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public function LdapTestCase::testId in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 ldap_test/LdapTestCase.class.php \LdapTestCase::testId()

attempt to derive a testid from backtrace

6 calls to LdapTestCase::testId()
LdapAuthenticationTestCase::testUI in ldap_authentication/tests/ldap_authentication.test
make sure user admin interface works.
LdapUserIntegrationTests::testDrupalAccountsOrphaned in ldap_user/tests/ldap_user.test
test cron function for dealing with ldap associated users who no longer have ldap entries
LdapUserIntegrationTests::testProvisionToLdap in ldap_user/tests/ldap_user.test
integration tests for provisioning to ldap
LdapUserUITests::testUI in ldap_user/tests/ldap_user.test
make sure user admin interface works. (its a beast)
LdapUserUnitTests::testProvisionToDrupal in ldap_user/tests/ldap_user.test

... See full list


ldap_test/LdapTestCase.class.php, line 107




public function testId($description = NULL, $method = NULL) {
  static $test_id;
  static $i;
  if ($description || $method) {
    $test_id = NULL;
    $i = 0;
  elseif ($test_id) {

    // default test id
    return $test_id . '.' . $i;
  if (!$method) {
    $trace = debug_backtrace();
    $caller = array_shift($trace);
    $caller = array_shift($trace);
    $method = $caller['function'];
    $count = 1;
    $method = str_replace('test', '', $method, $count);
  $test_id = join(".", array(
  return $test_id;