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function ldap_authorization_og2_has_consumer_id in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 ldap_authorization/ldap_authorization_og/ldap_authorization_og.module \ldap_authorization_og2_has_consumer_id()
2 calls to ldap_authorization_og2_has_consumer_id()
LdapAuthorizationConsumerOG::hasAuthorization in ldap_authorization/ldap_authorization_og/LdapAuthorizationConsumerOG.class.php
NOTE this is in mixed case, since we must rely on whatever module is storing the authorization id.
LdapAuthorizationOg2Tests::testBasicFunctionsAndApi in ldap_authorization/tests/Og2Tests.test
Just make sure install succeeds and.


ldap_authorization/ldap_authorization_og/ldap_authorization_og.module, line 95
Controls organic group membership based on LDAP values.


function ldap_authorization_og2_has_consumer_id($consumer_id, $uid) {
  $parts = explode(':', $consumer_id);
  $result = FALSE;
  $watchdog_tokens = [
    '%consumer_id' => $consumer_id,
    '%uid' => $uid,
  if (count($parts) == 3) {
    list($group_type, $gid, $rid) = $parts;

    // Need to make sure entity exists before calling og_get_user_roles which will throw fatal error.
    if ($group = entity_load_single($group_type, $gid)) {
      if (og_is_group($group_type, $group)) {
        $roles = og_get_user_roles($group_type, $gid, $uid, TRUE);
        $result = isset($roles[$rid]);
      else {
        watchdog('ldap_authorization_og', "ldap_authorization_og2_has_consumer_id passed value of non og group consumer_id=%consumer_id, uid=%uid", $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    else {
      watchdog('ldap_authorization_og', "ldap_authorization_og2_has_consumer_id could not load entity requested: consumer_id=%consumer_id, uid=%uid", $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
  return $result;