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function ldap_servers_token_extract_attributes in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 ldap_servers/ \ldap_servers_token_extract_attributes()


array $attributes array of attributes passed by reference:

string $text with tokens in it:

by reference return add ldap attribute triplet $attribute_maps[<attr_name>] = (<attr_name>, <ordinal>, <data_type>) to $attributes

7 calls to ldap_servers_token_extract_attributes()
hook_ldap_attributes_needed_alter in ldap_servers/ldap_servers.api.php
Perform alterations of ldap attributes before query is made.
LdapUserConf::getLdapUserRequiredAttributes in ldap_user/LdapUserConf.class.php
Util to fetch attributes required for this user conf, not other modules.
LdapUserConfAdmin::validate in ldap_user/LdapUserConfAdmin.class.php
validate object, not form
LdapUserUnitTests::testProvisionToDrupal in ldap_user/tests/ldap_user.test
ldap_servers_ldap_attributes_needed_alter in ldap_servers/ldap_servers.module
Implements hook_ldap_attributes_needed_alter().

... See full list


ldap_servers/, line 93
collection of functions related to ldap tokens


function ldap_servers_token_extract_attributes(&$attribute_maps, $text) {
  $tokens = ldap_servers_token_tokens_needed_for_template($text);
  foreach ($tokens as $token) {
    $token = str_replace(array(
    ), array(
    ), $token);
    $parts = explode(LDAP_SERVERS_TOKEN_DEL, $token);
    $ordinal = isset($parts[1]) && $parts[1] ? $parts[1] : 0;
    $attr_name = $parts[0];
    $source_data_type = NULL;
    $parts2 = explode(LDAP_SERVERS_TOKEN_MODIFIER_DEL, $attr_name);
    if (count($parts2) > 1) {
      $attr_name = $parts2[0];
      $conversion = $parts2[1];
    else {
      $conversion = NULL;
    $attribute_maps[$attr_name] = ldap_servers_set_attribute_map(@$attribute_maps[$attr_name], $conversion, array(
      $ordinal => NULL,