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function drush_ldap_servers_set_password in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7.2

Callback for the ldap-servers-set-password command.

@option string --password Used to provide the password via an option in the Drush command.


string $ldap_sid: The server ID for which to set the password.

Return value

Error or success message.


ldap_servers/, line 45
LDAP module drush integration.


function drush_ldap_servers_set_password($ldap_sid = NULL) {

  // Check for the argument.
  if (!isset($ldap_sid)) {
    return drush_set_error(t('The server ID was not included as an argument. Use the "Machine name for this server configuration." found on the edit screen for that server.'));

  // Instantiate the server configuration with the provided sid.
  ldap_servers_module_load_include('php', 'ldap_servers', 'LdapServerAdmin.class');
  $ldap_server = new LdapServerAdmin($ldap_sid);
  if (isset($ldap_server)) {

    // Retrieves the password from the --password option set in the drush command.
    $ldap_server->bindpw = drush_get_option('password');
    if (!isset($ldap_server->bindpw)) {
      return drupal_set_message(dt('No password was provided for @ldap_sid. A password has not been set.', [
        '@ldap_sid' => $ldap_sid,

    // Save the server configuration with the password.

    // Notify of success.
    return drupal_set_message(dt('Password for @ldap_sid has been set.', [
      '@ldap_sid' => $ldap_sid,

  // Provided server ID does not match any of the existing server IDs.
  return drush_set_error(dt('@ldap_sid does not match the server ID of any configured servers.  Use the "Machine name for this server configuration." found on the edit screen for that server.', [
    '@ldap_sid' => $ldap_sid,