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public function LdapAuthorizationConsumerDrupalRole::createConsumers in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7

extends createConsumer method of base class

creates of drupal roles may be mixed case. drupal doesn't differentiate, so case is ignored in comparing, but preserved for the actual created role name saved.


Overrides LdapAuthorizationConsumerAbstract::createConsumers


ldap_authorization/ldap_authorization_drupal_role/LdapAuthorizationConsumerRole.class.php, line 67




public function createConsumers($creates_mixed_case) {

  // 1. determins difference between existing drupal roles and ones that are requested to be created
  $existing_roles_mixed_case = $this
  $creates_lower_case = array_map('drupal_strtolower', $creates_mixed_case);
  $existing_roles_lower_case = array_map('drupal_strtolower', $existing_roles_mixed_case);
  $roles_map_lc_to_mixed_case = array_combine($creates_lower_case, $creates_mixed_case);
  $roles_to_create = array_unique(array_diff($creates_lower_case, $existing_roles_lower_case));

  // 2. create each role that is needed
  foreach ($roles_to_create as $i => $role_name_lowercase) {
    if (strlen($role_name_lowercase) > 63) {
      watchdog('ldap_authorization_drupal_role', 'Tried to create drupal role with name of over 63 characters (%group_name).  Please correct your drupal ldap_authorization settings', array(
        '%group_name' => $role_name_lowercase,
    $role = new stdClass();
    $role->name = $roles_map_lc_to_mixed_case[$role_name_lowercase];
    if (!($status = user_role_save($role))) {

      // if role is not created, remove from array to user object doesn't have it stored as granted
      watchdog('user', 'failed to create drupal role %role in ldap_authorizations module', array(
        '%role' => $role->name,
    else {
      $created[] = $role->name;
      watchdog('user', 'drupal role %role in ldap_authorizations module', array(
        '%role' => $role->name,

  // 3. return all existing user roles and flush cache of consumer ids.
  $refreshed_available_consumer_ids = $this
  if ($this->detailedWatchdogLog) {
    $watchdog_tokens = array(
      '%roles_to_create' => join(", ", $roles_to_create),
    $watchdog_tokens = array(
      '%existing_roles' => join(", ", $existing_roles_mixed_case),
    $watchdog_tokens = array(
      '%refreshed_available_consumer_ids' => join(", ", $refreshed_available_consumer_ids),
    watchdog('ldap_authorization', 'LdapAuthorizationConsumerDrupalRole.createConsumers()
        roles to create: %roles_to_create;
        existing roles: %existing_roles;
        available roles after createConsumers call: %refreshed_available_consumer_ids;', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
  return $refreshed_available_consumer_ids;

  // return actual roles that exist, in case of failure