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function theme_ldap_servers_https_required in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 ldap_servers/ \theme_ldap_servers_https_required()
1 theme call to theme_ldap_servers_https_required()
ldap_servers_disable_http_check in ldap_servers/ldap_servers.module
disable a logon form if ldap preferences exclude http logon forms


ldap_servers/, line 98
theming functions for ldap_servers module


function theme_ldap_servers_https_required($vars) {
  if (!isset($vars['site_contact_link']) || empty($vars['site_contact_link'])) {
    $vars['site_contact_link'] = 'site admin';
  return t("You are accessing site_name using an unencrypted connection. For your security,\n     site_name only supports account logins using a secure protocol such as HTTPS. You can switch\n     to HTTPS by trying to view this page again after changing the URL in your browser's\n     location bar to begin with \"https\" instead of \"http\". Please contact\n      site_contact_link for help if this error continues.", $vars);