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function ldap_profile_translate in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7

Provides a custom tranlation for ldap to drupal information example - ldap stores has a field that specfies supervior = supervisor in drupal you might want to store this a single on/off checkbox this will allow you write a data translation for that field @params - field - indicates which ldap field is being translated @params - value - indicates the value from ldap that was pulled


ldap_profile/ldap_profile.module, line 252
This module provides the LDAP package the ability populate drupal profile fields with ldap entry data such as last name, first name, etc.


function ldap_profile_translate($field, $value) {
  require_once '';
  $value = ldap_profile_custom_translate($field, $value);
  drupal_alter('ldap_profile_field', $value, $field);
  return $value;