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function _submit_cancel in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 6

Dummy submit hook. Allows us to cancel the current form action.

4 string references to '_submit_cancel'
ldap_api_activate_server_form in ./
activate Server implimentation of hook_form(). Creating the actual form itself happens here.
ldap_api_deactivate_server_form in ./
deactivate Server implimentation of hook_form(). Creating the actual form itself happens here.
ldap_api_delete_server_form in ./
Delete Server implimentation of hook_form(). Creating the actual form itself happens here.
ldap_api_edit_server_form in ./
Server Add/Edit/Modify implimentation of hook_form(). Creating the actual form itself happens here.


./, line 483


function _submit_cancel() {