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class LdapUserAdminForm in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 ldap_user/src/Form/LdapUserAdminForm.php \Drupal\ldap_user\Form\LdapUserAdminForm

Provides the form to configure user configuration and field mapping.


Expanded class hierarchy of LdapUserAdminForm

1 string reference to 'LdapUserAdminForm'
ldap_user.routing.yml in ldap_user/ldap_user.routing.yml


ldap_user/src/Form/LdapUserAdminForm.php, line 26


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class LdapUserAdminForm extends ConfigFormBase implements LdapUserAttributesInterface, ContainerInjectionInterface {
  protected $serverFactory;
  protected $cache;
  protected $moduleHandler;
  protected $drupalAcctProvisionServerOptions;
  protected $ldapEntryProvisionServerOptions;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __construct(ConfigFactoryInterface $config_factory, ServerFactory $server_factory, CacheBackendInterface $cache, ModuleHandler $module_handler) {
    $this->serverFactory = $server_factory;
    $this->cache = $cache;
    $this->moduleHandler = $module_handler;
    $ldap_servers = $this->serverFactory
    if ($ldap_servers) {
      foreach ($ldap_servers as $sid => $ldap_server) {

        /** @var \Drupal\ldap_servers\Entity\Server $ldap_server */
        $enabled = $ldap_server
          ->get('status') ? 'Enabled' : 'Disabled';
        $this->drupalAcctProvisionServerOptions[$sid] = $ldap_server
          ->label() . ' (' . $ldap_server
          ->get('address') . ') Status: ' . $enabled;
        $this->ldapEntryProvisionServerOptions[$sid] = $ldap_server
          ->label() . ' (' . $ldap_server
          ->get('address') . ') Status: ' . $enabled;
    $this->drupalAcctProvisionServerOptions['none'] = $this
    $this->ldapEntryProvisionServerOptions['none'] = $this

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
    return new static($container
      ->get('config.factory'), $container
      ->get('ldap.servers'), $container
      ->get('cache.default'), $container

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getFormId() {
    return 'ldap_user_admin_form';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getEditableConfigNames() {
    return [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $config = $this
    if (count($this->drupalAcctProvisionServerOptions) == 0) {
      $url = Url::fromRoute('entity.ldap_server.collection');
      $edit_server_link = Link::fromTextAndUrl($this
        ->t('@path', [
        '@path' => 'LDAP Servers',
      ]), $url)
      $message = $this
        ->t('At least one LDAP server must configured and <em>enabled</em> before configuring LDAP user. Please go to @link to configure an LDAP server.', [
        '@link' => $edit_server_link,
      $form['intro'] = [
        '#type' => 'item',
        '#markup' => $this
          ->t('<h1>LDAP User Settings</h1>') . $message,
      return $form;
    $form['#storage'] = [];
    $form['intro'] = [
      '#type' => 'item',
      '#markup' => $this
        ->t('<h1>LDAP User Settings</h1>'),
    $form['server_mapping_preamble'] = [
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#markup' => $this
        ->t('The relationship between a Drupal user and an LDAP entry is defined within the LDAP server configurations. The mappings below are for user fields, properties and data that are not automatically mapped elsewhere. <br>Read-only mappings are generally configured on the server configuration page and shown here as a convenience to you.'),
    $form['manual_drupal_account_editing'] = [
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('Manual Drupal Account Creation'),
    $form['manual_drupal_account_editing']['manualAccountConflict'] = [
      '#type' => 'radios',
      '#options' => [
          ->t('Associate accounts, if available.'),
          ->t('Do not associate accounts, allow conflicting accounts.'),
          ->t('Do not associate accounts, reject conflicting accounts.'),
          ->t('Show option on user create form to associate or not.'),
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('How to resolve LDAP conflicts with manually created user accounts.'),
      '#description' => $this
        ->t('This applies only to accounts created manually through admin/people/create for which an LDAP entry can be found on the LDAP server selected in "LDAP Servers Providing Provisioning Data"'),
      '#default_value' => $config
    $form['basic_to_drupal'] = [
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('Basic Provisioning to Drupal Account Settings'),
    $form['basic_to_drupal']['drupalAcctProvisionServer'] = [
      '#type' => 'radios',
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('LDAP Servers Providing Provisioning Data'),
      '#required' => 1,
      '#default_value' => $config
        ->get('drupalAcctProvisionServer') ? $config
        ->get('drupalAcctProvisionServer') : 'none',
      '#options' => $this->drupalAcctProvisionServerOptions,
      '#description' => $this
        ->t('Choose the LDAP server configuration to use in provisioning Drupal users and their user fields.'),
      '#states' => [
        // Action to take.
        'enabled' => [
          ':input[name=drupalAcctProvisionTriggers]' => [
    $form['basic_to_drupal']['drupalAcctProvisionTriggers'] = [
      '#type' => 'checkboxes',
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('Drupal Account Provisioning Events'),
      '#required' => FALSE,
      '#default_value' => $config
      '#options' => [
          ->t('Create or Sync to Drupal user on successful authentication with LDAP credentials. (Requires LDAP Authentication module).'),
          ->t('Create or Sync to Drupal user anytime a Drupal user account is created or updated. Requires a server with binding method of "Service Account Bind" or "Anonymous Bind".'),
      '#description' => $this
        ->t('Which user fields and properties are synced on create or sync is determined in the "Provisioning from LDAP to Drupal mappings" table below in the right two columns.'),
    $form['basic_to_drupal']['userConflictResolve'] = [
      '#type' => 'radios',
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('Existing Drupal User Account Conflict'),
      '#required' => 1,
      '#default_value' => $config
      '#options' => [
        self::USER_CONFLICT_LOG => $this
          ->t("Don't associate Drupal account with LDAP. Require user to use Drupal password. Log the conflict"),
        self::USER_CONFLICT_ATTEMPT_RESOLVE => $this
          ->t('Associate Drupal account with the LDAP entry. This option is useful for creating accounts and assigning roles before an LDAP user authenticates.'),
      '#description' => $this
        ->t('What should be done if a local Drupal or other external user account already exists with the same login name.'),
    $form['basic_to_drupal']['acctCreation'] = [
      '#type' => 'radios',
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('Application of Drupal Account settings to LDAP Authenticated Users'),
      '#required' => 1,
      '#default_value' => $config
      '#options' => [
          ->t('Account creation settings at /admin/config/people/accounts/settings do not affect "LDAP Associated" Drupal accounts.'),
          ->t('Account creation policy at /admin/config/people/accounts/settings applies to both Drupal and LDAP Authenticated users. "Visitors" option automatically creates and account when they successfully LDAP authenticate. "Admin" and "Admin with approval" do not allow user to authenticate until the account is approved.'),
    $form['basic_to_drupal']['disableAdminPasswordField'] = [
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('Disable the password fields at /admin/create/people and generate a random password.'),
      '#default_value' => $config
    $form['basic_to_drupal']['userUpdateMechanism'] = [
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => 'Periodic user update mechanism',
      '#description' => $this
        ->t('Allows you to sync the result of an LDAP query with your users. Creates new users and updates existing ones.'),
    if ($this->moduleHandler
      ->moduleExists('ldap_query')) {
      $updateMechanismOptions = [
        'none' => $this
          ->t('Do not update'),
      $queries = QueryController::getAllEnabledQueries();
      foreach ($queries as $query) {
          ->id()] = $query
      $form['basic_to_drupal']['userUpdateMechanism']['userUpdateCronQuery'] = [
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => $this
          ->t('LDAP query containing the list of entries to update'),
        '#required' => FALSE,
        '#default_value' => $config
        '#options' => $updateMechanismOptions,
      $form['basic_to_drupal']['userUpdateMechanism']['userUpdateCronInterval'] = [
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => $this
          ->t('How often should each user be synced?'),
        '#default_value' => $config
        '#options' => [
          'always' => $this
            ->t('On every cron run'),
          'daily' => $this
          'weekly' => $this
          'monthly' => $this
    else {
      $form['basic_to_drupal']['userUpdateMechanism']['userUpdateCronQuery'] = [
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#value' => 'none',
      $form['basic_to_drupal']['userUpdateMechanism']['userUpdateCronInterval'] = [
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#value' => 'monthly',
      $form['basic_to_drupal']['userUpdateMechanism']['notice'] = [
        '#markup' => $this
          ->t('Only available with LDAP Query enabled.'),
    $form['basic_to_drupal']['orphanedAccounts'] = [
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => 'Periodic orphaned accounts update mechanism',
      '#description' => $this
        ->t('<strong>Warning: Use this feature at your own risk!</strong>'),
    $form['basic_to_drupal']['orphanedAccounts']['orphanedCheckQty'] = [
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#size' => 10,
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('Number of users to check each cron run.'),
      '#default_value' => $config
      '#required' => FALSE,
    $account_options = [];
    $account_options['ldap_user_orphan_do_not_check'] = $this
      ->t('Do not check for orphaned Drupal accounts.');
    $account_options['ldap_user_orphan_email'] = $this
      ->t('Perform no action, but email list of orphaned accounts. (All the other options will send email summaries also.)');
    foreach (user_cancel_methods()['#options'] as $option_name => $option_title) {
      $account_options[$option_name] = $option_title;
    $form['basic_to_drupal']['orphanedAccounts']['orphanedDrupalAcctBehavior'] = [
      '#type' => 'radios',
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('Action to perform on Drupal accounts that no longer have corresponding LDAP entries'),
      '#default_value' => $config
      '#options' => $account_options,
      '#description' => $this
        ->t('It is highly recommended to fetch an email report first before attempting to disable or even delete users.'),
    $form['basic_to_drupal']['orphanedAccounts']['orphanedCheckQty'] = [
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#size' => 10,
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('Number of users to check each cron run.'),
      '#default_value' => $config
      '#required' => FALSE,
    $form['basic_to_drupal']['orphanedAccounts']['orphanedAccountCheckInterval'] = [
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('How often should each user be checked again?'),
      '#default_value' => $config
      '#options' => [
        'always' => $this
          ->t('On every cron run'),
        'daily' => $this
        'weekly' => $this
        'monthly' => $this
      '#required' => FALSE,
    $form['basic_to_ldap'] = [
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('Basic Provisioning to LDAP Settings'),
    $form['basic_to_ldap']['ldapEntryProvisionServer'] = [
      '#type' => 'radios',
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('LDAP Servers to Provision LDAP Entries on'),
      '#required' => 1,
      '#default_value' => $config
        ->get('ldapEntryProvisionServer') ? $config
        ->get('ldapEntryProvisionServer') : 'none',
      '#options' => $this->ldapEntryProvisionServerOptions,
      '#description' => $this
        ->t('Check ONE LDAP server configuration to create LDAP entries on.'),
    $form['basic_to_ldap']['ldapEntryProvisionTriggers'] = [
      '#type' => 'checkboxes',
      '#title' => $this
        ->t('LDAP Entry Provisioning Events'),
      '#required' => FALSE,
      '#default_value' => $config
      '#options' => [
          ->t('Create or Sync to LDAP entry when a Drupal account is created or updated. Only applied to accounts with a status of approved.'),
          ->t('Create or Sync to LDAP entry when a user authenticates.'),
          ->t('Delete LDAP entry when the corresponding Drupal Account is deleted.  This only applies when the LDAP entry was provisioned by Drupal by the LDAP User module.'),
          ->t('Provide option on admin/people/create to create corresponding LDAP Entry.'),
      '#description' => $this
        ->t('Which LDAP attributes are synced on create or sync is determined in the "Provisioning from Drupal to LDAP mappings" table below in the right two columns.'),
    $directions = [
    foreach ($directions as $direction) {
      if ($direction == self::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL) {
        $parentFieldset = 'basic_to_drupal';
        $description = $this
          ->t('Provisioning from LDAP to Drupal Mappings:');
      else {
        $parentFieldset = 'basic_to_ldap';
        $description = $this
          ->t('Provisioning from Drupal to LDAP Mappings:');
      $mappingId = 'mappings__' . $direction;
      $tableId = $mappingId . '__table';
      $form[$parentFieldset][$mappingId] = [
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#title' => $description,
        '#description' => $this
          ->t('See also the <a href="@wiki_link"> wiki page</a> for further information on using LDAP tokens.', [
          '@wiki_link' => '',
      $form[$parentFieldset][$mappingId][$tableId] = [
        '#type' => 'table',
        '#header' => [
            ->t('Machine name'),
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => [
      $headers = $this
      $form[$parentFieldset][$mappingId][$tableId]['#header'] = $headers['header'];

      // Add in the second header as the first row.
      $form[$parentFieldset][$mappingId][$tableId]['second-header'] = [
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => 'header',

      // Second header uses the same format as header.
      foreach ($headers['second_header'] as $cell) {
        $form[$parentFieldset][$mappingId][$tableId]['second-header'][] = [
          '#title' => $cell['data'],
          '#type' => 'item',
        if (isset($cell['class'])) {
          $form[$parentFieldset][$mappingId][$tableId]['second-header']['#attributes'] = [
            'class' => [
        if (isset($cell['rowspan'])) {
          $form[$parentFieldset][$mappingId][$tableId]['second-header']['#rowspan'] = $cell['rowspan'];
        if (isset($cell['colspan'])) {
          $form[$parentFieldset][$mappingId][$tableId]['second-header']['#colspan'] = $cell['colspan'];
      $mappingsToAdd = $this
      if ($mappingsToAdd) {
        $form[$parentFieldset][$mappingId][$tableId] += $mappingsToAdd;
      $moreLdapInfo = '<h3>' . $this
        ->t('Password Tokens') . '</h3><ul>';
      $moreLdapInfo .= '<li>' . $this
        ->t('Pwd: Random -- Uses a random Drupal generated password') . '</li>';
      $moreLdapInfo .= '<li>' . $this
        ->t('Pwd: User or Random -- Uses password supplied on user forms. If none available uses random password.') . '</li></ul>';
      $moreLdapInfo .= '<h3>' . $this
        ->t('Password Concerns') . '</h3>';
      $moreLdapInfo .= '<ul>';
      $moreLdapInfo .= '<li>' . $this
        ->t("Provisioning passwords to LDAP means passwords must meet the LDAP's password requirements.  Password Policy module can be used to add requirements.") . '</li>';
      $moreLdapInfo .= '<li>' . $this
        ->t('Some LDAPs require a user to reset their password if it has been changed  by someone other that user.  Consider this when provisioning LDAP passwords.') . '</li>';
      $moreLdapInfo .= '</ul></p>';
      $moreLdapInfo .= '<h3>' . $this
        ->t('Source Drupal User Tokens and Corresponding Target LDAP Tokens') . '</h3>';
      $moreLdapInfo .= $this
        ->t('Examples in form: Source Drupal User token => Target LDAP Token (notes): <ul>
        <li>Source Drupal User token => Target LDAP Token</li>
        <li>cn=[],ou=test,dc=ad,dc=mycollege,dc=edu => [dn] (example of token and constants)</li>
        <li>top => [objectclass:0] (example of constants mapped to multivalued attribute)</li>
        <li>person => [objectclass:1] (example of constants mapped to multivalued attribute)</li>
        <li>organizationalPerson => [objectclass:2] (example of constants mapped to multivalued attribute)</li>
        <li>user => [objectclass:3] (example of constants mapped to multivalued attribute)</li>
        <li>Drupal Provisioned LDAP Account => [description] (example of constant)</li>
        <li>[field.field_lname] => [sn]</li></ul>');

      // Add some password notes.
      if ($direction == self::PROVISION_TO_LDAP) {
        $form[$parentFieldset]['additional_ldap_hints'] = [
          '#type' => 'details',
          '#title' => $this
            ->t('Additional information'),
          '#collapsible' => TRUE,
          '#collapsed' => TRUE,
          'directions' => [
            '#markup' => $moreLdapInfo,
    $inputs = [
      'mappings__' . self::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL,
    foreach ($inputs as $inputName) {
      $form['basic_to_drupal'][$inputName]['#states']['invisible'] = [
        ':input[name=drupalAcctProvisionServer]' => [
          'value' => 'none',
    $form['basic_to_drupal']['orphanedAccounts']['#states']['invisible'] = [
      ':input[name=drupalAcctProvisionServer]' => [
        'value' => 'none',
    $inputs = [
    foreach ($inputs as $inputName) {
      $form['basic_to_drupal']['orphanedAccounts'][$inputName]['#states']['invisible'] = [
        ':input[name=orphanedDrupalAcctBehavior]' => [
          'value' => 'ldap_user_orphan_do_not_check',
    $inputs = [
      'mappings__' . self::PROVISION_TO_LDAP,
    foreach ($inputs as $inputName) {
      $form['basic_to_ldap'][$inputName]['#states']['invisible'] = [
        ':input[name=ldapEntryProvisionServer]' => [
          'value' => 'none',
    $form['actions']['#type'] = 'actions';
    $form['actions']['submit'] = [
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => 'Save',
    return $form;

   * Check if the user starts with an an invalid configuration.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Config\Config $config
   *   Config object.
  private function notifyMissingSyncServerCombination(Config $config) {
    $hasDrupalAcctProvServers = $config
    $hasDrupalAcctProvSettingsOptions = count(array_filter($config
      ->get('drupalAcctProvisionTriggers'))) > 0;
    if (!$config
      ->get('drupalAcctProvisionServer') && $hasDrupalAcctProvSettingsOptions) {
        ->t('No servers are enabled to provide provisioning to Drupal, but Drupal account provisioning options are selected.'), 'warning');
    elseif ($hasDrupalAcctProvServers && !$hasDrupalAcctProvSettingsOptions) {
        ->t('Servers are enabled to provide provisioning to Drupal, but no Drupal account provisioning options are selected. This will result in no syncing happening.'), 'warning');
    $has_ldap_prov_servers = $config
    $has_ldap_prov_settings_options = count(array_filter($config
      ->get('ldapEntryProvisionTriggers'))) > 0;
    if (!$has_ldap_prov_servers && $has_ldap_prov_settings_options) {
        ->t('No servers are enabled to provide provisioning to LDAP, but LDAP entry options are selected.'), 'warning');
    if ($has_ldap_prov_servers && !$has_ldap_prov_settings_options) {
        ->t('Servers are enabled to provide provisioning to LDAP, but no LDAP entry options are selected. This will result in no syncing happening.'), 'warning');

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function validateForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $values = $form_state
    $drupalMapKey = 'mappings__' . self::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL . '__table';
    $ldapMapKey = 'mappings__' . self::PROVISION_TO_LDAP . '__table';
    if ($values['drupalAcctProvisionServer'] != 'none') {
      foreach ($values[$drupalMapKey] as $key => $mapping) {
        if (isset($mapping['configurable_to_drupal']) && $mapping['configurable_to_drupal'] == 1) {

          // Check that the source is not empty for the selected field to sync
          // to Drupal.
          if ($mapping['user_attr'] !== '0') {
            if ($mapping['ldap_attr'] == NULL) {
              $formElement = $form['basic_to_drupal']['mappings__' . self::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL][$drupalMapKey][$key];
                ->setError($formElement, $this
                ->t('Missing LDAP attribute'));
    if ($values['ldapEntryProvisionServer'] != 'none') {
      foreach ($values[$ldapMapKey] as $key => $mapping) {
        if (isset($mapping['configurable_to_drupal']) && $mapping['configurable_to_drupal'] == 1) {

          // Check that the token is not empty if a user token is in use.
          if (isset($mapping['user_attr']) && $mapping['user_attr'] == 'user_tokens') {
            if (isset($mapping['user_tokens']) && empty(trim($mapping['user_tokens']))) {
              $formElement = $form['basic_to_ldap']['mappings__' . self::PROVISION_TO_LDAP][$ldapMapKey][$key];
                ->setError($formElement, $this
                ->t('Missing user token.'));

          // Check that a target attribute is set.
          if ($mapping['user_attr'] !== '0') {
            if ($mapping['ldap_attr'] == NULL) {
              $formElement = $form['basic_to_ldap']['mappings__' . self::PROVISION_TO_LDAP][$ldapMapKey][$key];
                ->setError($formElement, $this
                ->t('Missing LDAP attribute'));
    $processedLdapSyncMappings = $this
      ->getValues(), self::PROVISION_TO_LDAP);
    $processedDrupalSyncMappings = $this
      ->getValues(), self::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL);

    // Set error for entire table if [dn] is missing.
    if ($values['ldapEntryProvisionServer'] != 'none' && !isset($processedLdapSyncMappings['dn'])) {
        ->setErrorByName($ldapMapKey, $this
        ->t('Mapping rows exist for provisioning to LDAP, but no LDAP attribute is targeted for [dn]. One row must map to [dn]. This row will have a user token like cn=[],ou=users,dc=ldap,dc=mycompany,dc=com'));

    // Make sure only one attribute column is present.
    foreach ($processedLdapSyncMappings as $key => $mapping) {
      $maps = [];
      ConversionHelper::extractTokenAttributes($maps, $mapping['ldap_attr']);
      if (count(array_keys($maps)) > 1) {

        // TODO: Move this check out of processed mappings to be able to set the
        // error by field.
          ->setErrorByName($ldapMapKey, $this
          ->t('When provisioning to LDAP, LDAP attribute column must be singular token such as [cn]. %ldap_attr is not. Do not use compound tokens such as "[displayName] [sn]" or literals such as "physics".', [
          '%ldap_attr' => $mapping['ldap_attr'],

    // Notify the user if no actual synchronization event is active for a field.
    if (!$this
      ->checkPuidForOrphans($values['orphanedDrupalAcctBehavior'], $values['drupalAcctProvisionServer'])) {
        ->setErrorByName('orphanedDrupalAcctBehavior', $this
        ->t('You do not have a persistent user ID set in your server.'));

   * Check PUID for orphan configuration.
   * Avoids the easy mistake of forgetting PUID and not being able to clean
   * up users which are no longer available due to missing data.
   * @param string $orphanCheck
   *   Whether orphans are checked.
   * @param string $serverId
   *   Which server is used for provisioning.
   * @return bool
   *   If there is an incosistent state.
  private function checkPuidForOrphans($orphanCheck, $serverId) {
    if ($orphanCheck != 'ldap_user_orphan_do_not_check') {

      /** @var \Drupal\ldap_servers\Entity\Server $server */
      $server = $this->serverFactory
      if (empty($server
        ->get('unique_persistent_attr'))) {
        return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

   * Warn about fields without associated events.
   * @param array $mappings
   *   Field mappings.
  private function checkEmptyEvents(array $mappings) {
    foreach ($mappings as $mapping) {
      if (empty($mapping['prov_events'])) {
          ->t('No synchronization events checked in %item. This field will not be synchronized until some are checked.', [
          '%item' => $mapping['ldap_attr'],
        ]), 'warning');

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $drupalAcctProvisionServer = $form_state
      ->getValue('drupalAcctProvisionServer') == 'none' ? NULL : $form_state
    $ldapEntryProvisionServer = $form_state
      ->getValue('ldapEntryProvisionServer') == 'none' ? NULL : $form_state
    $processedSyncMappings[self::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL] = $this
      ->getValues(), self::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL);
    $processedSyncMappings[self::PROVISION_TO_LDAP] = $this
      ->getValues(), self::PROVISION_TO_LDAP);
      ->set('drupalAcctProvisionServer', $drupalAcctProvisionServer)
      ->set('ldapEntryProvisionServer', $ldapEntryProvisionServer)
      ->set('drupalAcctProvisionTriggers', $form_state
      ->set('ldapEntryProvisionTriggers', $form_state
      ->set('userUpdateCronQuery', $form_state
      ->set('userUpdateCronInterval', $form_state
      ->set('orphanedDrupalAcctBehavior', $form_state
      ->set('orphanedCheckQty', $form_state
      ->set('orphanedAccountCheckInterval', $form_state
      ->set('userConflictResolve', $form_state
      ->set('manualAccountConflict', $form_state
      ->set('acctCreation', $form_state
      ->set('disableAdminPasswordField', $form_state
      ->set('ldapUserSyncMappings', $processedSyncMappings)
      ->t('User synchronization configuration updated.'));

   * Migrated from .
  private function getServerMappingHeader($direction) {
    if ($direction == self::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL) {
      $header = [
          'data' => $this
            ->t('Source LDAP tokens'),
          'rowspan' => 1,
          'colspan' => 2,
          'data' => $this
            ->t('Target Drupal attribute'),
          'rowspan' => 1,
          'data' => $this
            ->t('Synchronization event'),
          'colspan' => count(LdapConfiguration::provisionsDrupalEvents()),
          'rowspan' => 1,
      $second_header = [
          'data' => $this
            ->t('Examples:<ul><li>[sn]</li><li>[mail:0]</li><li>[ou:last]</li><li>[sn], [givenName]</li></ul> Constants such as <em>17</em> or <em>imported</em> should not be enclosed in [].'),
          'header' => TRUE,
          'data' => $this
            ->t('Convert from binary'),
          'header' => TRUE,
          'data' => '',
          'header' => TRUE,
      foreach (LdapConfiguration::provisionsDrupalEvents() as $col_name) {
        $second_header[] = [
          'data' => $col_name,
          'header' => TRUE,
          'class' => 'header-provisioning',
    else {
      $header = [
          'data' => $this
            ->t('Source Drupal user attribute'),
          'rowspan' => 1,
          'colspan' => 3,
          'data' => $this
            ->t('Target LDAP token'),
          'rowspan' => 1,
          'data' => $this
            ->t('Synchronization event'),
          'colspan' => count($this
          'rowspan' => 1,
      $second_header = [
          'data' => $this
            ->t('Note: Select <em>user tokens</em> to use token field.'),
          'header' => TRUE,
          'data' => $this
            ->t('Source Drupal user tokens such as: <ul><li>[]</li><li>[field.field_fname]</li><li>[field.field_lname]</li></ul> Constants such as <em>from_drupal</em> or <em>18</em> should not be enclosed in [].'),
          'header' => TRUE,
          'data' => $this
            ->t('Convert From binary'),
          'header' => TRUE,
          'data' => $this
            ->t('Use singular token format such as: <ul><li>[sn]</li><li>[givenName]</li></ul>'),
          'header' => TRUE,
      foreach ($this
        ->provisionsLdapEvents() as $col_name) {
        $second_header[] = [
          'data' => $col_name,
          'header' => TRUE,
          'class' => 'header-provisioning',
    return [
      'header' => $header,
      'second_header' => $second_header,

   * Return the server mappings for the fields.
   * @param string $direction
   *   The provisioning direction.
   * @return array|bool
   *   Returns the mappings.
  private function getServerMappingFields($direction) {
    if ($direction == self::PROVISION_TO_NONE) {
      return FALSE;
    $rows = [];
    $text = $direction == self::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL ? 'target' : 'source';
    $userAttributeOptions = [
      '0' => $this
        ->t('Select') . ' ' . $text,
    $syncMappingsHelper = new SyncMappingHelper();
    $syncMappings = $syncMappingsHelper
    if (!empty($syncMappings[$direction])) {
      foreach ($syncMappings[$direction] as $target_id => $mapping) {
        if (!isset($mapping['name']) || isset($mapping['exclude_from_mapping_ui']) && $mapping['exclude_from_mapping_ui']) {
        if (isset($mapping['configurable_to_drupal']) && $mapping['configurable_to_drupal'] && $direction == self::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL || isset($mapping['configurable_to_ldap']) && $mapping['configurable_to_ldap'] && $direction == self::PROVISION_TO_LDAP) {
          $userAttributeOptions[$target_id] = $mapping['name'];
    if ($direction != self::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL) {
      $userAttributeOptions['user_tokens'] = '-- user tokens --';
    $row = 0;

    // 1. non configurable mapping rows.
    foreach ($syncMappings[$direction] as $target_id => $mapping) {
      $rowId = $this
      if (isset($mapping['exclude_from_mapping_ui']) && $mapping['exclude_from_mapping_ui']) {

      // Is configurable by ldap_user module (not direction to ldap_user)
      if (!$this
        ->isMappingConfigurable($mapping, 'ldap_user') && ($mapping['direction'] == $direction || $mapping['direction'] == self::PROVISION_TO_ALL)) {
        $rows[$rowId] = $this
          ->getSyncFormRow('nonconfigurable', $direction, $mapping, $userAttributeOptions, $rowId);
    $config = $this

    // 2. existing configurable mappings rows.
    if (!empty($config
      ->get('ldapUserSyncMappings')[$direction])) {

      // Key could be LDAP attribute name or user attribute name.
      foreach ($config
        ->get('ldapUserSyncMappings')[$direction] as $mapping) {
        if ($direction == self::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL) {
          $mapping_key = $mapping['user_attr'];
        else {
          $mapping_key = $mapping['ldap_attr'];
        if (isset($mapping['enabled']) && $mapping['enabled'] && $this
          ->isMappingConfigurable($syncMappings[$direction][$mapping_key], 'ldap_user')) {
          $rowId = 'row-' . $row;
          $rows[$rowId] = $this
            ->getSyncFormRow('update', $direction, $mapping, $userAttributeOptions, $rowId);

    // 3. leave 4 rows for adding more mappings.
    for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
      $rowId = 'custom-' . $i;
      $rows[$rowId] = $this
        ->getSyncFormRow('add', $direction, [], $userAttributeOptions, $rowId);
    return $rows;

   * Get mapping form row to LDAP user provisioning mapping admin form table.
   * @param string $action
   *   Action is either add, update, or nonconfigurable.
   * @param string $direction
   *   LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL or
   *   LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_TO_LDAP.
   * @param array $mapping
   *   Is current setting for updates or nonconfigurable items.
   * @param array $userAttributeOptions
   *   Attributes of Drupal user target options.
   * @param int $rowId
   *   Is current row in table.
   * @return array
   *   A single row
  private function getSyncFormRow($action, $direction, array $mapping, array $userAttributeOptions, $rowId) {
    $result = [];
    $idPrefix = 'mappings__' . $direction . '__table';
    $userAttributeInputeId = $idPrefix . "[{$rowId}][user_attr]";
    if ($action == 'nonconfigurable') {
      $ldapAttribute = [
        '#type' => 'item',
        '#default_value' => isset($mapping['ldap_attr']) ? $mapping['ldap_attr'] : '',
        '#markup' => isset($mapping['source']) ? $mapping['source'] : '?',
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => [
    else {
      $ldapAttribute = [
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => 'LDAP attribute',
        '#title_display' => 'invisible',
        '#default_value' => isset($mapping['ldap_attr']) ? $mapping['ldap_attr'] : '',
        '#size' => 20,
        '#maxlength' => 255,
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => [

      // Change the visibility rules if provisioning to LDAP.
      if ($direction == self::PROVISION_TO_LDAP) {
        $userTokens = [
          '#type' => 'textfield',
          '#title' => 'User tokens',
          '#title_display' => 'invisible',
          '#default_value' => isset($mapping['user_tokens']) ? $mapping['user_tokens'] : '',
          '#size' => 20,
          '#maxlength' => 255,
          '#disabled' => $action == 'nonconfigurable',
          '#attributes' => [
            'class' => [
        $userTokens['#states'] = [
          'visible' => [
            'select[name="' . $userAttributeInputeId . '"]' => [
              'value' => 'user_tokens',
    $convert = [
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => 'Convert from binary',
      '#title_display' => 'invisible',
      '#default_value' => isset($mapping['convert']) ? $mapping['convert'] : '',
      '#disabled' => $action == 'nonconfigurable',
      '#attributes' => [
        'class' => [
    if ($action == 'nonconfigurable') {
      $userAttribute = [
        '#type' => 'item',
        '#markup' => isset($mapping['name']) ? $mapping['name'] : '?',
    else {
      $userAttribute = [
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#title' => 'User attribute',
        '#title_display' => 'invisible',
        '#default_value' => isset($mapping['user_attr']) ? $mapping['user_attr'] : '',
        '#options' => $userAttributeOptions,

    // Get the order of the columns correctly.
    if ($direction == self::PROVISION_TO_LDAP) {
      $result['user_attr'] = $userAttribute;
      $result['user_tokens'] = $userTokens;
      $result['convert'] = $convert;
      $result['ldap_attr'] = $ldapAttribute;
    else {
      $result['ldap_attr'] = $ldapAttribute;
      $result['convert'] = $convert;
      $result['user_attr'] = $userAttribute;
    $result['#storage']['sync_mapping_fields'][$direction] = [
      'action' => $action,
      'direction' => $direction,

    // FIXME: Add table selection / ordering back:
    // $col and $row used to be paremeters to $result[$prov_event]. ID possible
    // not need needed anymore. Row used to be a parameter to this function.
    // $col = ($direction == LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_TO_LDAP) ?
    // 5 : 4;.
    if ($direction == self::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL) {
      $syncEvents = LdapConfiguration::provisionsDrupalEvents();
    else {
      $syncEvents = $this
    foreach ($syncEvents as $prov_event => $prov_event_name) {

      // @FIXME: Leftover code.
      // See above.
      // $col++;
      // $id = $id_prefix . implode('__', array('sm', $prov_event, $row));.
      $result[$prov_event] = [
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#title' => $prov_event,
        '#title_display' => 'invisible',
        '#default_value' => isset($mapping['prov_events']) ? (int) in_array($prov_event, $mapping['prov_events']) : '',
        '#disabled' => !$this
          ->provisionEventConfigurable($prov_event, $mapping) || $action == 'nonconfigurable',
        '#attributes' => [
          'class' => [

    // This one causes the extra column.
    $result['configurable_to_drupal'] = [
      '#type' => 'hidden',
      '#default_value' => $action != 'nonconfigurable' ? 1 : 0,
      '#class' => '',
    return $result;

   * Is a mapping configurable by a given module?
   * @param array|null $mapping
   *   As mapping configuration for field, attribute, property, etc.
   * @param string $module
   *   Machine name such as ldap_user.
   * @return bool
   *   Whether mapping is configurable.
  private function isMappingConfigurable($mapping = [], $module = 'ldap_user') {
    $configurable = (!isset($mapping['configurable_to_drupal']) && !isset($mapping['configurable_to_ldap']) || isset($mapping['configurable_to_drupal']) && $mapping['configurable_to_drupal'] || isset($mapping['configurable_to_ldap']) && $mapping['configurable_to_ldap']) && (!isset($mapping['config_module']) || isset($mapping['config_module']) && $mapping['config_module'] == $module);
    return $configurable;

   * Is a particular sync method viable for a given mapping?
   * That is, can it be enabled in the UI by admins?
   * @param int $prov_event
   *   Event to check.
   * @param array $mapping
   *   Array of mapping configuration.
   * @return bool
   *   Whether configurable or not.
  private function provisionEventConfigurable($prov_event, array $mapping = NULL) {
    $configurable = FALSE;
    if ($mapping) {
      if ($prov_event == self::EVENT_CREATE_LDAP_ENTRY || $prov_event == self::EVENT_SYNC_TO_LDAP_ENTRY) {
        $configurable = (bool) (!isset($mapping['configurable_to_ldap']) || $mapping['configurable_to_ldap']);
      elseif ($prov_event == self::EVENT_CREATE_DRUPAL_USER || $prov_event == self::EVENT_SYNC_TO_DRUPAL_USER) {
        $configurable = (bool) (!isset($mapping['configurable_to_drupal']) || $mapping['configurable_to_drupal']);
    else {
      $configurable = TRUE;
    return $configurable;

   * Returns a config compatible machine name.
   * @param string $string
   *   Field name to process.
   * @return string
   *   Returns safe string.
  private function sanitizeMachineName($string) {

    // Replace dots
    // Replace square brackets.
    return str_replace([
    ], [
    ], $string);

   * Extract sync mappings array from mapping table in admin form.
   * @param array $values
   *   As $form_state['values'] from Drupal FormAPI.
   * @param string $direction
   *   Direction to sync to.
   * @return array
   *   Returns the relevant mappings.
  private function syncMappingsFromForm(array $values, $direction) {
    $mappings = [];
    foreach ($values as $field_name => $value) {
      $parts = explode('__', $field_name);
      if ($parts[0] != 'mappings' || !isset($parts[1]) || $parts[1] != $direction) {

      // These are our rows.
      foreach ($value as $row_descriptor => $columns) {
        if ($row_descriptor == 'second-header') {
        $key = $direction == self::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL ? $this
          ->sanitizeMachineName($columns['user_attr']) : $this

        // Only save if its configurable and has an LDAP and Drupal attributes.
        // The others are optional.
        if ($columns['configurable_to_drupal'] && $columns['ldap_attr'] && $columns['user_attr']) {
          $mappings[$key] = [
            'ldap_attr' => trim($columns['ldap_attr']),
            'user_attr' => trim($columns['user_attr']),
            'convert' => $columns['convert'],
            'direction' => $direction,
            'user_tokens' => isset($columns['user_tokens']) ? $columns['user_tokens'] : '',
            'config_module' => 'ldap_user',
            'prov_module' => 'ldap_user',
            'enabled' => 1,
          $syncEvents = $direction == self::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL ? LdapConfiguration::provisionsDrupalEvents() : $this
          foreach ($syncEvents as $prov_event => $discard) {
            if (isset($columns[$prov_event]) && $columns[$prov_event]) {
              $mappings[$key]['prov_events'][] = $prov_event;
    return $mappings;

   * Returns the two provisioning events.
   * @return array
   *   Create and Sync event in display form.
  private function provisionsLdapEvents() {
    return [
      self::EVENT_CREATE_LDAP_ENTRY => $this
        ->t('On LDAP Entry Creation'),
      self::EVENT_SYNC_TO_LDAP_ENTRY => $this
        ->t('On Sync to LDAP Entry'),



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
ConfigFormBaseTrait::config protected function Retrieves a configuration object.
DependencySerializationTrait::$_entityStorages protected property An array of entity type IDs keyed by the property name of their storages.
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds protected property An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization.
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep public function 1
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup public function 2
FormBase::$configFactory protected property The config factory. 1
FormBase::$requestStack protected property The request stack. 1
FormBase::$routeMatch protected property The route match.
FormBase::configFactory protected function Gets the config factory for this form. 1
FormBase::container private function Returns the service container.
FormBase::currentUser protected function Gets the current user.
FormBase::getRequest protected function Gets the request object.
FormBase::getRouteMatch protected function Gets the route match.
FormBase::logger protected function Gets the logger for a specific channel.
FormBase::redirect protected function Returns a redirect response object for the specified route. Overrides UrlGeneratorTrait::redirect
FormBase::resetConfigFactory public function Resets the configuration factory.
FormBase::setConfigFactory public function Sets the config factory for this form.
FormBase::setRequestStack public function Sets the request stack object to use.
LdapUserAdminForm::$cache protected property
LdapUserAdminForm::$drupalAcctProvisionServerOptions protected property
LdapUserAdminForm::$ldapEntryProvisionServerOptions protected property
LdapUserAdminForm::$moduleHandler protected property
LdapUserAdminForm::$serverFactory protected property
LdapUserAdminForm::buildForm public function Form constructor. Overrides ConfigFormBase::buildForm
LdapUserAdminForm::checkEmptyEvents private function Warn about fields without associated events.
LdapUserAdminForm::checkPuidForOrphans private function Check PUID for orphan configuration.
LdapUserAdminForm::create public static function Instantiates a new instance of this class. Overrides ConfigFormBase::create
LdapUserAdminForm::getEditableConfigNames public function Gets the configuration names that will be editable. Overrides ConfigFormBaseTrait::getEditableConfigNames
LdapUserAdminForm::getFormId public function Returns a unique string identifying the form. Overrides FormInterface::getFormId
LdapUserAdminForm::getServerMappingFields private function Return the server mappings for the fields.
LdapUserAdminForm::getServerMappingHeader private function Migrated from .
LdapUserAdminForm::getSyncFormRow private function Get mapping form row to LDAP user provisioning mapping admin form table.
LdapUserAdminForm::isMappingConfigurable private function Is a mapping configurable by a given module?
LdapUserAdminForm::notifyMissingSyncServerCombination private function Check if the user starts with an an invalid configuration.
LdapUserAdminForm::provisionEventConfigurable private function Is a particular sync method viable for a given mapping?
LdapUserAdminForm::provisionsLdapEvents private function Returns the two provisioning events.
LdapUserAdminForm::sanitizeMachineName private function Returns a config compatible machine name.
LdapUserAdminForm::submitForm public function Form submission handler. Overrides ConfigFormBase::submitForm
LdapUserAdminForm::syncMappingsFromForm private function Extract sync mappings array from mapping table in admin form.
LdapUserAdminForm::validateForm public function Form validation handler. Overrides FormBase::validateForm
LdapUserAdminForm::__construct public function Constructs a \Drupal\system\ConfigFormBase object. Overrides ConfigFormBase::__construct
LdapUserAttributesInterface::ACCOUNT_CREATION_LDAP_BEHAVIOUR constant
LdapUserAttributesInterface::ACCOUNT_CREATION_USER_SETTINGS_FOR_LDAP constant
LdapUserAttributesInterface::EVENT_CREATE_DRUPAL_USER constant
LdapUserAttributesInterface::EVENT_CREATE_LDAP_ENTRY constant
LdapUserAttributesInterface::EVENT_LDAP_ASSOCIATE_DRUPAL_USER constant
LdapUserAttributesInterface::EVENT_SYNC_TO_DRUPAL_USER constant
LdapUserAttributesInterface::EVENT_SYNC_TO_LDAP_ENTRY constant
LdapUserAttributesInterface::MANUAL_ACCOUNT_CONFLICT_LDAP_ASSOCIATE constant
LdapUserAttributesInterface::MANUAL_ACCOUNT_CONFLICT_REJECT constant
LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_LDAP_ENTRY_ON_USER_ON_USER_DELETE constant
LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_TO_ALL constant
LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL constant
LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_TO_LDAP constant
LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_TO_NONE constant
LdapUserAttributesInterface::USER_CONFLICT_ATTEMPT_RESOLVE constant
LdapUserAttributesInterface::USER_CONFLICT_LOG constant
LinkGeneratorTrait::$linkGenerator protected property The link generator. 1
LinkGeneratorTrait::getLinkGenerator Deprecated protected function Returns the link generator.
LinkGeneratorTrait::l Deprecated protected function Renders a link to a route given a route name and its parameters.
LinkGeneratorTrait::setLinkGenerator Deprecated public function Sets the link generator service.
LoggerChannelTrait::$loggerFactory protected property The logger channel factory service.
LoggerChannelTrait::getLogger protected function Gets the logger for a specific channel.
LoggerChannelTrait::setLoggerFactory public function Injects the logger channel factory.
MessengerTrait::$messenger protected property The messenger. 29
MessengerTrait::messenger public function Gets the messenger. 29
MessengerTrait::setMessenger public function Sets the messenger.
RedirectDestinationTrait::$redirectDestination protected property The redirect destination service. 1
RedirectDestinationTrait::getDestinationArray protected function Prepares a 'destination' URL query parameter for use with \Drupal\Core\Url.
RedirectDestinationTrait::getRedirectDestination protected function Returns the redirect destination service.
RedirectDestinationTrait::setRedirectDestination public function Sets the redirect destination service.
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation protected property The string translation service. 1
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural protected function Formats a string containing a count of items.
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals protected function Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation protected function Gets the string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation public function Sets the string translation service to use. 2
StringTranslationTrait::t protected function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.
UrlGeneratorTrait::$urlGenerator protected property The url generator.
UrlGeneratorTrait::getUrlGenerator Deprecated protected function Returns the URL generator service.
UrlGeneratorTrait::setUrlGenerator Deprecated public function Sets the URL generator service.
UrlGeneratorTrait::url Deprecated protected function Generates a URL or path for a specific route based on the given parameters.