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function ldap_pear_escape_filter_value in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 ldap_servers/ \ldap_pear_escape_filter_value()
  2. 7 ldap_servers/ \ldap_pear_escape_filter_value()

From pear net_ldap2-2.0.11.

Escapes the given VALUES according to RFC 2254 so that they can be safely used in LDAP filters.

Any control characters with an ACII code < 32 as well as the characters with special meaning in LDAP filters "*", "(", ")", and "\" (the backslash) are converted into the representation of a backslash followed by two hex digits representing the hexadecimal value of the character.



array $values: Array of values to escape.

Return value

array Array $values, but escaped

5 calls to ldap_pear_escape_filter_value()
LdapServer::groupMembershipsFromEntryRecursive in ldap_servers/LdapServer.class.php
Recurse through all groups, adding parent groups to $all_group_dns array.
LdapServer::groupMembersResursive in ldap_servers/LdapServer.class.php
NOT IMPLEMENTED recurse through all child groups and add members.
LdapServer::groupUserMembershipsFromEntry in ldap_servers/LdapServer.class.php
Get list of all groups that a user is a member of by querying groups.
LdapServer::groupUserMembershipsFromUserAttr in ldap_servers/LdapServer.class.php
Get list of all groups that a user is a member of by using memberOf attribute first, then if nesting is true, using group entries to find parent groups.
ldap_server_massage_text in ldap_servers/
Function to massage (change case, escape, unescape) ldap attribute names and values. The primary purpose of this is to articulate and ensure consistency across ldap modules.


ldap_servers/, line 251
Collection of functions that don't belong in server object.


function ldap_pear_escape_filter_value($values = []) {

  // Parameter validation.
  $is_scalar = is_scalar($values);
  if ($is_scalar) {
    $values = [
  if ($values === NULL) {
    return NULL;
  foreach ($values as $key => $val) {

    // Escaping of filter meta characters.
    $val = str_replace('\\', '\\5c', $val);
    $val = str_replace('*', '\\2a', $val);
    $val = str_replace('(', '\\28', $val);
    $val = str_replace(')', '\\29', $val);

    // ASCII < 32 escaping.
    $val = ldap_pear_asc2hex32($val);
    if (NULL === $val) {
      $val = '\\0';

    // apply escaped "null" if string is empty
    $values[$key] = $val;
  return $is_scalar ? $values[0] : $values;