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class LdapAuthenticationConf in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7.2

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  1. 8.2 ldap_authentication/LdapAuthenticationConf.class.php \LdapAuthenticationConf
  2. 7 ldap_authentication/LdapAuthenticationConf.class.php \LdapAuthenticationConf


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ldap_authentication/LdapAuthenticationConf.class.php, line 13

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class LdapAuthenticationConf {

   * Server configuration ids being used for authentication.
   * @var array
   * @see LdapServer->sid()
  public $sids = [];

   * Server configuration ids being used for authentication.
   * @var associativearrayofLdapServerobjectskeyedonsids
   * @see LdapServer->sid()
   * @see LdapServer
  public $enabledAuthenticationServers = [];

   * LdapUser configuration object.
   * @var LdapUserobject

   * Ldap_user configuration object.
  public $ldapUser = NULL;

   * Has current object been saved to the database?
   * @var bool
  public $inDatabase = FALSE;

   * Choice of authentication modes.
   * @var int
   *   LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_MIXED - signifies both LDAP and Drupal authentication are allowed
   *     Drupal authentication is attempted first.
   *   LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EXCLUSIVE - signifies only LDAP authenication is allowed
  public $authenticationMode = LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_MODE_DEFAULT;

   * The following are used to alter the logon interface to direct users
   * to local LDAP specific authentication help.

   * Text describing username to use, such as "Hogwarts Username"
   *  which will be inserted on logon forms to help users figure out which
   *  username to use.
   * @var string
  public $loginUIUsernameTxt;

   * Text describing password to use, such as "Hogwards LDAP Password"
   *  which will be inserted on logon forms.  Useful in organizations with
   *  multiple account types for authentication.
   * @var string
  public $loginUIPasswordTxt;

   * Text and Url to provide help link for password such as:
   *   ldapUserHelpLinkUrl:
   *   ldapUserHelpLinkText:  Hogwarts IT Password Support Page.
   * @var string
  public $ldapUserHelpLinkUrl;

   * Email handling option
   *   LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_FIELD_REMOVE -- don't show email on user forms
   *   LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_FIELD_DISABLE (default) -- disable email on user forms
   *   LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_FIELD_ALLOW -- allow editing of email on user forms.
   * @var int

   * Email handling option
   *   LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_UPDATE_ON_LDAP_CHANGE_ENABLE_NOTIFY -- (default) Update stored email if LDAP email differs at login and notify user
   *   LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_UPDATE_ON_LDAP_CHANGE_ENABLE  -- Update stored email if LDAP email differs at login but don\'t notify user
   *   LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_UPDATE_ON_LDAP_CHANGE_DISABLE -- Don\'t update stored email if LDAP email differs at login.
   * @var int

   * Email default handling option.
   * This affects how email addresses that are empty are handled by
   * the authentication process.
   *   LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_NONE -- leaves the email empty
   *   LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_IF_EMPTY (default) -- if the email is empty, it will be replaced
   *   LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_ALWAYS -- always use the template
   * @var int

   * Email template.
   * @var string

   * Whether or not to display a notification to the user on login, prompting
   * them to change their email.
   * @var bool

   * Whether or not to avoid updating the email address of the user if the
   * template was used to generate it.
   * @var bool

   * Whether or not to use the email template if there is a user with a different
   * login name but same email address in the system.
   * @var bool

   * A PCRE regular expression (minus the delimiter and flags) that will be used
   * if $templateUsagePromptUser is set to true to determine if the email
   * address is a fake one or not.
   * By allowing this to be customized, we let the administrators handle older
   * patterns should they decide to change the existing one, as well as avoiding
   * the complexity of determining a proper regex from the template.
   * @var string

   * Controls whether or not we should check on login if the email template was
   * used and redirect the user if needed.
   * @var bool

   * Password handling option
   *   LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD_FIELD_SHOW -- show field disabled on user forms
   *   LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD_FIELD_HIDE (default) -- disable password on user forms
   *   LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD_FIELD_ALLOW -- allow editing of password on user forms.
   * @var int
  public $ssoEnabled = FALSE;
  public $ssoRemoteUserStripDomainName = FALSE;
  public $ssoExcludedPaths = NULL;
  public $ssoExcludedHosts = NULL;
  public $seamlessLogin = FALSE;
  public $ssoNotifyAuthentication = FALSE;
  public $ldapImplementation = FALSE;
  public $apiPrefs = [];

   * Advanced options.   whitelist / blacklist options.
   * These are on the fuzzy line between authentication and authorization
   * and determine if a user is allowed to authenticate with ldap.

   * Text which must be present in user's LDAP entry's DN for user to authenticate with LDAP
   *   e.g. "ou=people".
   * @var string

   * Eg ou=education that must be met to allow ldap authentication.
  public $allowOnlyIfTextInDn = [];

   * Text which prohibits logon if found in user's LDAP entry's DN for user to authenticate with LDAP
   *   e.g. "ou=guest accounts".
   * @var string
  public $excludeIfTextInDn = [];

   * Code that prints 1 or 0 signifying if user is allowed
   *   should not start with <?php.
   * @var stringofphp
  public $allowTestPhp = NULL;

   * If at least 1 ldap authorization must exist for user to be allowed
   *   True signfies disallow if no authorizations.
   *   False signifies don't consider authorizations.
   * @var bool
  public $excludeIfNoAuthorizations = LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EXCL_IF_NO_AUTHZ_DEFAULT;
  public $saveable = [

  public function hasEnabledAuthenticationServers() {
    return !(count($this->enabledAuthenticationServers) == 0);

  public function enabled_servers() {
    return $this

  public function __construct() {

  public function load() {
    if ($saved = variable_get("ldap_authentication_conf", FALSE)) {
      $this->inDatabase = TRUE;
      foreach ($this->saveable as $property) {
        if (isset($saved[$property])) {
          $this->{$property} = $saved[$property];

      // Reset in case reloading instantiated object.
      $this->enabledAuthenticationServers = [];
      $enabled_ldap_servers = ldap_servers_get_servers(NULL, 'enabled');
      foreach ($this->sids as $sid => $enabled) {
        if ($enabled && isset($enabled_ldap_servers[$sid])) {
          $this->enabledAuthenticationServers[$sid] = $enabled_ldap_servers[$sid];
    else {
      $this->inDatabase = FALSE;
    $this->ldapUser = new LdapUserConf();
    $this->ssoEnabled = module_exists('ldap_sso');
    $this->apiPrefs['requireHttps'] = variable_get('ldap_servers_require_ssl_for_credentials', 0);
    $this->apiPrefs['encryption'] = variable_get('ldap_servers_encryption', LDAP_SERVERS_ENC_TYPE_CLEARTEXT);

   * Destructor Method.
  public function __destruct() {

   * Decide if a username is excluded or not.
   * @param string $name
   *   as proposed drupal username.
   * @param array $ldap_user
   *   where top level keys are 'dn','attr','mail'.
   * @return boolean FALSE means NOT allow; TRUE means allow
   * @todo. this function should simply invoke hook_ldap_authentication_allowuser_results_alter
   *   and most of this function should go in ldap_authentication_allowuser_results_alter
  public function allowUser($name, $ldap_user) {

     * do one of the exclude attribute pairs match
    $ldap_user_conf = ldap_user_conf();

    // If user does not already exists and deferring to user settings AND user settings only allow.
    $user_register = variable_get('user_register', USER_REGISTER_VISITORS_ADMINISTRATIVE_APPROVAL);
    foreach ($this->excludeIfTextInDn as $test) {
      if (stripos($ldap_user['dn'], $test) !== FALSE) {

        // Match.
        return FALSE;

     * evaluate php if it exists
    if ($this->allowTestPhp) {
      if (module_exists('php')) {
        global $_name, $_ldap_user_entry;
        $_name = $name;
        $_ldap_user_entry = $ldap_user;
        $code = '<?php ' . "global \$_name; \n  global \$_ldap_user_entry; \n" . $this->allowTestPhp . ' ?>';
        $code_result = php_eval($code);
        $_name = NULL;
        $_ldap_user_entry = NULL;
        if ((bool) $code_result == FALSE) {
          return FALSE;
      else {
        drupal_set_message(t(LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_DISABLED_FOR_BAD_CONF_MSG), 'warning');
        $tokens = [
          '!ldap_authentication_config' => l(t('LDAP Authentication Configuration'), 'admin/config/people/ldap/authentication'),
        watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'LDAP Authentication is configured to deny users based on php execution with php_eval function, but php module is not enabled. Please enable php module or remove php code at !ldap_authentication_config .', $tokens);
        return FALSE;

     * do one of the allow attribute pairs match
    if (count($this->allowOnlyIfTextInDn)) {
      $fail = TRUE;
      foreach ($this->allowOnlyIfTextInDn as $test) {
        if (stripos($ldap_user['dn'], $test) !== FALSE) {
          $fail = FALSE;
      if ($fail) {
        return FALSE;

     * is excludeIfNoAuthorizations option enabled and user not granted any groups
    if ($this->excludeIfNoAuthorizations) {
      if (!module_exists('ldap_authorization')) {
        drupal_set_message(t(LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_DISABLED_FOR_BAD_CONF_MSG), 'warning');
        $tokens = [
          '!ldap_authentication_config' => l(t('LDAP Authentication Configuration'), 'admin/config/people/ldap/authentication'),
        watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'LDAP Authentication is configured to deny users without LDAP Authorization mappings, but LDAP Authorization module is not enabled.  Please enable and configure LDAP Authorization or disable this option at !ldap_authentication_config .', $tokens);
        return FALSE;
      $user = new stdClass();
      $user->name = $name;

      // Fake user property added for query.
      $user->ldap_authenticated = TRUE;
      $consumers = ldap_authorization_get_consumers();
      $has_enabled_consumers = FALSE;
      $has_ldap_authorizations = FALSE;
      foreach ($consumers as $consumer_type => $consumer_config) {
        $consumer_obj = ldap_authorization_get_consumer_object($consumer_type);
        if ($consumer_obj->consumerConf->status) {
          $has_enabled_consumers = TRUE;
          list($authorizations, $notifications) = ldap_authorizations_user_authorizations($user, 'query', $consumer_type, 'test_if_authorizations_granted');
          if (isset($authorizations[$consumer_type]) && count($authorizations[$consumer_type]) > 0) {
            $has_ldap_authorizations = TRUE;
      if (!$has_enabled_consumers) {
        drupal_set_message(t(LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_DISABLED_FOR_BAD_CONF_MSG), 'warning');
        $tokens = [
          '!ldap_consumer_config' => l(t('LDAP Authorization Configuration'), 'admin/config/people/ldap/authorization'),
        watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'LDAP Authentication is configured to deny users without LDAP Authorization mappings, but 0 LDAP Authorization consumers are configured:  !ldap_consumer_config .', $tokens);
        return FALSE;
      elseif (!$has_ldap_authorizations) {
        return FALSE;

    // Allow other modules to hook in and refuse if they like.
    $hook_result = TRUE;
    drupal_alter('ldap_authentication_allowuser_results', $ldap_user, $name, $hook_result);
    if ($hook_result === FALSE) {
      watchdog('ldap_authentication', "Authentication Allow User Result=refused for %name", [
        '%name' => $name,
      return FALSE;

     * default to allowed
    return TRUE;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
LdapAuthenticationConf::$allowOnlyIfTextInDn public property Eg ou=education that must be met to allow ldap authentication.
LdapAuthenticationConf::$allowTestPhp public property Code that prints 1 or 0 signifying if user is allowed should not start with <?php.
LdapAuthenticationConf::$apiPrefs public property
LdapAuthenticationConf::$authenticationMode public property Choice of authentication modes.
LdapAuthenticationConf::$cookieExpire public property
LdapAuthenticationConf::$emailOption public property Email handling option LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_FIELD_REMOVE -- don't show email on user forms LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_FIELD_DISABLE (default) -- disable email on user forms LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_FIELD_ALLOW -- allow editing of email on…
LdapAuthenticationConf::$emailTemplate public property Email template.
LdapAuthenticationConf::$emailTemplateHandling public property Email default handling option.
LdapAuthenticationConf::$emailUpdate public property Email handling option LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_UPDATE_ON_LDAP_CHANGE_ENABLE_NOTIFY -- (default) Update stored email if LDAP email differs at login and notify user LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_UPDATE_ON_LDAP_CHANGE_ENABLE -- Update stored email if LDAP…
LdapAuthenticationConf::$enabledAuthenticationServers public property Server configuration ids being used for authentication.
LdapAuthenticationConf::$excludeIfNoAuthorizations public property If at least 1 ldap authorization must exist for user to be allowed True signfies disallow if no authorizations. False signifies don't consider authorizations.
LdapAuthenticationConf::$excludeIfTextInDn public property Text which prohibits logon if found in user's LDAP entry's DN for user to authenticate with LDAP e.g. "ou=guest accounts".
LdapAuthenticationConf::$inDatabase public property Has current object been saved to the database?
LdapAuthenticationConf::$ldapImplementation public property
LdapAuthenticationConf::$ldapUser public property Ldap_user configuration object.
LdapAuthenticationConf::$ldapUserHelpLinkText public property
LdapAuthenticationConf::$ldapUserHelpLinkUrl public property Text and Url to provide help link for password such as: ldapUserHelpLinkUrl: ldapUserHelpLinkText: Hogwarts IT Password Support Page.
LdapAuthenticationConf::$loginUIPasswordTxt public property Text describing password to use, such as "Hogwards LDAP Password" which will be inserted on logon forms. Useful in organizations with multiple account types for authentication.
LdapAuthenticationConf::$loginUIUsernameTxt public property Text describing username to use, such as "Hogwarts Username" which will be inserted on logon forms to help users figure out which username to use.
LdapAuthenticationConf::$passwordOption public property Password handling option LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD_FIELD_SHOW -- show field disabled on user forms LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD_FIELD_HIDE (default) -- disable password on user forms LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD_FIELD_ALLOW -- allow editing of…
LdapAuthenticationConf::$saveable public property
LdapAuthenticationConf::$seamlessLogin public property
LdapAuthenticationConf::$sids public property Server configuration ids being used for authentication.
LdapAuthenticationConf::$ssoEnabled public property
LdapAuthenticationConf::$ssoExcludedHosts public property
LdapAuthenticationConf::$ssoExcludedPaths public property
LdapAuthenticationConf::$ssoNotifyAuthentication public property
LdapAuthenticationConf::$ssoRemoteUserStripDomainName public property
LdapAuthenticationConf::$templateUsageNeverUpdate public property Whether or not to avoid updating the email address of the user if the template was used to generate it.
LdapAuthenticationConf::$templateUsagePromptRegex public property A PCRE regular expression (minus the delimiter and flags) that will be used if $templateUsagePromptUser is set to true to determine if the email address is a fake one or not.
LdapAuthenticationConf::$templateUsagePromptUser public property Whether or not to display a notification to the user on login, prompting them to change their email.
LdapAuthenticationConf::$templateUsageRedirectOnLogin public property Controls whether or not we should check on login if the email template was used and redirect the user if needed.
LdapAuthenticationConf::$templateUsageResolveConflict public property Whether or not to use the email template if there is a user with a different login name but same email address in the system.
LdapAuthenticationConf::allowUser public function Decide if a username is excluded or not.
LdapAuthenticationConf::enabled_servers public function
LdapAuthenticationConf::hasEnabledAuthenticationServers public function
LdapAuthenticationConf::load public function
LdapAuthenticationConf::__construct public function 1
LdapAuthenticationConf::__destruct public function Destructor Method.