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6 calls to LdapTestCase::testId() in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 8.2

LdapAuthenticationTestCase::testUI in ldap_authentication/tests/ldap_authentication.test
make sure user admin interface works.
LdapUserIntegrationTests::testDrupalAccountsOrphaned in ldap_user/tests/ldap_user.test
test cron function for dealing with ldap associated users who no longer have ldap entries
LdapUserIntegrationTests::testProvisionToLdap in ldap_user/tests/ldap_user.test
integration tests for provisioning to ldap
LdapUserUITests::testUI in ldap_user/tests/ldap_user.test
make sure user admin interface works. (its a beast)
LdapUserUnitTests::testProvisionToDrupal in ldap_user/tests/ldap_user.test
LdapUserUnitTests::testUnitTests in ldap_user/tests/ldap_user.test
make sure install succeeds and ldap user functions/methods work