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function ldap_servers_token_tokenize_entry in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 ldap_servers/ \ldap_servers_token_tokenize_entry()

Turn an ldap entry into a token array suitable for the t() function.


ldap entry array $ldap_entry:

string prefix token prefix such as !,%,[:

string suffix token suffix such as ]:

$token_keys: either an array of key names such as array('cn', 'dn') or string 'all' to return all tokens.

Return value

token array suitable for t() functions of with lowercase keys as exemplified below

$ldap_entry should be in form of single entry returned from ldap_search() function:

'dn' => 'cn=jdoe,ou=campus accounts,ou=toledo campus,dc=ad,dc=myuniversity,dc=edu', 'mail' => array( 0 => '', 'count' => 1), 'sAMAccountName' => array( 0 => 'jdoe', 'count' => 1), should return tokens such as:

-- from dn attribute [cn] = jdoe [cn:0] = jdoe [cn:last] => jdoe [cn:reverse:0] = jdoe [ou] = campus accounts [ou:0] = campus accounts [ou:1] = toledo campus [ou:last] = toledo campus [ou:reverse:0] = toledo campus [ou:reverse:1] = campus accounts [dc] = ad [dc:0] = ad [dc:1] = myuniversity [dc:2] = edu [dc:last] = edu [dc:reverse:0] = edu [dc:reverse:1] = myuniversity [dc:reverse:2] = ad

-- from other attributes [mail] = [mail:0] = [mail:last] = [samaccountname] = jdoe [samaccountname:0] = jdoe [samaccountname:last] = jdoe

[guid:0;base64_encode] = apply base64_encode() function to value [guid:0;bin2hex] = apply bin2hex() function to value [guid:0;msguid] = apply ldap_servers_msguid() function to value [guid:0;binary] = apply ldap_servers_binary() function to value. this is the most generic binary function

2 calls to ldap_servers_token_tokenize_entry()
ldap_servers_test_form_submit in ldap_servers/
Submit hook for the LDAP server form.
ldap_servers_token_replace in ldap_servers/


ldap_servers/, line 223
Collection of functions related to ldap tokens.


function ldap_servers_token_tokenize_entry($ldap_entry, $token_keys = 'all', $pre = LDAP_SERVERS_TOKEN_PRE, $post = LDAP_SERVERS_TOKEN_POST) {
  $detailed_watchdog_log = variable_get('ldap_help_watchdog_detail', 0);
  $tokens = [];
  $watchdog_tokens = [];
  if (function_exists('debug_backtrace') && ($backtrace = debug_backtrace())) {
    $watchdog_tokens['%calling_function'] = $backtrace[1]['function'];
  if (!is_array($ldap_entry)) {
    if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
      watchdog('ldap_servers', 'skipped tokenization of ldap entry because no ldap entry provided when called from %calling_function.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

    // Empty array.
    return $tokens;

  // Add lowercase keyed entries to ldap array.
  foreach ($ldap_entry as $key => $values) {
    $ldap_entry[drupal_strtolower($key)] = $values;

  // 1. tokenize dn
  // escapes attribute values, need to be unescaped later.
  $dn_parts = ldap_explode_dn($ldap_entry['dn'], 0);
  $parts_count = [];
  $parts_last_value = [];
  foreach ($dn_parts as $pair) {
    list($attr_name, $attr_value) = explode('=', $pair);
    $attr_value = ldap_pear_unescape_dn_value($attr_value);
    try {
      $attr_value = check_plain($attr_value);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
      if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
        $watchdog_tokens['%attr_name'] = $attr_name;
        watchdog('ldap_servers', 'skipped tokenization of attribute %attr_name because the value would not pass check_plain function.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

      // don't tokenize data that can't pass check_plain.
    if (!isset($parts_count[$attr_name])) {
      $tokens[$pre . ldap_server_massage_text($attr_name, 'attr_name', LDAP_SERVER_MASSAGE_TOKEN_REPLACE) . $post] = $attr_value;
      $parts_count[$attr_name] = 0;
    $tokens[$pre . ldap_server_massage_text($attr_name, 'attr_name', LDAP_SERVER_MASSAGE_TOKEN_REPLACE) . LDAP_SERVERS_TOKEN_DEL . (int) $parts_count[$attr_name] . $post] = $attr_value;
    $parts_last_value[$attr_name] = $attr_value;

  // Add the parts in reverse order to reflect the hierarchy.
  foreach ($parts_count as $part => $count) {
    $part = strtolower($part);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
      $reverse_position = $count - $i - 1;
      $tokens[$pre . $part . LDAP_SERVERS_TOKEN_DEL . 'reverse' . LDAP_SERVERS_TOKEN_DEL . $reverse_position . $post] = $tokens[$pre . $part . LDAP_SERVERS_TOKEN_DEL . $i . $post];
  foreach ($parts_count as $attr_name => $count) {
    $tokens[$pre . ldap_server_massage_text($attr_name, 'attr_name', LDAP_SERVER_MASSAGE_TOKEN_REPLACE) . LDAP_SERVERS_TOKEN_DEL . 'last' . $post] = $parts_last_value[$attr_name];

  // Tokenize other attributes.
  if ($token_keys == 'all') {
    $token_keys = array_keys($ldap_entry);
    $token_keys = array_filter($token_keys, "is_string");
    foreach ($token_keys as $attr_name) {
      $attr_value = $ldap_entry[$attr_name];
      if (is_array($attr_value) && is_scalar($attr_value[0]) && $attr_value['count'] == 1) {
        $tokens[$pre . ldap_server_massage_text($attr_name, 'attr_name', LDAP_SERVER_MASSAGE_TOKEN_REPLACE) . $post] = check_plain($attr_value[0]);
        $tokens[$pre . ldap_server_massage_text($attr_name, 'attr_name', LDAP_SERVER_MASSAGE_TOKEN_REPLACE) . LDAP_SERVERS_TOKEN_DEL . '0' . $post] = check_plain($attr_value[0]);
        $tokens[$pre . ldap_server_massage_text($attr_name, 'attr_name', LDAP_SERVER_MASSAGE_TOKEN_REPLACE) . LDAP_SERVERS_TOKEN_DEL . 'last' . $post] = check_plain($attr_value[0]);
      elseif (is_array($attr_value) && $attr_value['count'] > 1) {
        $tokens[$pre . ldap_server_massage_text($attr_name, 'attr_name', LDAP_SERVER_MASSAGE_TOKEN_REPLACE) . LDAP_SERVERS_TOKEN_DEL . 'last' . $post] = check_plain($attr_value[$attr_value['count'] - 1]);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $attr_value['count']; $i++) {
          $tokens[$pre . ldap_server_massage_text($attr_name, 'attr_name', LDAP_SERVER_MASSAGE_TOKEN_REPLACE) . LDAP_SERVERS_TOKEN_DEL . $i . $post] = check_plain($attr_value[$i]);
      elseif (is_scalar($attr_value)) {
        $tokens[$pre . ldap_server_massage_text($attr_name, 'attr_name', LDAP_SERVER_MASSAGE_TOKEN_REPLACE) . $post] = check_plain($attr_value);
        $tokens[$pre . ldap_server_massage_text($attr_name, 'attr_name', LDAP_SERVER_MASSAGE_TOKEN_REPLACE) . LDAP_SERVERS_TOKEN_DEL . '0' . $post] = check_plain($attr_value);
        $tokens[$pre . ldap_server_massage_text($attr_name, 'attr_name', LDAP_SERVER_MASSAGE_TOKEN_REPLACE) . LDAP_SERVERS_TOKEN_DEL . 'last' . $post] = check_plain($attr_value);
  else {
    foreach ($token_keys as $full_token_key) {

      // Token key = 'dn', 'mail', 'mail:0', 'mail:last', 'dept:1', 'guid:0' etc.
      $value = NULL;
      $conversion = FALSE;
      $parts = explode(';', $full_token_key);
      if (count($parts) == 2) {
        $conversion = $parts[1];
        $token_key = $parts[0];
      else {
        $token_key = $full_token_key;
      $parts = explode(LDAP_SERVERS_TOKEN_DEL, $token_key);
      $attr_name = drupal_strtolower($parts[0]);
      $ordinal_key = isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : 0;
      $i = NULL;

      // don't use empty() since a 0, "", etc value may be a desired value.
      if ($attr_name == 'dn' || !isset($ldap_entry[$attr_name])) {
      else {
        $count = $ldap_entry[$attr_name]['count'];
        if ($ordinal_key === 'last') {
          $i = $count > 0 ? $count - 1 : 0;
          $value = $ldap_entry[$attr_name][$i];
        elseif (is_numeric($ordinal_key) || $ordinal_key == '0') {
          $value = $ldap_entry[$attr_name][$ordinal_key];
        else {

          // don't add token if case not covered.
      if ($conversion) {
        switch ($conversion) {
          case 'base64_encode':
            $value = base64_encode($value);
          case 'bin2hex':
            $value = bin2hex($value);
          case 'msguid':
            $value = ldap_servers_msguid($value);
          case 'binary':
            $value = ldap_servers_binary($value);
      $tokens[$pre . $full_token_key . $post] = $value;
      if ($full_token_key != drupal_strtolower($full_token_key)) {
        $tokens[$pre . drupal_strtolower($full_token_key) . $post] = $value;

  // Include the dn.  it will not be handled correctly by previous loops.
  $tokens[$pre . 'dn' . $post] = check_plain($ldap_entry['dn']);
  return $tokens;