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function ldap_user_ldap_provision_pwd in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 ldap_user/ldap_user.module \ldap_user_ldap_provision_pwd()

function to: -- store user entered password during pageload and protect unencrypted user password from other modules


enum string $action 'get' | 'set': @param string | FALE $value as user entered password

2 calls to ldap_user_ldap_provision_pwd()
ldap_servers_token_tokenize_user_account in ldap_servers/
ldap_user_grab_password_validate in ldap_user/ldap_user.module
store password from logon forms in ldap_user_ldap_provision_pwd static variable for use in provisioing to ldap


ldap_user/ldap_user.module, line 749
Module for the LDAP User Entity


function ldap_user_ldap_provision_pwd($action, $value = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {

  //$calling_function = FALSE;

  //if (function_exists('debug_backtrace') && $backtrace = debug_backtrace()) { //   {

  //  $calling_function = $backtrace[1]['function'];

  static $current_user_pass;
  if ($reset) {
    $current_user_pass = NULL;
  if ($action == 'set') {
    $current_user_pass = $value;
  elseif ($action == 'get' && $current_user_pass) {

    // && (!$calling_function || $calling_function == 'ldap_servers_token_tokenize_user_account')
    return $current_user_pass;
  else {
    return FALSE;