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function ldap_user_synch_triggers_key_values in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 ldap_user/ldap_user.module \ldap_user_synch_triggers_key_values()
2 calls to ldap_user_synch_triggers_key_values()
ldap_user_test_form in ldap_user/
Implements the LDAP user test page.
ldap_user_test_form_submit in ldap_user/
Submit hook for the LDAP server form.


ldap_user/ldap_user.module, line 1096
Module for the LDAP User Entity.


function ldap_user_synch_triggers_key_values() {
  return [
    LDAP_USER_DRUPAL_USER_PROV_ON_USER_UPDATE_CREATE => t('On synch to Drupal user create or update. Requires a server with binding method of "Service Account Bind" or "Anonymous Bind".'),
    LDAP_USER_DRUPAL_USER_PROV_ON_AUTHENTICATE => t('On create or synch to Drupal user when successfully authenticated with LDAP credentials. (Requires LDAP Authentication module).'),
    LDAP_USER_DRUPAL_USER_PROV_ON_ALLOW_MANUAL_CREATE => t('On manual creation of Drupal user from admin/people/create and "Create corresponding LDAP entry" is checked'),
    LDAP_USER_LDAP_ENTRY_PROV_ON_USER_UPDATE_CREATE => t('On creation or synch of an LDAP entry when a Drupal account is created or updated. Only applied to accounts with a status of approved.'),
    LDAP_USER_LDAP_ENTRY_PROV_ON_AUTHENTICATE => t('On creation or synch of an LDAP entry when a user authenticates.'),
    LDAP_USER_LDAP_ENTRY_DELETE_ON_USER_DELETE => t('On deletion of an LDAP entry when the corresponding Drupal Account is deleted.  This only applies when the LDAP entry was provisioned by Drupal by the LDAP User module.'),