mixed $server A server object, array, or an integer sid.
 * @param Boolean $quiet
function ldapauth_server_delete($server, $quiet = FALSE) {
  if (is_numeric($server)) {
    $server = ldapauth_server_load($server);
  elseif (is_array($server)) {
    $server = (object) $server;
  if ($server && isset($server->sid)) {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {ldapauth} WHERE sid = %d", $server->sid);
    if (!$quiet) {
      drupal_set_message(t('LDAP Configuration %name has been deleted.', array(
        '%name' => $server->name,
    watchdog('ldapauth', 'LDAP Configuration %name has been deleted.', array(
      '%name' => $server->name,


// LDAP User Information CRUD functions

 * Create / Update a record in the ldapauth_users table.
 * @param Mixed $userinfo Object or Array containing record info.
function ldapauth_userinfo_save($userinfo) {
  if (is_array($userinfo)) {
    $userinfo = (object) $userinfo;
    $array = TRUE;
  else {
    $array = FALSE;
  if (isset($userinfo->luid)) {
    $update = 'luid';
  if (!($rc = drupal_write_record('ldapauth_users', $userinfo, $update))) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Failed to write the ldap user info for uid: %name .', array(
      '%name' => $userinfo->uid,
    )), 'warning');
  if ($array) {
    $userinfo = (array) $userinfo;
  return $rc;

 * Load a ldapauth_user record
 * @param unknown_type $luid
function ldapauth_userinfo_load($luid) {
  $userinfo = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {ldapauth_users} WHERE luid = '%s'", $luid));
  return $userinfo;

 * Load a ldapauth_user record by puid
 * @param String $puid The users puid (after convertion from binary if needed).
function ldapauth_userinfo_load_by_puid($puid) {
  $userinfo = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {ldapauth_users} WHERE puid = '%s'", $puid));
  return $userinfo;

 * Load a ldapauth_user record by uid
 * @param int $uid The user's uid
function ldapauth_userinfo_load_by_uid($uid) {
  $userinfo = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT * FROM {ldapauth_users} WHERE uid = %d", $uid));
  return $userinfo;

 * Delete a ldapauth_users record.
 * @param Mixed $userinfo Either the luid or the full object to delete
function ldapauth_userinfo_delete($userinfo) {
  if (is_numeric($userinfo)) {
    $userinfo = ldapauth_userinfo_load($userinfo);
  elseif (is_array($userinfo)) {
    $userinfo = (object) $userinfo;
  if ($userinfo && isset($userinfo->luid)) {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {ldapauth_users} WHERE luid = %d", $userinfo->luid);

 * Clear all entries from {ldapauth_users} who match the given server id.
 * @param Mixed $sid A server object or sid
function ldapauth_userinfo_delete_by_sid($server) {
  if (isset($server->sid)) {
    $sid = $server->sid;
  else {
    $sid = $server;
  if (is_numeric($sid)) {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {ldapauth_users} WHERE sid = %d", $sid);


// Attribute search functions.

 * get array of required attributes for an ldap query.
 * The op parameter should be one of the LDAPAUTH_SYNC_CONTEXT* constants.
 * @param string $op is operation being performed
 * @param string $sid server id being used
function ldapauth_attributes_needed($op, $sid = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $attributes = array();
  if ($reset) {
    $attributes = array();
  if (!isset($attributes[$sid][$op])) {
    drupal_alter('ldap_attributes_needed', $attributes[$sid][$op], $op, $sid);

    // attributes array needs to have no gaps of ldap_search(), ldap_read(), ldap_list() so apply array_values()
    $attributes[$sid][$op] = array_values(array_unique($attributes[$sid][$op]));
  return $attributes[$sid][$op];


// PUID Common functions

 * Extracts the puid value from an ldap search result with binary handling
 * @param Mixed $server The server object or sid
 * @param The drupal user name
 * @param Array $ldap_entry LDAP search or retrieveAttributes result.
function ldapauth_extract_puid($server, $name, $ldap_entry) {
  if (is_numeric($server)) {
    $server = ldapauth_server_load($server);

  // These are byte operations.
  $puid = $ldap_entry[strtolower($server->puid_attr)][0];
  if ($puid && $server->binary_puid) {
    if (strlen($puid) == 16) {

      // Assume a binary GUID ala MS
      $hex_string = bin2hex($puid);

      // (MS?) GUID are displayed with first three GUID parts as "big endian"
      // Doing this so String value matches what other LDAP tool displays for AD.
      $puid = strtoupper(substr($hex_string, 6, 2) . substr($hex_string, 4, 2) . substr($hex_string, 2, 2) . substr($hex_string, 0, 2) . '-' . substr($hex_string, 10, 2) . substr($hex_string, 8, 2) . '-' . substr($hex_string, 14, 2) . substr($hex_string, 12, 2) . '-' . substr($hex_string, 16, 4) . '-' . substr($hex_string, 20, 12));
    else {
      $puid = bin2hex($puid);
  if (empty($puid)) {

    // Give other modules a chance to create a puid if needed.
    drupal_alter('ldap_user_puid', $puid, $name, $ldap_entry['dn'], $server->sid);
  return $puid;

 * Create a "binary safe" LDAP search filter for finding objects from puid.
 * @param Mixed $server Server object or sid
 * @param String $puid The puid value from ldapauth_users
function ldapauth_puid_filter($server, $puid) {
  if (is_numeric($server)) {
    $server = ldapauth_server_load($server);
  $filter = $server->puid_attr . "=";
  $match = '';
  if ($server->binary_puid) {

    // Is it a simple Hex string
    if (preg_match('/^[a-f0-9]+$/i', $puid)) {
      for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($puid); $i = $i + 2) {
        $match .= '\\' . substr($puid, $i, 2);
    elseif (preg_match('/^[a-f0-9]{8}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{4}-[a-f0-9]{12}$/i', $puid)) {

      // Reconstruct proper "memory" order from GUID string.
      $hex_string = str_replace('-', '', $puid);
      $puid = substr($hex_string, 6, 2) . substr($hex_string, 4, 2) . substr($hex_string, 2, 2) . substr($hex_string, 0, 2) . substr($hex_string, 10, 2) . substr($hex_string, 8, 2) . substr($hex_string, 14, 2) . substr($hex_string, 12, 2) . substr($hex_string, 16, 4) . substr($hex_string, 20, 12);
      for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($puid); $i = $i + 2) {
        $match .= '\\' . substr($puid, $i, 2);
  else {
    $match = $puid;
  return $filter . $match;

 * Map an LDAP user to a Drupal user account if one exists.
 * @param LDAPInterface $ldap An initialized LDAP server interface object.
 * @param String $name The user name (from login form)
 * @param String $dn The user's dn
 * @param String $error An error message or '' if no errors.  NOTE: Errors NOT reported via watchdog
 * @param String $puid Save an ldap query if the PUID is already known (e.g ldapsync)
 * @return A user object, FALSE (user not found) or NULL (if error)
function ldapauth_drupal_user_lookup($ldap, $name, $dn, &$error, $puid = NULL) {
  $error = '';
  if (!$ldap) {
    $error = t('LDAPInterface not initialized in ldapauth_drupal_user_lookup!');
    return NULL;
  $sid = $ldap

  // If a PUID attribute is set, then use this to map users
  if ($ldap
    ->getOption('puid_attr')) {
    if (!$puid) {
      $ldap_entry = ldapauth_user_lookup_by_dn($ldap, $dn, LDAPAUTH_SYNC_CONTEXT_AUTHENTICATE_DRUPAL_USER);
      if (empty($ldap_entry)) {
        $error = t("Error looking up user in LDAP:  Supplied dn not found! sid=%sid dn=%dn", array(
          '%sid' => $sid,
          '%dn' => $dn,
        return NULL;
      $puid = ldapauth_extract_puid($sid, $name, $ldap_entry);

    // Try to get PUID to UID mapping.
    if (!empty($puid)) {
      $user_info = ldapauth_userinfo_load_by_puid($puid);

      // Found matching ldapauth_users entry.  Return this users.
      if (isset($user_info->uid)) {
        $account = user_load($user_info->uid);
        $account->ldap_puid = $puid;
        return $account;
    else {
      $error = t("LDAP user did not have required PUID attribute, %puid_attr! sid=%sid dn=%dn", array(
        '%puid_attr' => $ldap
        '%sid' => $sid,
        '%dn' => $dn,
      return NULL;

    // Have PUID but no matching userinfo, then see if entry needs to be rebuilt.
    // Most likely one of the following:
    //   Converting from prePUID to PUID;
    //   Changed PUID attribute; or
    //   Server re-created with new sid.
    // TODO: Make this configurable?
    $drupal_name = ldapauth_drupal_user_name($name, $ldap, $dn);
    $account = user_load(array(
      'name' => $drupal_name,
    if (!$account) {
      return FALSE;

    // Does the name map to an existing LDAP related account.
    if (isset($account->ldap_authentified)) {
      $user_info = ldapauth_userinfo_load_by_uid($account->uid);

      // No user with different PUID
      if (empty($user_info)) {

        // DNs match.
        if (drupal_strtolower($account->ldap_dn) == drupal_strtolower($dn)) {
          $old_server = ldapauth_server_load($account->ldap_config);

          // Do sids match or old sid does not exist
          if ($account->ldap_config == $sid || empty($old_server)) {
            $user_info = array(
              'uid' => $account->uid,
              'sid' => $sid,
              'machine_name' => $ldap
              'dn' => $dn,
              'puid' => $puid,
            $account->ldap_puid = $puid;
            return $account;
      else {
        $error = t('User, %name, already associated with a different LDAP user', array(
          '%name' => $name,
        return NULL;

    // Return normal drupal account so login process can decide to map or not.
    $account->ldap_puid = $puid;
    return $account;
  else {
    $drupal_name = ldapauth_drupal_user_name($name, $ldap, $dn);
    $account = user_load(array(
      'name' => $drupal_name,
    if (!$account) {
      return FALSE;

    // Double check that ldap user matches this account.
    if ($account->ldap_authentified) {

      // Do DNs map
      if (drupal_strtolower($account->ldap_dn) == drupal_strtolower($dn)) {
        $old_server = ldapauth_server_load($account->ldap_config);

        // Do sids match or old sid does not exist
        if ($account->ldap_config == $sid || empty($old_server)) {
          $account->ldap_puid = $name;

          // Default if puid attr not set.
          return $account;
      return FALSE;
    $account->ldap_puid = $name;

    // Default if puid attr not set.
    return $account;

 * Create a new Drupal user from an LDAP user entry with checks to ensure that:
 * The admin settings allow account creation
 * The user name is unique.
 * The e-mail is unique and not a reserved address.
 * If PUID are used that the PUID is unique and not null.
 * @param LDAPInterface $ldap An initialized LDAP server Interface object
 * @param String $name The LDAP user name/login name.  If Null, user name will be extracted from attributes.
 * @param Mixed $ldap_user The user's dn or and with the user's ldap attributes.
 * @param String $error An error message or '' if no errors.  Errors also logged via watchdog.
 * @return The new user object or FALSE if an error occured.
function ldapauth_drupal_user_create($ldap, $name, $ldap_user, &$error) {
  if (is_string($ldap_user)) {
    $is_dn = TRUE;
    $dn = $ldap_user;
  elseif (isset($ldap_user['dn'])) {
    $is_dn = FALSE;
    $dn = $ldap_user['dn'];
  else {

    // Hmm invalid entry maybe should log this?
    $error = t('Invalid LDAP information supplied!  Could not find dn.');
    watchdog('ldapauth', 'Drupal user %name could not be created because the ldap_user parameter did not contain a valid dn.', array(
      '%name' => $name,
    return FALSE;
  $error = '';

  // Has the admin turned of automatic account creation?
  if (!variable_get('ldapauth_create_users', TRUE)) {
    $error = t('Your account is not authorized to access this system.');
    watchdog('ldapauth', 'The valid LDAP account %name was denied access because there was no matching Drupal account.', array(
      '%name' => $name,
    return FALSE;
  if ($is_dn) {
    $ldap_user = ldapauth_user_lookup_by_dn($ldap, $dn, LDAPAUTH_SYNC_CONTEXT_AUTHENTICATE_DRUPAL_USER);

  // Get drupal name from ldap uid name
  if (!$name) {
    $name_attr = $ldap
      ->getOption('user_attr') ? $ldap
      ->getOption('user_attr') : LDAPAUTH_DEFAULT_USER_ATTR;
    $name = isset($ldap_user[$name_attr][0]) ? $ldap_user[$name_attr][0] : (isset($ldap_user[drupal_strtolower($name_attr)][0]) ? $ldap_user[drupal_strtolower($name_attr)][0] : $name);

  // Let other modules change this if needed.
  $drupal_name = ldapauth_drupal_user_name($name, $ldap, $dn);

  // Check for unique name probably already done but double check to be sure.
  if (user_load(array(
    'name' => $drupal_name,
  ))) {
    watchdog('ldapauth', 'LDAP user with DN %dn has a naming conflict with a local Drupal user %name', array(
      '%dn' => $dn,
      '%name' => $drupal_name,
    $error = t('Another user already exists in the system with the same login name. You should contact the system administrator in order to solve this conflict.');
    return FALSE;
  if ($ldap_user) {

    // If mail attribute is missing, set the name as mail.
    $init = $mail = key_exists($ldap
      ->getOption('mail_attr') ? $ldap
      ->getOption('mail_attr') : LDAPAUTH_DEFAULT_MAIL_ATTR, $ldap_user) ? $ldap_user[$ldap
      ->getOption('mail_attr')][0] : $name;

    // Check that the e-mail is not denied.
    if (drupal_is_denied('mail', $mail)) {
      $error = t('The name %name is registered using a reserved e-mail address and therefore could not be logged in.', array(
        '%name' => $name,
      return FALSE;

    // Check that e-mail is unique
    if ($existing_user_by_email = user_load(array(
      'mail' => $mail,
    ))) {
      $error = t('The e-mail address, %mail, associated with this account is already in use.', array(
        '%mail' => $mail,
      watchdog('ldapauth', 'The valid LDAP account %name was denied access their email address, %mail, was already in use.', array(
        '%name' => $name,
        '%mail' => $mail,
      return FALSE;
    $sid = $ldap

    // Validate / Create PUID entry.
    if ($ldap
      ->getOption('puid_attr')) {
      $puid = ldapauth_extract_puid($sid, $name, $ldap_user);
      if (empty($puid)) {

        // Give other modules a chance to create a puid if needed.
        drupal_alter('ldap_user_puid', $puid, $name, $dn, $sid);
      if (empty($puid)) {
        $error = t("This LDAP user entry was not configured properly (No PUID).  Please contact your system administrator.");
        watchdog('ldapauth', 'LDAP user did not have required PUID attribute! ldap_attr=%attr sid=%sid dn=%dn', array(
          '%attr' => $ldap
          '%sid' => $sid,
          '%dn' => $dn,
        ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        return FALSE;
      if (ldapauth_userinfo_load_by_puid($puid)) {
        $error = t("This LDAP user entry was not configured properly (Duplicate PUID).  Please contact your system administrator.");
        watchdog('ldapauth', 'A duplicate PUID was found! attr=%attr sid=%sid dn=%dn', array(
          '%attr' => $ldap
          '%sid' => $sid,
          '%dn' => $dn,
        ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        return FALSE;
    else {
      $puid = $name;

      // default to $name for PUID.

    // Use name as is set in the LDAP server.
    $name_attr = $ldap
      ->getOption('user_attr') ? $ldap
      ->getOption('user_attr') : LDAPAUTH_DEFAULT_USER_ATTR;
    $name_new = isset($ldap_user[$name_attr][0]) ? $ldap_user[$name_attr][0] : (isset($ldap_user[drupal_strtolower($name_attr)][0]) ? $ldap_user[drupal_strtolower($name_attr)][0] : $name);

    // Unless another module has altered it.
    if ($drupal_name != $name) {
      $name_new = $drupal_name;

    // Generate a random drupal password. LDAP password will be used anyways.
    $new_user = array(
      'name' => $name_new,
      'pass' => $pass_new,
      'mail' => $mail,
      'init' => $init,
      'status' => 1,
      'authname_ldapauth' => $name,
      'ldap_authentified' => TRUE,
      'ldap_dn' => $ldap_user['dn'],
      'ldap_config' => $ldap
      'ldap_name' => $name,
    $account = user_save('', $new_user);

    // Save ldapauth_users info.
    $user_info = array(
      'uid' => $account->uid,
      'sid' => $sid,
      'machine_name' => $ldap
      'dn' => $dn,
      'puid' => $puid,
    watchdog('ldapauth', 'New external user %name created from the LDAP server %server.', array(
      '%name' => $name,
      '%server' => $ldap
    ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, l(t('edit'), 'user/' . $user->uid . '/edit'));

    // Invoke post user creation hook.
    module_invoke_all('ldapauth_create', $account);
    return $account;
  $error = t("Could not find dn entry! dn=%dn", array(
    '%dn' => $dn,
  return FALSE;

 * Retrieves required attributes for specific user and operation.
 * @param LDAPInterface $ldap An initialized LDAP server Interface object
 * @param String $dn The LDAP user's dn
 * @param String $op The type of load operation (see LDAPAUTH_SYNC_CONTEXT* constants)
 * @param boolean $reset If true the cache will be cleared.
 * @return An array of the user's ldap attributes as defined by the operation.
function ldapauth_user_lookup_by_dn($ldap, $dn, $op, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $ldap_user_cache = array();
  if ($reset) {
    $ldap_user_cache = array();
  if (!$ldap) {

    // Allow cache resets without lookup.
    return FALSE;
  $sid = $ldap
  if (!isset($ldap_user_cache[$op][$sid][$dn])) {
    $attrs = ldapauth_attributes_needed($op, $ldap
    $ldap_user_cache[$op][$sid][$dn] = $ldap
      ->retrieveAttributes($dn, $attrs);
  return $ldap_user_cache[$op][$sid][$dn];

 * Allow modules to do site dependent login form name to drupal account name
 * mapping.
 * Calls the hook_ldap_drupal_user_name_alter function(s) once per name.
 * @param String $name Name entered on login form (case insensitive match to user attr).
 * @param LDAPInterface $ldap Fully initialized LDAP server interface object
 * @param boolean $reset If true the cache will be cleared.
 * @param String $dn The DN that has been authenticated with LDAP.
function ldapauth_drupal_user_name($name, $ldap, $dn, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $drupal_names = array();
  if ($reset) {
    $drupal_name = array();
  if (!$name) {

    // Allow reset with no lookup.
    return FALSE;
  if (!isset($drupal_names[$name])) {
    $new_name = $name;
    drupal_alter('ldap_drupal_user_name', $new_name, $ldap, $dn);
    $drupal_names[$name] = $new_name;
  return $drupal_names[$name];

 * Allows other modules (like ldapgroups) to deny an ldap user access to the
 * server.
 * @param LDAPInterface $ldap Fully initialized LDAP server interface object
 * @param String $name The ldap user name (from login form)
 * @param String $dn The DN for the authenticated user
 * @param Object $account The local drupal account object or FALSE if none found.
 * @return TRUE is user is to be denied access.
function ldapauth_user_denied($ldap, $name, $dn, $account) {
  $denied = FALSE;
  drupal_alter('ldap_user_deny', $denied, $ldap, $name, $dn, $account);
  return $denied;

 * Utility function to allow for debug tracing message to be logged so that
 * admins can get more information about config/connection problems.
 * @param String $message Preferably a pre-translated message but can be
 *                        a message with substitutions.
 * @param Array $variables  Should be NULL or missing if message translated.
 *                          Substitution array if not.
 * @see watchdog
function ldapauth_debug_msg($message, $variables = NULL) {
  global $_ldapauth_debug;
  if (!isset($_ldapauth_debug)) {
    $_ldapauth_debug = variable_get("ldapauth_debug", FALSE);
  if ($_ldapauth_debug) {
    watchdog('ldapauth', $message, $variables, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);


Namesort descending Description
ldapauth_attributes_needed get array of required attributes for an ldap query.
ldapauth_debug_msg Utility function to allow for debug tracing message to be logged so that admins can get more information about config/connection problems.
ldapauth_drupal_user_create Create a new Drupal user from an LDAP user entry with checks to ensure that:
ldapauth_drupal_user_lookup Map an LDAP user to a Drupal user account if one exists.
ldapauth_drupal_user_name Allow modules to do site dependent login form name to drupal account name mapping.
ldapauth_extract_puid Extracts the puid value from an ldap search result with binary handling
ldapauth_puid_filter Create a "binary safe" LDAP search filter for finding objects from puid.
ldapauth_server_delete Delete server settings
ldapauth_server_load Retrieve server setting object by sid or machine_name ( menu load function too)
ldapauth_server_load_all Retrieve all servers from database.
ldapauth_server_load_by_name Retrieve server settings by human name.
ldapauth_server_save Create/Update server settings... updates if $server->sid is set or not. Uses machine_name as the key field for features.
ldapauth_userinfo_delete Delete a ldapauth_users record.
ldapauth_userinfo_delete_by_sid Clear all entries from {ldapauth_users} who match the given server id.
ldapauth_userinfo_load Load a ldapauth_user record
ldapauth_userinfo_load_by_puid Load a ldapauth_user record by puid
ldapauth_userinfo_load_by_uid Load a ldapauth_user record by uid
ldapauth_userinfo_save Create / Update a record in the ldapauth_users table.
ldapauth_user_denied Allows other modules (like ldapgroups) to deny an ldap user access to the server.
ldapauth_user_lookup_by_dn Retrieves required attributes for specific user and operation.