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LdapAuthorizationConsumerRole.class.php in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7


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// $Id:  $

 * @file
 * abstract class to represent an ldap_authorization consumer
 * such as drupal_role, og_group, etc.
module_load_include('php', 'ldap_authorization', 'LdapAuthorizationConsumerAbstract.class');
class LdapAuthorizationConsumerDrupalRole extends LdapAuthorizationConsumerAbstract {
  public $consumerType = 'drupal_role';
  public $allowSynchBothDirections = FALSE;
  public $allowConsumerObjectCreation = TRUE;
  public $onlyApplyToLdapAuthenticatedDefault = TRUE;
  public $useMappingsAsFilterDefault = TRUE;
  public $synchOnLogonDefault = TRUE;
  public $synchManuallyDefault = TRUE;
  public $revokeLdapProvisionedDefault = TRUE;
  public $regrantLdapProvisionedDefault = TRUE;
  public $createContainersDefault = TRUE;
  private $drupalRolesByName = array();

   * Constructor Method
  function __construct($consumer_type = NULL) {
    $params = ldap_authorization_drupal_role_ldap_authorization_consumer();
    parent::__construct('drupal_role', $params['drupal_role']);
  public function refreshConsumerIDs() {
    $this->drupalRolesByName = array();
    foreach (array_flip(user_roles()) as $role_name => $rid) {
      $this->drupalRolesByName[drupal_strtolower($role_name)] = $rid;
    $this->_availableConsumerIDs = array();

    // array_values(user_roles(TRUE));
    foreach (array_values(user_roles(TRUE)) as $role_name) {
      $this->_availableConsumerIDs[] = $role_name;
  public function availableConsumerIDs($reset = FALSE) {
    if ($reset || !is_array($this->_availableConsumerIDs)) {
    return $this->_availableConsumerIDs;

   * extends createConsumer method of base class
   * creates of drupal roles may be mixed case.  drupal doesn't
   * differentiate, so case is ignored in comparing, but preserved
   * for the actual created role name saved.
   * **/
  public function createConsumers($creates_mixed_case) {

    // 1. determins difference between existing drupal roles and ones that are requested to be created
    $existing_roles_mixed_case = $this
    $creates_lower_case = array_map('drupal_strtolower', $creates_mixed_case);
    $existing_roles_lower_case = array_map('drupal_strtolower', $existing_roles_mixed_case);
    $roles_map_lc_to_mixed_case = array_combine($creates_lower_case, $creates_mixed_case);
    $roles_to_create = array_unique(array_diff($creates_lower_case, $existing_roles_lower_case));

    // 2. create each role that is needed
    foreach ($roles_to_create as $i => $role_name_lowercase) {
      if (strlen($role_name_lowercase) > 63) {
        watchdog('ldap_authorization_drupal_role', 'Tried to create drupal role with name of over 63 characters (%group_name).  Please correct your drupal ldap_authorization settings', array(
          '%group_name' => $role_name_lowercase,
      $role = new stdClass();
      $role->name = $roles_map_lc_to_mixed_case[$role_name_lowercase];
      if (!($status = user_role_save($role))) {

        // if role is not created, remove from array to user object doesn't have it stored as granted
        watchdog('user', 'failed to create drupal role %role in ldap_authorizations module', array(
          '%role' => $role->name,
      else {
        $created[] = $role->name;
        watchdog('user', 'drupal role %role in ldap_authorizations module', array(
          '%role' => $role->name,

    // 3. return all existing user roles and flush cache of consumer ids.
    $refreshed_available_consumer_ids = $this
    if ($this->detailedWatchdogLog) {
      $watchdog_tokens = array(
        '%roles_to_create' => join(", ", $roles_to_create),
      $watchdog_tokens = array(
        '%existing_roles' => join(", ", $existing_roles_mixed_case),
      $watchdog_tokens = array(
        '%refreshed_available_consumer_ids' => join(", ", $refreshed_available_consumer_ids),
      watchdog('ldap_authorization', 'LdapAuthorizationConsumerDrupalRole.createConsumers()
        roles to create: %roles_to_create;
        existing roles: %existing_roles;
        available roles after createConsumers call: %refreshed_available_consumer_ids;', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
    return $refreshed_available_consumer_ids;

    // return actual roles that exist, in case of failure
  public function revokeSingleAuthorization(&$user, $role_name, &$user_auth_data) {
    $user_edit = array(
      'roles' => array_diff($user->roles, array(
          ->getDrupalRoleByName($role_name) => $role_name,
    $account = user_load($user->uid);
    $user = user_save($account, $user_edit);
    $result = $user && !isset($user->roles[$this
    if ($this->detailedWatchdogLog) {
      watchdog('ldap_authorization', 'LdapAuthorizationConsumerDrupalRole.revokeSingleAuthorization()
        revoked:  rid=%rid, role_name=%role_name for username=%username, result=%result', array(
        '%rid' => $this
        '%role_name' => $role_name,
        '%username' => $user->name,
        '%result' => $result,
    return $result;

   * extends grantSingleAuthorization()
  public function grantSingleAuthorization(&$user, $role_name, &$user_auth_data) {
    if (is_null($this
      ->getDrupalRoleByName($role_name))) {
      watchdog('ldap_authorization', 'LdapAuthorizationConsumerDrupalRole.grantSingleAuthorization()
        failed to grant %username the role %role_name because role does not exist', array(
        '%role_name' => $role_name,
        '%username' => $user->name,
      return FALSE;
    $new_roles = $user->roles + array(
        ->getDrupalRoleByName($role_name) => $role_name,
    $user_edit = array(
      'roles' => $new_roles,
    if ($this->detailedWatchdogLog) {
      watchdog('ldap_authorization', 'grantSingleAuthorization in drupal rold' . print_r($user, TRUE), array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
    $account = user_load($user->uid);
    $user = user_save($account, $user_edit);
    $result = $user && isset($user->roles[$this->drupalRolesByName[drupal_strtolower($role_name)]]);
    if ($this->detailedWatchdogLog) {
      watchdog('ldap_authorization', 'LdapAuthorizationConsumerDrupalRole.grantSingleAuthorization()
        granted: rid=%rid, role_name=%role_name for username=%username, result=%result', array(
        '%rid' => $this
        '%role_name' => $role_name,
        '%username' => $user->name,
        '%result' => $result,
    return $result;
  public function usersAuthorizations(&$user) {
    return array_values($user->roles);
  public function validateAuthorizationMappingTarget($map_to, $form_values = NULL, $clear_cache = FALSE) {
    $has_form_values = is_array($form_values);
    $message_type = NULL;
    $message_text = NULL;
    $normalized = $this
    $tokens = array(
      '!map_to' => $map_to,
    $pass = FALSE;
    if (is_array($normalized) && isset($normalized[0][1]) && $normalized[0][1] !== FALSE) {
      $available_authorization_ids = $this
      $available_authorization_ids = array_map('drupal_strtolower', $available_authorization_ids);
      $pass = in_array(drupal_strtolower($normalized[0]), $available_authorization_ids);
    if (!$pass) {
      $message_text = '<code>"' . t('!map_to', $tokens) . '</code>" ' . t('does not map to any existing Drupal roles. ');
      if ($has_form_values) {
        $create_consumers = isset($form_values['synchronization_actions']['create_consumers']) && $form_values['synchronization_actions']['create_consumers'];
      else {
        $create_consumers = $this->consumerConf->create_consumers;
      if ($create_consumers && $this->allowConsumerObjectCreation) {
        $message_type = 'warning';
        $message_text .= t('It will be created when needed.  If "!map_to" is not intentional, please fix it', $tokens);
      elseif (!$this->allowConsumerObjectCreation) {
        $message_type = 'error';
        $message_text .= t('Since automatic Drupal role creation is not possible with this module, an existing role must be mapped to.');
      elseif (!$create_consumers) {
        $message_type = 'error';
        $message_text .= t('Since automatic Drupal role creation is disabled, an existing role must be mapped to.  Either enable role creation or map to an existing role.');
    return array(
  private function getDrupalRoleByName($role_name) {
    $role_name_lowercase = drupal_strtolower($role_name);
    return isset($this->drupalRolesByName[$role_name_lowercase]) ? $this->drupalRolesByName[$role_name_lowercase] : NULL;
