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public function LdapServer::groupMembershipsFromEntryResursive in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 8.2

recurse through all groups, adding parent groups to $all_group_dns array.


array $current_group_entries of ldap group entries that are starting point. should include at least 1 entry.:

array $all_group_dns as array of all groups user is a member of. MIXED CASE VALUES:

array $tested_group_ids as array of tested group dn, cn, uid, etc. MIXED CASE VALUES: whether these value are dn, cn, uid, etc depends on what attribute members, uniquemember, memberUid contains whatever attribute is in $this->$tested_group_ids to avoid redundant recursing

int $level of recursion:

int $max_levels as max recursion allowed:

given set of groups entries ($current_group_entries such as it, hr, accounting), find parent groups (such as staff, people, users) and add them to list of group memberships ($all_group_dns)


Return value

FALSE for error or misconfiguration, otherwise TRUE. results are passed by reference.

2 calls to LdapServer::groupMembershipsFromEntryResursive()
LdapServer::groupUserMembershipsFromEntry in ldap_servers/LdapServer.class.php
get list of all groups that a user is a member of by querying groups
LdapServer::groupUserMembershipsFromUserAttr in ldap_servers/LdapServer.class.php
get list of all groups that a user is a member of by using memberOf attribute first, then if nesting is true, using group entries to find parent groups


ldap_servers/LdapServer.class.php, line 1708
Defines server classes and related functions.


LDAP Server Class


public function groupMembershipsFromEntryResursive($current_group_entries, &$all_group_dns, &$tested_group_ids, $level, $max_levels) {
  if (!$this->groupGroupEntryMembershipsConfigured || !is_array($current_group_entries) || count($current_group_entries) == 0) {
    return FALSE;
  if (isset($current_group_entries['count'])) {
  $ors = array();
  foreach ($current_group_entries as $i => $group_entry) {
    if ($this->groupMembershipsAttrMatchingUserAttr == 'dn') {
      $member_id = $group_entry['dn'];
    else {

      // maybe cn, uid, etc is held
      $member_id = ldap_servers_get_first_rdn_value_from_dn($group_entry['dn'], $this->groupMembershipsAttrMatchingUserAttr);
    if ($member_id && !in_array($member_id, $tested_group_ids)) {
      $tested_group_ids[] = $member_id;
      $all_group_dns[] = $group_entry['dn'];

      // add $group_id (dn, cn, uid) to query
      $ors[] = $this->groupMembershipsAttr . '=' . $member_id;
  if (count($ors)) {
    $count = count($ors);
    for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i = $i + LDAP_SERVER_LDAP_QUERY_CHUNK) {

      // only 50 or so per query
      $current_ors = array_slice($ors, $i, LDAP_SERVER_LDAP_QUERY_CHUNK);
      $or = '(|(' . join(")(", $current_ors) . '))';

      // e.g. (|(cn=group1)(cn=group2)) or   (|(dn=cn=group1,ou=blah...)(dn=cn=group2,ou=blah...))
      $query_for_parent_groups = '(&(objectClass=' . $this->groupObjectClass . ')' . $or . ')';
      foreach ($this->basedn as $base_dn) {

        // need to search on all basedns one at a time
        $group_entries = $this
          ->search($base_dn, $query_for_parent_groups);

        // no attributes, just dns needed
        if ($group_entries !== FALSE && $level < $max_levels) {
            ->groupMembershipsFromEntryResursive($group_entries, $all_group_dns, $tested_group_ids, $level + 1, $max_levels);
  return TRUE;