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function ldap_servers_get_servers in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 8.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 ldap_servers/ldap_servers.module \ldap_servers_get_servers()
  2. 7 ldap_servers/ldap_servers.module \ldap_servers_get_servers()

return ldap server conf objects


alphanum $sid:

enum $type 'all', 'enabled',:

boolean $flatten signifies if array or single object returned. Only works if sid is specified:

boolean $reset do not use cached or static result:

Return value

  • array of server conf object keyed on sid

    • single server conf object (if flatten == TRUE)
51 calls to ldap_servers_get_servers()
hook_ldap_attributes_needed_alter in ldap_servers/ldap_servers.api.php
Perform alterations of ldap attributes before query is made.
LdapAuthenticationConf::load in ldap_authentication/LdapAuthenticationConf.class.php
LdapAuthenticationConfAdmin::validate in ldap_authentication/LdapAuthenticationConfAdmin.class.php
validate object, not form
LdapAuthenticationConfAdmin::__construct in ldap_authentication/LdapAuthenticationConfAdmin.class.php
LdapAuthenticationTestCase::testAuthenticationWhitelistTests in ldap_authentication/tests/ldap_authentication.test

... See full list


ldap_servers/ldap_servers.module, line 521


function ldap_servers_get_servers($sid = NULL, $type = NULL, $flatten = FALSE, $reset = FALSE) {
  if (config('ldap_test.settings')
    ->get('simpletest')) {
    return _ldap_servers_get_simpletest_servers($sid, $type, $flatten, $reset);
  else {
    return _ldap_servers_get_servers($sid, $type, $flatten, $reset);