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function ldap_user_form_register_form_validate in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 ldap_user/ldap_user.module \ldap_user_form_register_form_validate()
  2. 8.2 ldap_user/ldap_user.module \ldap_user_form_register_form_validate()
  3. 8.3 ldap_user/ldap_user.module \ldap_user_form_register_form_validate()
1 string reference to 'ldap_user_form_register_form_validate'
ldap_user_form_user_register_form_alter in ldap_user/ldap_user.module
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). for user_register_form.


ldap_user/ldap_user.module, line 593
Module for the LDAP User Entity.


function ldap_user_form_register_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
  $values = $form_state['values'];
  $user_ldap_entry = NULL;
  $drupal_username = $form_state['values']['name'];
  if ($values['ldap_user_association'] == LDAP_USER_MANUAL_ACCT_CONFLICT_NO_LDAP_ASSOCIATE) {
    $form_state['values']['ldap_user_ldap_exclude'][LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = 1;

  // If corresponding ldap account doesn't exist and provision not selected and make ldap associated is selected, throw error.
  if (!@$values['ldap_user_create_ldap_acct'] && @$values['ldap_user_association'] == LDAP_USER_MANUAL_ACCT_CONFLICT_LDAP_ASSOCIATE) {
    $ldap_user_conf = ldap_user_conf();
    $ldap_user = ldap_servers_get_user_ldap_data($drupal_username, $ldap_user_conf->ldapEntryProvisionServer, 'ldap_user_prov_to_drupal');
    if (!$ldap_user) {
      form_set_error('ldap_user_association', t('User %name does not have a corresponding LDAP Entry (dn).
        Under LDAP options, you may NOT select "Make this an LDAP Associated Account"', [
        '%name' => $drupal_username,

  // If trying to provision and ldap account and one already exists, throw error.
  if (@$values['ldap_user_create_ldap_acct']) {
    $ldap_user_conf = ldap_user_conf();
    $ldap_user = ldap_servers_get_user_ldap_data($drupal_username, $ldap_user_conf->ldapEntryProvisionServer, 'ldap_user_prov_to_ldap');
    if ($ldap_user) {
      $tokens = [
        '%dn' => $ldap_user['dn'],
        '%name' => $drupal_username,
      form_set_error('ldap_user_create_ldap_acct', t('User %name already has a corresponding LDAP Entry (%dn).
        Uncheck "Create corresponding LDAP entry" to allow this Drupal user to be created.  Select
        "Make this an LDAP associated account" to associate this account with the ldap entry.', $tokens));